The Story of Moro

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The Story of Moro

Post by LostDream »

Patr I... Story of Home

Hello everyone.... My name is Moro and I would like to tell you of my story so far. :)

My momon was a very proud mithran white mage. She was the most prittiest thing ive known... She meet my dad when my momon was leading a small tribe of mithrans away from the great war engulfing the entir world by the cursed shadow lord. Momon would only describe my papa as the most nobelest and honarable hume she ever meet and wish that she would continue by his side after escorting her tribeto a small secuded island out of Kazham; which is still undsicover. Momon did not want to fallow him into conflict when she found that she was pergnate with me and staid and watched over our tirbe with great pride and honor but a sence of loss of her love back into the heart of chaos.

When i was very yong, momon has mad begin teaching me the basic's of magic and slowly becomeing a redmage. As time grew and I begin to age a little, my basics of redmagic was completed and i've know several beginner spells and a few midlv spells. But I yeared for more than just magic and slowly and secretly began training on sword technice away from my momon knowlage. When i reached the age of 16, ive completly mastered my tribes ritual of age and ritual of magic and had the blessing to venture out into the world and expolor my curiosity with the world.

On the day I was to leave my tribe, my momon came up to me and told me of her old childhood friend who has vanished without a trace and feared to be dead. At a yong age my momon was great friends with another mithra named Mimiru. She was a powerful redmage but suddenly turned her back on magic in persew of something more nobel and not meant for a mithra by others eyes. My momon last heard that she was a great samari/ranger with no alegance but to those of her people and those who needed her and if I should come across her path to ask her to visit my momon at a disclosed location that only they know of on a certian night of the year. I ask my momon why did Mimiru turn her back on the powers of redmagic and got no reply but with a little sight of sarrow. With a quick embrace from my momon, I set sail to the great city of Windurst to further my redmagic lessons.

Part 2 comeing soon :D
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:38 am

Post by LostDream »

Part 2... Story of Windurst

It was several weeks in a small sailed ship before i reached the sight of the marvelous great tree of windurst. As I got closer to the city, I saw in aww of what a magnificent place it is to continue my studies under a master redmagic. In arriveing in the port of windurst, I was astonished in seeing how beutiful that natural eliments were encoperated into the reconstrution. I slowly wandered around this buisy city for days, discovering new places and new things every minet but felt out of place in this high tence place filled with different life. On the 4th day in windurst, I found my master who has been expecting me a bit sooner but did not consern himself about timeof the matter and insisted that we begin review of what basic redmagic spells i knew of. I showed this cute little redmagic master tarutaru all that ive known and insisted that I imediatly dedicate myself to the further studdies of the magical arts.

After a week of studdies ive became most restless and a bit iratable in the tarutaru's techniques of teaching and began to wonder around the Windurstwoods druing my studie time. I fealt a little bit more at home in Windurust woods, but on accident in a far reaches out of windurstwoods i stumbeded across a great and nobel mithran samari curled up in a ball, with her beautiful red armor on, her helmet beside her, a large bow tied across her chest, two great kitanas on her left side. As i tried to sneek up slowly and curiously without any noise, she said to me with her head between her legs with arms corssed, "Its not worth it yong one." I paused for a moment and stood up so she can see me and replyed, "I'm sorry master samari, i was not intending to disturb or rob you."
she replyed ,"Its ok my child, pls come sit with me. Its been soo long since i had some company around here."
"I do not wish to be harmed master Samari."
"Its ok my child, if i wanted to hurt you by now, you wouldnt have been able to talk to me now." she said reply with a hint of great sarrow in her voice.

We spent many great days and nights talking about the skills I have learned and are continue to learn, in a sence, ive became her pupil in sword training and techniques. On the last day together I asked her why she was in such great sarrow and she answered that those she cared dearly for have betrayed her heart and kindness. I asked her for her name and she told me, "Mimiru, my name is Mimiru and pls dont call me master samari anymore, im not very powerful and deserve no sympothy. I have no aligance to any nations here. I only deserve to fade away from those who do not wish my kindness and greacful charity."
"Nonsence, you still have a place to go to, Momon said you can always visit those who havent forgotten you at that special place on that special time of the year Mimiru." as the day slowly rolled close to night she has told me all her secrets of the way of the samari and told me the four key basic's in all of vana'diel. The way of the sword; They way of the bow; The way of magic; and the way of shadow... she warned me about venturing to shadows, its leads to rather un healty way to persew young mithra life. She told me to keep an opean mind and keep those close to my heart. With saying that, she wiped her tears from her eyes, handed me one of her great kitana's and slowly walked out to the gate with her head lowly slumped, I wished her best of luck and hope that our paths cross again.

As i thought to myself, if i want to become a great and powerful redmage and the support of those of my peopel and the acknowlage ment of other races, i will need to venturn onto a path consider very shadow and dark for a redmage. I will need to become a Redmage as of love and a ninja at heart. I thanked Mimiru for her teachings to me and slowly continue my studdies of redmagic at my own pace and reading upon the loor of a ninja life.

Part 3 comeing soon :D
Queen Cat
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Re: The Story of Moro

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