When n00bs attract.

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Karou Ariyen
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When n00bs attract.

Post by Karou Ariyen »

Okay, I understand most of you love JP parties becuase they are awesome. Hell I've had a few that were too. but for some reason I always end up with the WHACKOS WHO ARE THE ONES WHO PROLLY BOUGHT THEIR ACCOUNTS :shock:

Like Tonight. Guy wanted me to sub Thief. I'm a 10 Thief. I do not sub gimped jobs under Samurai. After explaining that, He Tells me to go to Al Zhabi Instead of telling me "Zone Aht Urgahn." So I wander through Al Zahbi before figuring out he didnt give me the right zone. Then I stand there for 5 minutes sending /tells and poking him that "I'm here Please Invite me." Nothing.

So after blowing 750 CP Points when I was almost to 20k CP, I'm back to another 24 hours of LFP.

This is why I party with EU Players who aren't in MithraPride. Becuase they seem to not suck for me. Why oh why do n00bs attract to me? :roll:
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Post by Keavy »

We all have our n00b runs. I've partied with DRK's that love to tank in CN, Bards who can't seem to understand song ranges, Paladins who favor ATK over DEF to the point where their health is in the red after 3 hits, RDM's who complain when you ask for a Refresh after being in the party for an hour and having never received one (Yet the Monk is Refreshed) then never seeing another Refresh.


Also, I don't know why but if there's another party member whose name starts with a K they seem to get my buffs or I get their buffs.

People, please: PAY ATTENTION!!!
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Post by Sadira »

I don't attract n00bs so much anymore as I used to...unless you count the people asking for handouts all the time. For some reason though when I'm on my mithra i get examined excessively by random people, sometimes multiple times, and I still can't figure out why.

I've always thought from observation of the specimen that NA and EU n00bs are around the same power level, i.e. which is to say that a n00b is a n00b. I've met a few people who you can tell must have bought the account right off the bat. They are some of the worst kinds of n00b since they have a mostly or fully developed character. But in all honestly, in all my experiences and observations since NA release, the JP n00bs are the absolute worst. People think JP are 1337 in everything, well, let me tell you that they are also 1337 n00bs. >.> On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, I'd rate the n00b facter as:

NA/EU: 3
Purchased Account: 7
JP: 13

Then again most of the 50+ n00bs tend to be NA/EU players...I guess the JP just have a higher learning curve. :roll:
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Hah. Round 2 For Al Zhabi as I type this. Not DOing That Again. Besides I've seen 58s get pwned there. Badly. /em is so dodging a bullet this time. she's been shot by n00bs too much lately.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

I don't know.....

I have partied with Japanese newbies and they seem no better and no worse than any other newb. I think the expecatations of Japanese being uber may make them seem worse though.

I have yet to meet a glaring n00b in any leveling ground higher level than the Jungles. Thank Goddess. But the Jungles alone will make up for that.

WARs in L 15 armor and carying a sword expecting to tank, THFs still using a Silence Dagger, DRKs who turn Souleater on every six mins, and do not know how to turn it off or think they need to, SAMs who cannot SC, I could go on....

Then there is the herd mentality:

Me - "I can show you how to get to 32 or 33 without leaving Yuhtunga Jungle in less time than it takes to get to 30 in Yhoator Jungle."

Them - "No we going to fight Yhoator Mandies."

"Would you rather kill Gobbies or run from them?"

"Gobbies by the Outpost just doesn't sound safe."

Like Yhoator is safe.... :roll: So once again I spend five hours doing what could have been done in three....

My very first CN party, everyone just seemed so profesional, taking time to actually talk tactics and SCs before the hunting started, it was just so different and wonderful.
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

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Post by JediKitsune »

You really do need to Level all available subs as a WAR...
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Post by Pheonixhawk »

I don't attaract n00bs anymore. I attract retards. I know what goes through thier mind.

member 1: Hmm no whm's seeking or Red mages.
member 2: Oh look, a Rdm!
member 1: who? Agentblack?
member 2: yeah.
member 1: But he will have to main heal our 2 blm's, pld, and keep haste on the nin and samurai. Plus keep up at our insanely fast pulling pace for a SC.
member 2: Trust me he can do it. He has convert and refresh.
member 1: *Sends invite*
me: Hey Guys!
party: Hi!
me: ...
me: No whm?
member 1: nope.
me: Thats gonna be really difficult to keep up with the SC.
member 2: Relax im a lvl 75 Rdm. you can do it.

