Parsers breed arrogant epeen strokers...

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Parsers breed arrogant epeen strokers...

Post by Sugami »

Okay so yesterday I was in a party with a few friends, one of which created the party, our setup was: COR, WAR, DRK/THF, THF, NIN, SMN. COR is obviously me, everyone but the NIN and SMN are LS friends. We're all 72 and in the Mire.

After the NIN joins first thing he says to my DRK friend is "Do you have /NIN and axes?" Andy tells him not to be silly and then NIN goes onto spout how merit parties only want DRKs with /NIN and dual axes and that the damage is much better... that's funny, how can a B or C weapon beat an A- or A+?
He then goes onto disagree with our choice of play, my friends like to make Light SC and we all know Spinning Slash can hit 1K+, Light will add another 1K+ if unresisted.
Oh yeah he mentions the "standard melee rolls" are Fighter's and Rogue's, which is all well and good if you have a WAR and THF in party otherwise they're really quite pathetic. Ergo there is no such thing as a "standard melee roll". He should try playing these jobs before spouting crap about them.

Well we start fighting, he declares he's using a parser to which my friend says (something like) in LS "That explains everything, parsers breed dicks." We continue to party and Amnesia messes up the odd SC so he jumps in saying that's why you should burn TP.

Party draws to a close and he declares the results of the parser. Seems like everyone (THF, WAR, DRK, NIN) got roughly 21% of the total damage but he apparently did a bit better and gloats how the tank beat the DDs. We didn't mention how often he lost hate (to everyone but the THF) and was a pretty crappy tank.
Light also did 7K+ in total, would have done more if weren't for the odd interruptions but he didn't add that to their total.

So there you have it, seems this guy was only parsing to stroke his epeen. Shame parsers don't tell you how useful each player is overall, I'm sure he'd tally in last.
(I got 9% apparently, not bad for fighting 50% of the time)
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

wow, ya i've seen my share of some sucky tanks, doobie this arse ninja, well i've been lvling my tarutaru mule for kicks, i wanted a melee challenge, so as our whm says "Okay 200 more exp for Yunsai's level then I'm out." I pulled a gobbie (shocking i can pull on a tarutaru but i suck on my mithra :oops: ) I pull a gobbie, accidently got a link cuz of a spawn. we're nearly dead, where's the Ninja? Goes afk w/o telling us, so 1 gobbie down, 1 left, we died on the goblin leecher. then he comes back, solos the leecher til he's dead then says "Lame Arse Party."

LAME?! LAME?! HE Went afk during my pull, I was in that party for almost 7 hours with these guys for dunes pt, we made almost 3 levels a piece, that's killer, and he has the nerve to say we're lame? Spammed our whm who was the healer at the time and the pt leader, about "you cant make parties, you can't heal blah blah blah"

I had to laugh at that bit. he then spammed me saying "You suck as a warrior." Ya that's becuase I'm subjobless, a tarutaru with a weak defense, and i have enough warrior skills to do my job. oh well, overall though twas a fun day ^^
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Post by Keavy »

Dicks exist in every job. When a NIN friend of mine was helping me get my Old Gauntlets in Beadeaux for my AF hands I had another WHM (I was 56 at the time, he was 60) who told me to tell my friend to get him a coffer key. I told him that in return for my gloves I would help my friend get a NIN Test so if he wanted a key he had to come along for the NIN Test and contribute.

He told me to go f*** myself because he NEEDED those gloves and I had four levels to go to use them.

First kill we got the key, the Coffer was in the first spawn area we checked, and we got a NIN Test on the second kill so yeah, screw him.

By the way, I saw him yesterday in Bastok on my mule and that WHM is still looking for his Gloves. I imagine it's his attitude that is hindering his AF.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

I think it is more like the the E-peen strokers can't really feel superior without a tool like the parser. No toy will get those types as hard as actual numbers.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Haha, that doobie noob i mentioned earlier, well when i went to check my guild item (Btw after the guild screwup glitch i'm back to 30 bonecraft workin my way back to where i was) He apparently called a GM on me for sh*t like "she's using a windower, parser, hacking tools etc." so low and behold I'm warped to GM Jail for a "Discussion". after 30 minutes of saying "Uh... PS2 Players A). can't use 3rd pt tools and B). i've never used one in my entire career, I get dropped off at my homepoint (Thanks you bio tachi GM make me take the airship back from jueno --;).

