Golddess: Story of a White Mage, Chapters 0 through 2

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Golddess: Story of a White Mage, Chapters 0 through 2

Post by Golddess »

Chapter 0
I've never really been a very open Mithra. All my life, I was a social outcast. I guess thats what everyone is when you're not an Elvaan and you live in San d'Oria.

We lived in a quaint little 2 room house at the edge of the city, just mom and me. We were the only Mithras in the district. The Elvaan children would make fun of the fact that my family was different than theirs, because I didn't have a father. I was even an outcast amongst the outcasts, the other races children always siding with the Elvaan, trying to gain some sort of favortism.

Mother would talk often of father with such admiration, though I can't remember anything about him. She said he was a great White Mage, and that he was a key element to our victory over the hordes of beastmen. Of course, the Elvaan would never admit to such things. They like to think that they single-handedly drove back the beastmen, that no one else did anything of value.

Whenever I would ask mom why dad didn't come home after the war, she would close her eyes and a tear would roll slowly down her cheek, and she would tell me that he went to visit Altana. I was too young to realize what mother actually meant. As a kitten, I'd always hoped that I could visit Altana too.

I began practicing White Magic at the early age of 2. By the time I was 5, I knew how to cast a few mid-level spells. Actually casting them though, I was still too young to have the strength and endurance to cast such spells, and would passout whenever I attempted to cast them. Mother did not approve of me following in father's pawprints, but she would always offer advice. She always used to tell me that if I want to know White, I must also know Black.

So I decided to try my hand at the Fire spell. Little did I know just how different Black Magic is from White. 2 years later, I felt I was ready to cast Fire for the first time, but there was an accident. I made just a little spark, but that spark flew off into a hay pile, and soon the entire district was up in flames.

I was so scared. The flames were so big and hot, smoke was everywhere. I cried out for mother, mewing weakly. But no one paid attention to the lone kitten as they fled to safety. Then, a miracle happened. Out of no where, Leviathan appeared, and a mighty rain did fall. Shortly afterwards, all the flames were extinguished. Everyone stared around confused, but soon all sorts of rumors were flying back and forth.

"Someone used Summoning Magic! That magic is forbidden!"
"I'll bet it was that Mithra, she was always a shady character."
"We must tie her up and toss her to the Orcs before Altana smites us all!!"

After that, everything was a blur. Torches were lit, pitchforks were raised, and a little Mithran kitten was crying in the darkness. I cried myself to sleep that night.

When I awoke, I was in a ditch on the side of the road. I went to my home, but I heard strange voices coming from inside. I snuck in through a little tunnel in the side that I had discovered a few years back. Fortunately I was still small enough to use it. The voices became clearer as I moved closer to the other end behind the stove...

"...didn't put up much of a fight, did she?"
"Of course not. She was not Elvaan, so she is inheriently inferior to us."

I peeked out from the hole, and looking underneath the stove, I could see 3 pairs of feet sitting at the table. A fist was slammed down on the table, startling me.

"Y'know, I'm sick and tired of all your Elvaan superiority comments. Why did we do what we did, to seek forgiveness from Altana? Altana knows we wouldn't have done it if it had been an Elvaan who had summoned Leviathan. I feel sorry for us all, but mostly I feel sorry for that poor Mithran kitten that we just made an orphan last night! Gentlemen, I bid you adieu. Do not expect to see me around these parts again."

One of the men got up and left, slamming the door behind him. I choked back tears. A Mithran kitten orphan? Were they refering to me?

"What's his problem?"
"Bah, you know Bards, if it isn't one thing it's another. Hard to believe a fellow Elvaan could choose such a path in life."
"Indeed. Well, we'd best get going, this place has already been cleared out of all posessions. No sense spending any more time in this crap-hole."

The 2 other men got up and left as well, shutting the door behind them. I stayed hidden for a few more minutes, then wriggled my way out from behind the stove. I looked around the room. Everything was gone. I rushed into the sleeping quarters. It had also been ransacked. I ran over beside the bed. "They couldn't have gotten into this," I thought. "There's no way they would have noticed it!"

I felt around the floor, and soon found the familiar clawmark. I dug my claws in, and tugged at the floorboard until it came free. Underneath, my teddybear blanket still lay, perfectly folded up. It was made of a rare cloth. Mother told me that the cloth was given to father by a random traveler he saved out in the desolate regions of the Glacier. Mother was pregnant with me at the time, and they both thought it would be a wonderful gift for me for mother to use her clothcraft skills to turn it into a blanket.

