Mass Effect Pinnacle Station DLC

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Karou Ariyen
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Mass Effect Pinnacle Station DLC

Post by Karou Ariyen »

400 points. 2-3 hours and I'll explain how. Shephard lands on a new galaxy and enters the training Facility Pinnacle Station *SPOILER WARNING BEYOND THIS POINT* You are thrown head first into a simulation. After talking to the station Admiral he sends you to the tech officer and you will be filled in. After getting first place on any one simulation you find out that a Turian can't stand a human beating his score and he accuses your fellow Lieutenant of cheating. So you take the turians challenge of topping his top scores. If you do then he drops the cheating charges against the human lieutenant. First place on any one gets you an achievment. Beating all 12 @ number 1 gets you another achievment + the achievment for beating the Turian's scores.

Here's where it gets rough... Survival Mode... To take first place in survival modes I will warn you now. Tropical Island you need 1 hour and 35 Real life minutes to take first. Volcano requires you to last 1 hour and 32 minutes. The last one is Subterrania and that requires 2 hours and 35 minutes. Real Life Time. You must survive. Here's a tip: Ashley and Wrex. 3 soldiers who can restore shields on the fly. Swap everyone's armor mods to kinetic energy and kinetic shielding. Fast shielf recovery and ability to take more damage. Next all weapons should have SNOWBLIND ROUNDS! You will not overheat this way. I have yet to finish the final one because the last survival round locks the game up at around 1 hour 59 minutes. Very frustrating to waste almost 2 hours for nothing.

Completing this unlocks a retirement house for Shephard. that can give you a crappy weapon. *END SPOILERS* You'll discover more as you get it. Worth the 400 points? If you're a hardcore player yes. If you don't mind the chance of the game locking up on you, yes. Wish they would have done more but they didn't.

My score? 4 Karous out of 5. The locking up crap is pissing me off. Going to try it on my hubby's cousin's new Elite and see if that makes a difference since my 360 is a modded Premium Generation 1. Problem is while my internals don't red ring with aftermarket... that doesn't help the processor from not being laggy.
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Re: Mass Effect Pinnacle Station DLC

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Re: Mass Effect Pinnacle Station DLC

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