Stone Sigh

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Stone Sigh

Post by Neverwind »

Ok, I did take some liberties with timelines and such (the war referred to is not the Crystal War per se). This is the first part. I'm not sure how many parts it will wind up being. Tell me what you think.


She remembered the War. That was part of the curse, she figured, a memory more detailed than any library of the goings on around her, but unable to recall herself. Most of her days she spent watching people come and go, passing by her silent and unwavering visage. She was glad to be near the market where the townsfolk bustled around. The people of the town figured the statue at the far end of the market was carved out of gratitude to the group of Mithra mercenaries who had protected the town, dying to the last woman. Yet, no one could recall seeing it erected.

It was a rainy day when she first met the little girl.

Most days when it rained she found herself getting lost in the sound of the rain pelting the world. It was a comforting sound; it reminded her of a home that she couldn’t remember. It was a flash of recognition, a glimpse at a long-forgotten childhood, and then she would stare off at the empty market and wonder where she had come from. She liked the days it rained because she could almost regain her past. Today, however, she heard feet splashing behind her and then felt a small body slump onto her feet.

A little voice rose up to her, “I’m glad one of us isn’t bothered by getting wet.” She would have blinked if possible. The voice continued, “Mother would kill me for sneaking out like this, but you always look so lonely.”

Smiling in her mind, she wished she could see the origin of the voice. Figuring it must be a girl, she pictured in her mind a little mithra girl. She doubted it was a mithra, as the regions around Bastok gave the Humes more sway. Still, she continued the mental image, picturing a mother getting angry at a little girl for playing in the rain.

“Mom says that you are just a statue, but I think there’s more to you.” It was then that she heard scrambling and the little girl came into view as she backed into the square. “Mother’s coming.”

Hearing the voice call for Dania in the distance, she hoped the little girl would stay put, for she wouldn’t want to see the little girl hurt or lost. Slumping down, the little girl shoved her thumb into her mouth and began to suck on it. She saw the mother come into view and pick the girl up and carry her away, scolding her the entire way. Smiling to herself again she stared into the rain and thought about what it would be like to have a daughter.

The sun came out the next day; which brought with it another visit from her little guest. “Mom says I can spend all day over here, as long as I don’t wander off.” Dania plunked herself down on the low wall in front of her. She noticed that Dania had a pail with her and promptly assumed that she had brought a lunch. Dania started talking about all sorts of things; things that interested young girls. Getting up and balancing on the edge of the wall she would pace back and forth, sharing all of the trivial events that were undoubtedly blown up to much greater proportions in a youngster’s mind. Figuring that she at least had a new companion, she smiled in her head and just listened.

At the end of the day, Dania stood up with her pail. “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, Dania hopped off the wall and ran out of sight. She felt a little lonely, but realized that tomorrow would bring another interesting visit.

Sitting on the low wall, Dania looked up at her. “Mom says I’m special; that I have a gift for seeing things.” Dania paused and grabbed the tops of her feet and rocked back and forth a little. “Like I see that you aren’t like the other statues.” Looking up, “But now, you can’t breathe. Mom calls it the wind of life.” Clicking her feet together and watching the dust fall off of them, Dania appeared lost in thought for a moment, connecting ideas in her head. “Ok, Neverwind. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, Dania left.

Neverwind, huh? She thought about it. As good a name as any, I suppose. She was glad she had a name again.


Time seemed to pass in strange ways for Neverwind. She would seemingly go to sleep, only to wake and realize that years had passed. She remembered Dania coming to visit her many times in the months and years following their first visits together, but one day she seemed to fall asleep and when she woke, the woman in front of her seemed familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it.

“Well, Neverwind, what do you think?” The young woman twirled on her foot, her white robes flowing out around her. “Mother insisted I use my skills to help people, so she sent me to the church.” She chortled. “But, now I’m back and I brought one of my teachers with me.” She shrugged and leaned in close, as if she was sharing a secret. “He’s heard about statues like you. He believed me when I told him you weren’t always a statue.” Dania stood upright again. “He’ll be by soon. You’ll like him Neverwind, he’s an open minded sort.”

Dania sat down on the low wall again, looking at her feet. Neverwind thought back at memories that didn’t seem that long ago, when a much younger Dania had always done the same thing. She wished she could move, and put her arm around the girl who had kept her company all those years. Not too long after sitting down, Dania stood up when she heard someone call her name. Neverwind strove to hear and see, but the newcomer approached from an angle she couldn’t see.

“She’s over here, Nimmen.” Dania walked back into view with an Elvaan dressed in a similar fashion.

Nimmen looked Neverwind over, all the while, Dania rocking back and forth on her feet in anticipation. Nimmen finished and looked up. “Well, I’ve seen this spell before, but the length of time that she had been under the spell… I’m not sure I can guarantee a full restoration.” Dania looked crestfallen.

“Don’t worry though. I will do my best.” Dania perked up. “You will have to help me, Dania. You know her far better than I.” He extended his hand and Dania took it. Neverwind could hear them begin to chant and Neverwind was glad they had waited until the market was clear. She would feel awful if anyone got hurt.

She could feel power surging around her, penetrating her body. At first, she wasn’t sure she felt it, but slowly, she began to feel her feet and hands begin to loosen. Sensation began to come back, as if from a great distance. It was then that she felt it, a breeze on her cheek, and then, her first breath in ages sighed from her lips and she collapsed to the ground. She heard rushing foot-steps; felt worried hands helping her sit up. And she finally saw, with her own eyes, Dania’s tear-stained face in front of her. She smiled at her new friend before falling into unconsciousness.
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Post by Jefferyselay »

I better get my pants approved before this game starts. I have a face for radio, thus imagine the legs. South Texas is not conducive to open skin on the legs.
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скачать аудио музыку mp3.

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Is downloading mp3 music from online sources ethical, or does it contribute to the decline of the music industry and artists' livelihoods? Should there be stricter regulations or alternative solutions to protect musicians' rights while still allowing access to music for listeners?
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Re: Stone Sigh

Post by xaresity »

Queen Cat
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Re: Stone Sigh

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