I picked up the blanket, and hugged it close, tears running down my cheeks, mewing softly. I looked around for anything else that might have been left behind, finding a few gil and a loaf of bread. I headed back into the tunnel to await night, in case anyone else decided to show up. When night came, I left San d'Oria, and began life anew as a Mithran vagrant.
Last edited by Golddess on Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
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Chapter 1

Post by Golddess »

Chapter 1
I do not know how long it had been since I'd left San d'Oria. Every day was the same old thing. The bread had run out long ago, so I was living off of anything and everything edible that I could find. But it wasn't as bad as one might think. Many adventurers who would pass through the area would drop various meats and plants, presumably because they just couldn't hold anymore. And the Knightwell lake kept me supplied with ample fresh water. Occasionally I would notice someone who looked like they were in trouble, so I would toss them a Cure. But when the battle was over and they would call out their thanks, I would just shrink back in the bushes and remain perfectly still and quiet until they left.

I would often remain hidden in the bushes all throughout the day, only venturing out at night so as to remain unseen. But after a few close calls with some adventurer's arrows, I began spending my morning naps high up in a tree.

One night when I was out stretching my legs, I happened upon a couple Orcs surrounding a campfire. In my shock at finding such fiercesome beasts, I backed right into a bush, alerting them to my pressence. I quickly turned and ran through the bushes to loose them, getting all scrapped and bruised, my already tattered clothing being torn completely to shreds. Soon it began raining and I could no longer see where I was going. But I knew that I had to keep running or else those Orcs would catch me. I came out of the bushes and rang through a small path cutout of the moutain surrounding Ronfaure, and soon found myself in a big open area. I looked back and saw the Orcs still heading my way, so I continued forward through the mud and rain. I saw something in the distance, but it was too late. I slipped in the mud and tumbled down one of the ravines in La Theine Plateau. Everything went black after that.

When I came to, it was no longer raining and was still night, though my stomach told me that several days had passed since my encounter with the Orcs. There was blood and mud caked all over me, bruises everywhere, my hair a mess, my clothes non-existant, but slowly I limped out of the ravine and made my way across the open plain back to Ronfaure.

I saw the light of a fire in the distance, and the smell of fresh rarab caused my stomach to remind me it wanted food again. I didn't want to steal, but I had no choice. As I crept closer, I could hear a flute, its melody almost hypnotic. There was tall figure sitting on a log facing the fire, a pot hanging over top the fire, a bag beside and a little behind the man, so I snuck around behind him. He stopped his flute playing for a moment, and I froze, thinking he noticed me, but he just stirred the contents of the pot and went back to playing. It was obvious I was not going to get any of the stew, so my focus was on the bag, sure that it would contain something edible. I reached out my paw towards the bag, ready to run as soon as it was within my grasp. The flute playing stopped again.

"You don't really wanna go down this path little lass, now do you?"
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
Gold53.1+1 | Smith21.4 | Wood8.0 | Cook2.2 | Leather2.0
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Golddess: Story of a Mithra, Chapters 0 and 1

Post by pooker »

What a great story! Very creative. I can't wait to read the rest! :D
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Wow..... Amazingly Written ^.^ I love It :)
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Post by Batsu »

First of all, San d'Orian Elvaans don't hate non-Elvaans, they just hate non-San d'Orians. You really need to correct that.

Second, you spelt lose wrong.

Other than that you have some talent as a writer.
Chi - Level 60 Undead Rogue - Member of Unison - [Rank 9] Centurion ~ 12,695 Honorable Kills - 3 Dishonorable Kills

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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Batsu wrote:First of all, San d'Orian Elvaans don't hate non-Elvaans, they just hate non-San d'Orians. You really need to correct that.

Second, you spelt lose wrong.

Other than that you have some talent as a writer.
3rd off NO ONE CARES. You havnt seen real elvaan players have you, im still harrassed by elvaan players becuase i have a red sandy flag by my name and i dont act submissive like they want, save a few, Delata, Pyroman, Eliathanis >.>
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Post by Rakshasa »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:
Batsu wrote:First of all, San d'Orian Elvaans don't hate non-Elvaans, they just hate non-San d'Orians. You really need to correct that.

Second, you spelt lose wrong.

