So I went to the state capitol yesterday...

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So I went to the state capitol yesterday...

Post by mozyr »

Wow. Yesterday was just...AWESOME.

I got up around 7 AM to drive up to my open house thing at the State House/Capitol in Phoenix, AZ for my upcoming internship -- I was ready and out of the house by 7:20 (this includes doing my hair, putting on make up, and a dress. LOL) There was no way in hell I was getting up before 7 AM, since I'll be doing that everyday from Jan. 3 - first week of May when the legislative session breaks.

When I got up there, I found out that out of over 300 applicants from the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University, with the House internships being the most prominent positions out of the internships for the Governor's Office, Supreme Court, Broadcasting, and Senate, that the caucus interns have one of the most visible positions, and they're the ones who get picked first. People tend to fight over them. In other words, it's the most competitive internships to get. And I got one! So out of 300 people who made it in, I was one of -- I think maybe a dozen or so people who got into the minority/majority caucus internships. Awesome. I had one committee in the Senate vying for me, and then another non-caucus one in the House trying to get me as well. (This gave me such a huge ego boost yesterday that I still haven't come off it, so I apologize for all of this since I'm bragging. I'm just so effing proud of myself!! I can't help but brag!)

Some current interns showed us around the House building. We got to walk up into the gallery, but not onto the gallery floor (we're not allowed on the floor unless we're pages or representatives). I remember the last time I was there was about 3 years ago protesting a cut in university spending, and before that, during my third grade year in school. It was absolutely magical, and I was able to feel that magic all over again when I walked into the room and inhaled the scent of old oak tables, old paper, and pleasantly stale-smelling carpet (it has a kind of comfortable, homey smell to it). The gallery is set up in a semi-circle, with the speaker of the house sitting up front, and the recorders sitting underneath them in their own area. The senators sets are set up in front of that on the ground, facing the seat of the Speaker of the House, and have their backs to the "audience" sitting above them. There are doors on every side of the gallery, next to which sit two pages who answer questions and pass them along to the senators, should someone go down to the office behind the gallery doors with a question or a concern.

Above the gallery floor, there's a tier of about 120 seats where people from the public can come sit and listen. House interns are allowed to listen to stuff if they want to, so I plan on doing that during my break time. This is SO cool. I'm SO excited about this! I'm such a politics junkie. I still think it's hella weird that there's just this plain looking office (honestly, it reminded me of my elementary school office), and that if you open up the wrong door -- wow! You're in the "homeroom" of all the representatives! It's really cool.

We were also shown around to our parking lot. We get to park with the representatives from the House (just a little behind them, though it's close to the back door of the House building). Even though I do have my own assigned parking space in the House of Representatives parking lot just off Washington St., I'm probably going to park in the smaller visitor's parking lot west of it. It's about a ten minute walk, but it's gorgeous, and it'll be pretty much the only time during the day that I'll be able to see scenery since the House staff works in a basement with no windows.

Also, there's just something inherently cool about being able to say that I can walk past the FBI building, the Governor's Office, and the Corporation Commission building every morning. I also get a chance to walk through Wesley Boleyn Park, which is across the street from where I'll be working. It's a nice, relaxing walk. The park is full of really tall trees (a rare sight in Arizona), wildflowers, and sculptures. They sometimes have parades, fairs, and farmer's markets (every Thursday, I believe) going on, and it's just very refreshing. So rather than park in the back, I'll probably wind up getting a little fresh air before work every morning, so I can sit back and smell the flowers.

It was explained to us in the conference room we were in what would be going on during the first week of our training. That's when we learn everything from how to amend bills to how to present them to committees and make sure they get sent off at the appropriate times. I'll have my own nifty-looking House/press badge to wear around my neck to get past security, and I'm allowed anywhere as an intern -- the only thing that's off-limits to me is the staff lounge, which is where all the senators go to relax. But if I know an analyst and get cushy with them, they're allowed to escort me in there. So I'd better get friendly with my analyst! LOL It's an INCREDIBLY nice lounge with oak tables, leather back chairs, and old western-type paintings, with these gorgeous-looking lamps. The lamp bases (some of them) are made of bronze, cast in the shape of bald eagles with their wings spread, or are cast in the shape of the Arizona State crest. It has a very old Victorian library feel to it.

