hi i just became a member i use ur site for various things and i didnt realize u guy had a forum section til couple days ago. anyways ive always want to learn some japanese and when i saw this topic i looked around i thank all of u who put in there 2 cents and basicly why i became a member was to let u guys know about a website with a very good translatorhope it helps im from lakshmi so anyone from there if u ned help with somethin let me know if i can help i will 75mnk /war /whm /nin later.
ps btw its just a dictionary doesnt tell u how to speak/write it but its good for getting u point across.
thats the website if it doesnt work just google "romanji dictionary"
should be the first choice.
great romanji translator
yeah.. ive come to findout that is not "romanji" lol its atually spelled
"roma-ji" i said romanji to a japanese person who spoke both english and japanese and he slaped me -_- he then told he that is out it is said/spelled just wanted to add that ok laterz
"roma-ji" i said romanji to a japanese person who spoke both english and japanese and he slaped me -_- he then told he that is out it is said/spelled just wanted to add that ok laterz