Other than that you have some talent as a writer.
3rd off NO ONE CARES. You havnt seen real elvaan players have you, im still harrassed by elvaan players becuase i have a red sandy flag by my name and i dont act submissive like they want, save a few, Delata, Pyroman, Eliathanis >.>
I think attitudes would vary depending on what people on a given server collectively decide. The prejudices Square Enix intends are through the NPCs. We see the Hume-Galka rift as an obvious example as well as the xenophobia of the San d'Orian Elvaans. As far as I can see, the San d'Orian Elvaan do have the superiotity complex over all the other races and nationalities, but this is what I observe as an outsider.

Most prejudices are player-based and you can't really make a generalization of "San d'Orian Elvaans do(n't) hate non-Elvaans" since there is always a mold-breaker. Afterall, Golddess' story does have a Bard that is sympathetic to the Mithra woman as well.

Correct nothing, Golddess, it's a good start. I didn't catch where you might have spelled "lose" wrong, but I wasn't paying critical attention to grammar and spelling since most people's online vocabulary consists of "lol" "stfu" "brb" and "rofl" anyway.

You can't stop the Rak. ^^
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Post by Batsu »

She shouldn't feel bad either, a good 80-90% of the Final Fantasy XI player base that I have encountered can't spell "lose" either.

Also, whoa at Karou, someone takes things a little too seriously.

Batsu is being very hypocritical and is very aware of it.
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Post by Tailfeather »

nice story Goldy i wanna know the rest!!

And batsu, stop complain about ppls spelling! your probably find something to complain at in this reply also or? everyone makes mistake and even tho, ive seen worse example in spelling... nah?!
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Post by Yugi »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:
Batsu wrote:First of all, San d'Orian Elvaans don't hate non-Elvaans, they just hate non-San d'Orians. You really need to correct that.

Second, you spelt lose wrong.

Other than that you have some talent as a writer.
3rd off NO ONE CARES. You havnt seen real elvaan players have you, im still harrassed by elvaan players becuase i have a red sandy flag by my name and i dont act submissive like they want, save a few, Delata, Pyroman, Eliathanis >.>
uhhh..submissive...?...ewww you didn't did you?!*ggags* X.X
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I feel inspired

Post by Jaela »

I feel inspired to write down my character's story now. ^^
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Post by Azureskye »

Nice story ^^. I loved the imagination involved in creating it. Also made me thankful I found myself a Windurstian elvaan XD

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Post by Jaela »

Post teh rest! Ive seen chapter 0 and 1!!
What about 2, 3, 4, and 5?~ I must know :shock:
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Post by Golddess »

Erm.. the other chapters are still in development, and I seem to have inadvertently put them on an indefinite hiatus. I'm trying to find time now to continue on chapter 2, but I've let myself get buried under schoolwork and such. I never imagined so many people would enjoy this as much as they have. :oops:
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
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Post by Jaela »

No more hiatusing Goldy! Post Chapter 2 or you will get teh handcuffs :3
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Post by Aileta »

Very cool story! I want to read the rest!
Please finish soon! :( :thumb:
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Post by Valeron19 »

Very good story, and very well written, looking forward to a possible continuation.
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Post by Golddess »

Jaela wrote:No more hiatusing Goldy! Post Chapter 2 or you will get teh handcuffs :3
...Are they the fuzzy handcuffs? Am I going to be "punished" for being a "naughty" Mithra? >.>;

Okok, I'll pull it up tonight while I LFP as WHM and see what further damage I can do ^^;
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
Gold53.1+1 | Smith21.4 | Wood8.0 | Cook2.2 | Leather2.0
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Post by Nhiha »

i thought it was very good aswell i would love a continuation
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Post by Golddess »

It's being worked on, it's gone from 1 sentence to like 2 paragraphs ^^;
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
Gold53.1+1 | Smith21.4 | Wood8.0 | Cook2.2 | Leather2.0
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Post by Nhiha »

im glad to hear that plz post it as soon as it is finished
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Post by Amiable »

wow i love it i cant wait for the next installment
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Post by Nhiha »

um Gold not to be mean but uh did you forget about your story?
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Post by Kopopo »

There's more coming...
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Post by Golddess »


Actually, yes, I sorta did. Things kept coming up and this just didn't seem as important. >.>;;

Chapter 2
I awoke slowly, eyes half-closed, and tried to make out my surroundings. The sunlight shone down through the treetops in patches, glaring in my eyes as I moved along. A cool breeze blew through my hair and ruffled my clothing. I turned my head to the other side and stared for a few seconds before my eyes bolted open. I was staring directly into the neck of an Elvaan, my arms wrapped around the back of his neck. I could feel one hand of his supporting my butt while the other hand held me close to his chest. I looked up to see his face staring forward as he walked through the forest, his trim, gray beard and soft wrinkles depicting a man well traveled. My heart raced as I panicked and struggled to get free.