My office is located in the Democratic caucus area at the end of the hall in the House staff section of the building. I have the smallest desk, but by the luck of the draw, I have a full file cabinet to do whatever I want with. And I'm off in my own corner, which is where I prefer to work anyways. So I have an assload of space to work with, it's quiet, and I'll be working in a room full of other people my age who're working on different committees. I was also shown the main caucus room I'll be using to present bills to the minority caucus (the democrats this time around), quorums (the public can attend these forums and raise questions), and other forums -- it's about 1/4 the size of the gallery, but set up in the same manner. Still, it's a HUGE room. I'll have my own desk and podium, and will be speaking to 40-50 people when presenting bills (in quorum meetings -- caucus meetings work differently). I will also be dealing with lobbyists, so I have my own phone number and all that great stuff. I even get nifty-looking business cards that look all official (because they are). HA! God, this is so cool.

Our intern-guides showed us around the state capitol building, located between the House and Senate buildings. All three buildings (I think) are connected by underground walkways. So in case you never want to see the sun while you're walking, you can use the underground tunnels to get where you want to go. We did a quick walk-through of the museum in the capitol building, and were informed NOT to use the cafeteria there (the interns call it The Dump), but to go to the Dept. of Public Services office across the street since their cafe has better food. I'll probably wind up walking to the La Salida cafe on Washington about a block from my parking garage since their food is cheap, and its good. ($4 for a side of beans, two corn tortillas, salsa, and sunny-side up eggs. GOD, that was a good breakfast yesterday!) We were also shown around the rest of the basement, the little honor-system coffee lounge on the second floor adjacent to the Staff Lounge, and so on.

As an intern, I'm allowed to walk pretty much wherever I want, so long as it's not onto the gallery floor, or into the Staff Lounge (without an analyst escort). I'm allowed (an encouraged) to walk-in on other interns in their quorum meetings to get to know something new. I will be working with Mark Bogart (senior economist) on the Banking and Insurance committee, which controls all of the financial services industries in Arizona (securities, insurance, banking, housing, etc. I think that's it). Basically I'll be writing up tax bills and other bills/amendments that cater to all those things. It's pretty extensive. I find out more about what I'll be doing once I start work there.

I have the Dean of the Social/Behavioral Sciences college on my side to get my apartment to let me out of my lease. If that doesn't work, I have been told to have my supervisor at the House of Representatives get a hold of them and tell them that I will be the one who gets to decide which taxes they get to pay on their property, their bank accounts, and all that great stuff...So they'd better be nice to me. Heh heh heh. Okay, I have no say in what goes into the bills -- it's just my responsibility to research them, know everything about them, amend them as necessary, and get them passed through the House --> Senate --> Governor's Office across the street. I'm probably not going to debate with whatever Mark wants to put in there since he's been working with the AZ Legislature since before I was born, and therefore knows much more than I do. Anyhow, if all else fails, if the SBS Dean can't persuade my apartment manager to let me out of my lease, then she'll be getting a call from the House of Representatives. *snickers*

I am SOOO psyched about this! If this is any fun, I might decide just to drop out of college and go ahead and work for the government. I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy this internship, and I KNOW the time is just going to fly by. I'm anticipating this so much. I can hardly wait to do this!! I still absolutely CANNOT BELIEVE that I got picked to do this. This is going to be so awesome.

-- Sarah
[blue]- Sarah
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Re: So I went to the state capitol yesterday...

Post by xaresity »

Queen Cat
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Re: So I went to the state capitol yesterday...

Post by xaresity »

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