The lengths n00bs go thru to satisfy their own ego, be it making false reports, blaming others for their mistakes, or insisting they need a paser to feel better about their small wing wong size, is quite, hilarious, and might I add, pick your friends wisely, I though my newest was good til he talked my brain into a meltdown about Phantasy Star Online/Universe :roll:
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Post by Okuza »

Heh, parsing is nice for playing with your own gear, but it's just not accurate for parsing other people -- stuff is dropped; they'll always parse lower than they really are. Ranged dps (rng, blm, etc) especially can't accurately parse others or be parsed by others.
NIN goes onto spout how merit parties only want DRKs with /NIN and dual axes and that the damage is much better... that's funny, how can a B or C weapon beat an A- or A+?
LOL. Had a really great burn party in Uleguerand with a DRK/THF that used a Scythe. I was on NIN and didn't notice his weapon & sub until we got there (jp party). I quietly switched from Jin to Ku so he could renkei. He shifted to Spiral&Reaper. Us doing about 50-100 less WS damage solo prolly netted us an extra 500-1k per renkei on the bonus. We didn't even talk about it, just did started doing it. Party was doing about 15k/h. Really nice burn party.

Dual Axen DRK? Uh, no thanks. DRK/nin sometimes necessary, but that depends on rest of party. Where do you guys find these people? Sometimes someone in party will announce parse results or old friends might joke about some less than stellar gear part, but ranting on other players in chat? Even people in WoW aren't that obnoxious. They usually just disband if the party sucks. {Sorry, have stuff to do, gotta go!}

'Course sometimes I wish they'd be a bit more vocal, like when I forget to change sub and don't notice I'm nin/blm until I'm at the camp. :o
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Post by Kintrra »

Actually the "DRK/NIN should only use dual axes" is a pretty prevalent opinion. Even one of my fellow MP players insists that DRK/NIN is "Axes onry"..nevermind that my other DRK75 friend (who's been DRK longer) does just fine using his Scythe as DRK/NIN. <.<;
OMFG! 8 75+!!!! :shock: Who knew slackers could work so hard? D:
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Post by JediKitsune »

Kintrra wrote:Actually the "DRK/NIN should only use dual axes" is a pretty prevalent opinion. Even one of my fellow MP players insists that DRK/NIN is "Axes onry"..nevermind that my other DRK75 friend (who's been DRK longer) does just fine using his Scythe as DRK/NIN. <.<;
Purely speaking DPS, DRK/NIN probably IS better off with dual axes at high levels, since Dual Wield II gives a delay reduction. More hits = higher DPS. I dunno about WS, I assume Rampage is respectable damage when stacked with Berserk/Last Resort/Souleater.
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Post by Okuza »

DRK is C- for Axe. Skill at 75 is only 220 versus 269 for A- and 276 for A+. That's 98/112 less accuracy and attack. There is just no way 10% from DW makes up for ~100 ACC/ATK. Souleater changes things, but it's recast is so long that it's silly to optimize for it during XP. 2xSword would do better there anyway (it's B-, only ~50 acc/atk down).

I think you must have confused low & high level practices. At LOW levels the acc/atk difference is far smaller. Like under 40, I bet 2xAxe does really well for DRK. Seemingly odd non-A weapons do quite well for a ton of jobs under 40 -- often a lot better than the A-skill ones.
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Post by Sugami »

Okuza wrote:DRK is C- for Axe. Skill at 75 is only 220 versus 269 for A- and 276 for A+. That's 98/112 less accuracy and attack. There is just no way 10% from DW makes up for ~100 ACC/ATK. Souleater changes things, but it's recast is so long that it's silly to optimize for it during XP. 2xSword would do better there anyway (it's B-, only ~50 acc/atk down).
QFT. Really a DRK would need quite a bit of Haste gear to properly make use of Dual Axes and Dual Wield II and that would in turn gimp their damage (as not using attack gear) so hmm...
And people who say Dual Axe for Rampage... well it has nothing over Guillotine quite frankly. Scythe for burn, Great Sword for SC.
Besides DRKs will most likely put 8 merits into Scythe and the remaining 4 into Great Sword making Axe look even more pointless.

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Post by Karou Ariyen »

what would be the point of stacking rampage with berserk/soul eater/last resort? Scythe does more damage with that one weapon skill (sue me I can't remember it) GUillotine that's it. I vsed a 75 drk in my merit pt, all job abilities stacked with our highest weapon skill

his guillotine did around 1189, my rampage (now pay close attention) I went berserk, warcry, aggressor, AND Warrior's charge, warrior's charge for those who dont know works with ws or any regular attack. it doubles the amount of damage on the next hit. I nailed 895 (I was using a hauberk yes.)

so drk/nin is better off imo with a scythe more damage
Warrior 81/Ninja 37 | Samurai 85/Warrior 40 | Puppetmaster 76/Warrior 37 | Dancer 41/Ninja 16
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Silly kitties, /NIN is for Dual Wield, and nothing seems to be as cool right now as Dual Wield.

While people who actually think, rather than mindlessly follow fashion, use /NIN for avoiding damage, leading to less healing and longer, sometimes endless, chains, most /NINs are in it for the Dual Wield. It isn't, it CAN'T be, about damage simply because /WAR has Beserk, the best damage booster in the game.