(party site)

me: Slow down on your nukes blms!
blm: just refresh us faster.
me: ><
me getting tells: (hate me at all times! and keep our health up better)
*just killed super tough mob*
me: STOP for a sec im low on mp and I cant convert anymore!
member 2: too late I already pulled.
me: ; ;
member 2: Just refresh yourself.
me: *has under 20 mp* Fake D/C

Honeslty this happens too often. Or ill get a party where we all form up, and ill stand around for a good hour listing to chicken scratch- er I mean Japaneese writing, and them just standing there at the party site.
I think Ill take the n00b party <.<
DRK 75, RDM 75, 65 PLD

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Post by Takara2011 »

I rarely attract n00bs, which is strange. ^^;
I do get a lot of blind invites though, and it bugs me... So I complain to my LS about it, and they sympathize with me, but sometimes the blind inviter's party is good.
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Post by Sylphine »

I don't know if i attracted n00bs or not, but i sometimes unlucky enough to pt with a super n00b....

why i say super n00b?

he/she is a rank 10 char..... with lv 60+..... and still loves to nuke without stopping even he/she died 'coz or his/her nuking for 2-3 times in a row!!! Also....he/she almost always nukes Cure 4 or massive damage spells that even a PLD who used to make the mob sticky to him even the BLM just MB 1500+ damage can't keep the mob focus on him...

telling the truth....i personally don't hate a n00bs....but i totally hate the super n00bs 'coz they never change no matter how many times you tell them.
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Aw...after 50 leveling becomes more difficult now........
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Post by Sugami »

You getting noob and newb confused?

A newb is someone new to the game and unfamiliar with the mechanics but is willing to learn.

A noob may or may not be new to the game but can't or won't learn how to do things properly.

As RDM I never take main healing parties, I put that in my comment because it is so god damn boring, if I wanted to heal I'd be a WHM (or SMN to a lesser extent).
Only circumstance I'd main heal would require a BRD and a very good NIN tank.

Yesterday the BLM and leader would constantly nuke with ga spells and be out of MP within 3 fights. We had a COR (me) and a RDM although I'm not sure if the RDM gave him Refresh. My friend and I promptly left that party when he dc'd.
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Post by Tianshii »

On jpn "noobs": I've not come across one of these yet. Every jpn party I have been in has been WONDERFUL!!! They thank you for the teleport & for taking poison off them or whatever. They even WAIT at the entrance to the zone if you are all meeting at a zone. Then once everyone has gathered, we trot off to camp together.
As opposed to na...where it's all HURRY UP AND _____ (fill in the blank w/ just about anything).
:roll: you guys are worrying me.. i'm kinda skerdid to start leveling my 36 thief again. I don't want people to see my rank 9 and start calling me NOOB because I've forgotten how to play @ THF.
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Post by Pheonixhawk »

Wow your lucky. Believe me I in no ways hate JP people. (In Okinawa atm) but in game, they dont wait on the party, don't respond to your tells, or they will just out right be racist.

Me: *party* *do you need it?*
Jp: English? No thanks.
me: English / Japaneese Party* (we had 2 JP's and 3 english people.
Would of balanced it out)
JP: Thanks for the offer, but ill have to pass.

True they do say thank you every time you cure or refresh. As for the whole being patient. Yeah its true, they are pateint. Patient enough to sit around for 1 hour at the camp spot and speak in JP without using the auto transtor when all our members are there. Oh yes, loads for fun. Ill take hurry up get you a** over here, any day :lol: :lol:
DRK 75, RDM 75, 65 PLD

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Karou Ariyen
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I'm not saying you dont have Good Luck with them. and players are allowed to fall into groove ofa job again. I'm jsut wanting to know why the n00bs JP/NA/EU (try that french pt who kicked me becuase america won more gold olympic medals) on hades find ME! :cry:
Warrior 81/Ninja 37 | Samurai 85/Warrior 40 | Puppetmaster 76/Warrior 37 | Dancer 41/Ninja 16
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Post by Sugami »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:(try that french pt who kicked me becuase america won more gold olympic medals) on hades find ME! :cry:
:lol: that's funny XD

I always thing they're talking about me or complaining about me >.> <.< I wish I could read Japanese then I could surprise them by replying to what they're saying :lol:
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Post by Sadira »

Well, I was on my other character leveling RDM when I had a close encounter of the n00b kind. Those of you on Midgardsormr, if you happen to know Saraph, I just want to say I'm sorry for you...but in a party he's a complete moron and not someone I'd want to rely on. From now on, no matter what character I play, when I get an invite I'll be asking if Saraph is in the party before accepting. He is currently a 67 SMN/WHM and hopefully deleveled after the JP and us other NA bailed out on him via D2's and Warp with a slept mob nearby.

http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/forum.html?f ... 16;page=27

Saraph also apparantly has several mentions in the Lousy Player thread which was pointed out to me by the DRK that was in my party. He is mentioned here in the first post of the page. There's another post about him 2 from the bottom on the previous page too. If you read those it pretty much describes the n00b. I would guess he bought his account and at the very least buys gil. He still didn't have a light staff. He did have a dark staff, but never used it seeing as how he didn't /heal once during the 2 hours before we threw in the towel on him.

Stay away from Saraph. And if by some chance you see him in your party, give the other members a heads up and leave. You have been given fair warning. Do not let this n00b attract you!

edit: Added hyperlink to shorten the post and reduce the size of my n00b induced rant
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Post by Sugami »

Super noob! Don't think I've come across anyone quite that noobish yet.

I've had a PLD who'd rarely heal herself and would lose hate easily to even myself on COR. I don't bother explaining to PLDs, BLUs and DRKs what Healer's Roll and Evoker's Roll do 'cause it's in the macro nor do I tell them to stand near the mages if they want it 'cause that should be common knowledge :roll:
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Re: When n00bs attract.

Post by xaresity »

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Re: When n00bs attract.

Post by xaresity »

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