Lucasart's Fracture

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Karou Ariyen
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Lucasart's Fracture

Post by Karou Ariyen »

The demo was pure sh*t. No seriously, the demo was pure sh*t. The retail copy has gotten much better. The only complaint so far (about halfway through the game) is the camera is a bit wonky no matter how I adjust the sensitivity settings.

At first glance you may think this is a generic "let's be Halo" clone. It isn't. Far From it to be blunt. Tactics are going to be essential, you can and must rely on your squad mate's AI. Think and act quick. This isn't a run and gun game, it isn't a 'hide behind a barrier game.' This is a total, think it out and shoot. East against West. No Not Global Hemisphere's, The United States to be exact. You play as the west. The east succeeds when the president outlaws genetic cloning. Now you must take them down. The biggest kick I get is the terrain gun and grenades, make terrain move up or down. It's funny and exciting, Top that Bungie! It likes to play as a generic run and gun game, but that isn't the case. Even on Casual (I'll tackle the other difficulties after my initial playthrough. Halo is the only game I tackle on Hard right off the bat.) your shields are limited, and unless you practice with the controls, you will get screwed very quickly. Using the terrain gun for cover, really awesome. Portable barrier right? You're gun can overheat on the terrain raising and lowering.

Audio timing sometimes can be a bit mismatched. Music... It's Lucasarts, they never fail there. Voice work? I love it, it's well matched and good voice actors who know how to give the right Vocal tones. My second favorite feature is what is known as "Conversation Pool." Squads shooting in combat or standing still will have full conversations and will stop talking when said Pool limit has been reached.

The Actual developers are Day 1 Studios, I've personally never heard of them, but for the most part, they got everything right. Unlike Silicon Knights and their "Let's make the right analog stick for melee combat...." this game returns to how it should be controller layout wise. Melee hits will be often and frequent. If you hide too long, the enemy AI WILL come looking for you. If they do, smack 'em with the B button. Sometimes you'll enter and surprise a guard on the other side of the wall. Smack 'em with the B button. When using the grenade launcher guns and/or grenades, please stand back. I fired an enemy missile launcher too low and blew myself up :lol:

I haven't been able to kill my teammates AI with bullets, but explosions can kill them. The teammate AI is like Halo 2/3. Very Solid, and competent. They took out guards I couldn't see other then the red enemy dots on the compass. Oh and a little side note, Use the enemy weapons a lot for added achievements :D The game can be frustrating at some points, but it isn't filled with impossible AI like....say the ending boss fight in Gears of War. Pushing the BACK button will pan the camera onto hints. Say if your objective is to lower a bridge, It'll show the post it's on. Put 2 and 2 together, blow it up with a grenade shot. (FYI Spoiler warning, 2nd Level that is going to be a real objective.)

I haven't touched Xbox live yet, because my brother's asleep, and I'm going to use his poor FPS skills as my carcass test. On the main menu there was a notice "Collect 10 Data to unlock the Weapons Test" Their purple floating squares. In the tutorial level you will see it and it will ding you 5 points~ Groovy, Eh?

So for the most of what I've played, it's pretty damn solid. A nice thing since the past couple of years, the only good FPS's I can say I enjoyed was Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Check it out at a video store near you~
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Re: Lucasart's Fracture

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Re: Lucasart's Fracture

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