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Sorry to be a bother, but...

Post by Keavy »

I didn't want to clog the forums up with more unnecessary posts but I need your help!!!

What I'm bugging you about is, well, after many years of fine and loyal service I believe my beloved iMac is on its last legs (For reals this time. I got back from the Genius bar and nothing can be done) and since my 360 is so unreliable I was thinking instead of getting another Mac I should just get a Windows PC so I can play FFXI without having to rely on my unreliable 360.

I'm looking to build it myself, planning on buying all parts from Newegg or Fry's, and plan on running XP on it so any assistance you can provide (As in what processor, graphics card, sound card, how much RAM, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Also, explain it like you would explain it to a five-year-old who lived in a house covered in lead paint, under power lines, where said child repeatedly suffered blunt force trauma to the head since birth then dumb it down a few notches from there. My budget is $1,000 for PC and monitor. While quality is an issue I don't want to buy name-brand and end up paying for the name.

Also, in an effort to kill two Orc's with one Stonega (lol) I'm looking to get a Widescreen monitor capable of whatever 720p comes out to in PC resolution because my budget includes a VGA cable for my 360. Legible text in Dead Rising and an end to those black bars in games like Blue Dragon and Mass Effect being the reasons why.

So please assist a computer illiterate Mac owner in the wonders of PC land. If you do I swear I won't bother you for anything like this again. Until it comes time to upgrade.
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Post by Tivia »

$1k budget, gotcha..give me a little while and I will get you taken care of.
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Post by Keavy »

Tivia wrote:$1k budget, gotcha..give me a little while and I will get you taken care of.
Cheaper would be better. It just has to run FFXI.

Also, a few things: First, I could have swore their was a Vana'Diel Collection 2008 for PC but I can't seem to find it.

Second, I found a monitor that's gotten some good reviews. What do you think? Click here

OK so I think I got something workable here. Basically just went poking around on Newegg and I can get the whole shebang (Win XP, Monitor, PC) for like $900 with tax.

Athlon 64 4000+ 2.66GHz Single Core
GeForce FX 5500 256MB 128 Bit DDR PCI
Seagate Barracuda 160GB HDD

I also got a 500W power supply because I don't need that much I think. Just the CPU, video card, sound card, one HDD, and one DVD drive is all I'll be running.

Or, for the same price I can get this pre-built PC Click here and this monitor Click here so I'm kinda leaning towards the pre-built. Sure, I gotta deal with Vista and spend a good few hours removing the crap they insist I have but I think its a better deal.

I dunno...what do you guys think?
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

idk Keavy- from personal experience with pre-builts I'd wait and see what Tivia comes up for you. I know Tysbil was very pleased with the results when Tivia helped him upgrade.

My husband can't stand factory pre-builts these days, he always ends up going through and having to reload or fix stuff. Last time his office got in new PCs (pre-built of course) he spent a week and a half getting them all up and running- and fighting with the PC company over it.

Oh and about the vana'diel collection- on the POL site they're only listing collection '08 for 360 and PS2. PC hasn't been released yet.
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Post by Keavy »

Yeah, I saw that last night. I found on Amazon I can get Vana'Diel 2007 and Wings of the Goddess for the same price. After I install it on my PC I can install it on my friend's PC and give him the codes.

I'm just looking at other options right now. No matter which way I go I am buying that monitor. That thing is nice!
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Post by Tivia »

This ... 6824001268 is better then the HP monitor by a long shot and cheaper. Your choice though.

fx5500? would be rather unhappy.

Ok then.

Assuming we are at $700 since you want to spend around $300 on a monitor.

Two builds 1 AMD 1 Intel. I prefer AMD but the intel chips are faster for the money right now.

Intel ... 6819115005 - E6300, highly overclockable and extremely good performance out of the box.

Motherboard - Asus, simply put asus is just extremely hard to beat right now. ... 6813131189 The P5K series is an excellent board for the money.

Ram, OCZ 2gb PC 8500. I use either OCZ or corsair both are fantastic and have superb support. ... 6820227181 2gb under $100 now, and I suggest buying another 2gb for 4gb when you have the extra. (Vista 64bit > XP)

Video card - ... 6814150277 Way way way better then the fx5500. dual lifetime warranty enough said. the entire FX line was utter crap, and it is discontinued for that matter. the MIR makes it all that much better. That and a 5500 is not going to run a 22" widescreen at any kind of acceptable framerates.

Hdd - ... 6822148230 same one you picked.

That puts you at $581 before rebates and such, with about $65 in rebates. That leaves you right around $200 for a Case/Psu/OS. Due to the cost of the OS it puts a bit of a pinch on for a decent case/psu and yes you want 500w or better now. Try not to buy a generic if you can help it. Today's pc's put a ton of stress on them now. This pushes your budget a bit, but a little extra in this case is worth it. I would however recommend dropping to a 20" monitor for a few reasons; 1) it will save you about $70, 2) for the cpu/vid you are looking for it will offer a better gaming experience for framerates. I honestly suggest This This would also leave you sitting better for the case/psu and OS. I know a good deal of hate is directed at Vista, but 99% of it is misguided at best. As with any MS os, avoid the one's tagged as "Home" like they carry the black death and that resolves most issues. I highly highly suggest 64bit, I have run XP 32 and 64 and Vista 32 and 64 and tinkered with them side by side for well over a year now. Vista 64 hands down runs better. Also you are a mac user and you will find Vista much more friendly to how you are used to working. This choice is of course yours in the end, which is why I did not link one.

What I have built for you here is going to be a night and day difference in a number of area's for what you were looking at. 1) it is going to game better out of the box, especially on the size monitor you want. 2) it allows you upgradability that the others will not, especially that emachine. 3) It is a gaming rig, please note that there is a world of difference in a standard PC and a PC oriented to gaming and graphics. 4) warranty, everything I have listed here has a minimum of 3 years of warranty outside the cpu, with most of it being Lifetime warranty. Prefabs are going to give you 1 year max, and then take forever if anything happens to break. Also the prefabs you have selected are already very badly out of date, this setup gives you an up to date pc that while not cutting edge will give you fantastic performance in far more then just FFXI if you so choose.
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Post by Keavy »

Sweet, thanks Tivia.

I just want you to know I always look into every option so don't take me looking into a prebuilt personally.

My main reason for wanting to build myself is to avoid bloatware which even Apple is guilty of nowadays.

As soon as I get my tax return in I'll start working on this bad boy.
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Re: Sorry to be a bother, but...

Post by xaresity »

Queen Cat
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Re: Sorry to be a bother, but...

Post by xaresity »

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