As to the two swords rather than dual axes thing, swords have been out forever, and axes have been in for almost as long. Remember that every melee has served his or her WAR time, and had the axes not swords thing beaten into his or her head from day 3 at the latest. Far too many people can never forget this, and keep spouting it at every opportunity and level.

Besides it is so much easier to be a faithful follower of fashion than to do research or something.
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Yes, but at the time I chose /NIN I thought it was a subjob for n00bs. I did something I didn't know was the recurring standard. And honestly, I stack a lot of Damage gear. I have a notorious reputation for being a headache to Ninja and Paladin tanks, and I'm damn proud of it. Besides 75WAR So If It Happens I can easily tank for 'em. (most of the 75 tanks (minus kitties in the pride) on hades are n00bs, trust me hades has a high lvl n00b problem :oops: )
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Post by Sugami »

Warrior's Charge essentially triggers Double Attack for your next hit, Rampage being a 5-hit WS it'll automatically give you at least 6-hits. You'd see better results with Steel Cyclone :)

DRKs do draw hate like a mofo but that's mainly because they don't know how to manage it. I can go all out given either High Jump or Super Jump is ready but obviously DRKs lack such luxuries. They'd have to not use Soul Eater and hide their WS behind another or make sure they'd kill or nearly kill with the WS.

It's just easier for them to /NIN and pull hate like a mofo. Garanteed they won't know how to cast properly and still end up taking beats anyways.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Hence why People always ask me "Did you merit warrior's charge and can you use Rampage?" I'm almost to Steel Cyclone though ^^
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Post by Eviticus »

War/Drg 74+ with G.Axe is a monster with damage. All the War goodies with Acc bonus, Atk bonus, 2 extra attacks(Which Double Attack -can- proc on), and a Haste earring. G.Axe-y goodness all over the place. Only problem, tell your Paladin to ready his Cover...
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Sugami »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:Hence why People always ask me "Did you merit warrior's charge and can you use Rampage?" I'm almost to Steel Cyclone though ^^
Lv.75 I should bloody well hope so :P
Eviticus wrote:War/Drg 74+ with G.Axe is a monster with damage.
Need a Rune Chopper to make good use of it, silly amounts of Haste but need a RDM to keep your MP above 0. Also you obviously have no shadows but one hate-shedding tool (not sure how much hate is lost on High Jump when subbed).

I'd really like to see what an endgame WAR/DRG can do, maybe that's some inspiration for me to level WAR after COR is 75.
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Post by Eviticus »

You don't really need insane amounts of haste to make it work. With the two extra jumps, you can figure in that as 'haste' if you want it to. Depending on various factors, that's 3-20% haste considering how long the fights last. And true, that's a big degree of variance. But figure in Brutal and Wyvern earrings, and you've got G.Axe flashing all over the place.

Walarhan Turban or whatever, possibly a haste belt. Not to mention the TP+ Barone gives on jumps could benefit the G.Axe War/Drg. It makes a good damage source for a merit party, so I hear.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Sugami »

The other problem is the majority are stupid sheep and won't invite a WAR/DRG :evil: seek on /NIN then change to /DRG after get invite :lol:
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I actually have gone WAR/PUP Before and got a party for merit too :shock: :?
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Post by Gabryel »

I don't know if any of you have experience with sea weapons at all, but a War/anything (pretty much) with an unlocked Fortitude axe (unlocked meaning having virtue stones for it) is EXTREME!!

Every time i've brought this thing to xp, it totally blew away everyone in dmg, tp gain, and overall funness. Great to say how often the Triple attack procs from it compared to how high your DA merits are pumped (I had it at 4, also a brutal earring and AF feet for insurance, and even though i did have the relic legs for the DA+1, i much rather saved those for WSing swap +5STR and used Byakko's Hidate)

Most of the time I went War/Thf to these said parties and did incredible damage, always out TPing even the SAMs ive been paired up with, to say the least this thing is a truely amazing xp camp piece. My DRG lvl was only 14 so I've never been able to taste the side of that combo but I'm damn sure with that weapon the numbers would've skyrocketed. (No not to say i'm one of those parser-only types, they sicken me honestly; this is just a tremendously fun weapon to use that actually does nice results ^^)
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Post by Sugami »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:I actually have gone WAR/PUP Before and got a party for merit too :shock: :?
They probably only took note of your primary or thought you were just playing around with /PUP and you'd change to /NIN.

Next time put "PUP SJ ONRY" in your comment and see if you get invites :P
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Doing that for Dynamis on a dare.
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Re: Parsers breed arrogant epeen strokers...

Post by xaresity »

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Re: Parsers breed arrogant epeen strokers...

Post by xaresity »

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