"Woah there little lass. Awake now are you?"

I froze. I looked up into his face and he just smiled down at me.

"I bet you're probably hungry after everything you've been through. Why don't we break for lunch?"

The Elvaan walked over to a small clearing and kneeled down, setting me on the ground. I was about to bolt when he started humming, shifting his traveling pack from behind him and setting it down. A small voice in the back of my mind began telling me that maybe this Elvaan wasn't so bad. I couldn't explain it, but I no longer wanted to run from him.

"You sure gave me a right fright last night little lass, showing up naked with all your cuts and bruises like you did. You were so still as I tended your wounds, was afraid I was gonna lose you. Why not tell Ol' Thawnde d'Godsee what brought you to his campsite?"

I watched the Elvaan carefully as he moved about, a mixture of curiosity and fear in my eyes. He stopped pulling things out and looked at me, and I stared right back at him. He shrugged.

"Suit yourself."

Resuming humming, he came over to me with some bread and preserved rarab, holding it out to me. I quickly snatched it and consumed it hungrily, snatching the water-pouch as it was handed to me as well. After I'd finished I felt very sleepy all of a sudden, listening to him hum a different tune now. He put his pack back on and I was asleep again almost before he'd picked me back up and set out on his way again.


"Mother? Mother where are you?"

I was alone in a dark, dank cave, the wind echoing through the tunnels, carrying with it the grunts and smells of hundreds of Orcish beastmen. I wandered throughout the cave aimlessly, shaking, the sounds getting louder and resembling the chants I used to hear from the San d'Orian cathedral. A dim light began to grow in the distance, and I emerged from the cave into a hut, the pale moonlight shining in from the half-open flap door.

I peeked out through the flap, and I saw what looked to be every Orc in Vana'diel gathered around a large bonfire and a stage, stomping their feet and grunting in a rhythmic monotone. On the stage was an Orc wearing a large headdress and carrying an ornamented staff. Beside him, someone was stripped naked and tied to a board spread eagle. As burned logs collapsed into the pile, sparks tossed into the air illuminated the person's face.


I awoke in a cold sweat, sitting straight up. I looked around at my surroundings, the campfire illuminating the surrounding trees, and the Elvaan leaned against a log. I looked down into my lap and recognized the blanket my parents made for me. I began to wonder how long I'd been with this Elvaan, but I couldn't recall anything other than our intial meeting and that one lunch. As I thought about it, I ended up dozing back off.


The wind whistled through the branches of the trees, sending sparks flying from the fire. Thawnde d'Godsee opened his eyes and looked over by the fire to the Mithran kitten curled up asleep under a blanket.

"Are you sure it's her?"

Thawnde spoke to no one, and only silence greeted his words.

"I understand, Mother."

Thawnde went back to sleep.


I awoke to the chirping birds of Ronfaure and sunlight streaming in through the branches, the smokey remains of a campfire infront of me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The Elvaan was packing his things and smiled as he saw me sit up.

"Ready to move out little lass?"

I looked at him and then down at my blanket for a few moments, remembering my thoughts from last night. It was all so confusing, but for the time being, I decided I would stick with him. I stood up, straightened my clothes, and folded up my blanket. I nodded towards him and we set off for La Theine Plateau.


I'm not going to make any more promises. I have a bunch of school projects that are going to need my attention, plus, at least for the next chapter, it needs to be coordinated with Firemyst, so we'll see how things play out. >.>;;;
[color=blue][b]WHM-BRD75[/b][/color] | RDM62 | BLM38 | PLD30 | NIN25 | SMN22 | WAR20 | DRK18 | THF15 | SAM11 | DRG-RNG-COR10
Gold53.1+1 | Smith21.4 | Wood8.0 | Cook2.2 | Leather2.0
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Post by Kiri~onna »

more please, im very interestedin what happens :)
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Re: Golddess: Story of a White Mage, Chapters 0 through 2

Post by xaresity »

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Re: Golddess: Story of a White Mage, Chapters 0 through 2

Post by xaresity »

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