Memories of FFXI

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Memories of FFXI

Post by Sadira »

Anyone who has been playing this game for any length of time must have some really good stories to share. Humorous? Exciting? Adventurous? Romantic? Sad? Okay kitties, time to put on your bard hats and share those stories.
THF50/NIN25 [color=green]([/color]Mithra[color=red])[/color]

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Post by Sadira »

My idea so I guess I’ll take the first turn to start off. I inadvertently trained in Crawler’s Nest once. It wasn’t completely my fault though. This was back before the version update. Anyone who acts as puller knows how frustrating it can be when your party doesn’t warn you about pops that they can clearly see and that will be in your way when you bring a mob back to camp. Particularly in tight spaces where most of the time you can’t just kite around the pop like in CN.

That said, when I got back to camp and there’s 2 crawlers in the way that my party forgot to tell me about I opted for the suicide to save my party and xp downtime. So I told them whatever happens, don’t touch the crawlers, don’t help me, and I ran off to the opposite wall of the ball room and died. The pt that was nearby decided to pull one of my 3 crawlers, no problem by itself, but their WHM had lamely tossed a couple of cures at me before I died, and then when he decided to raise me I knew what would go down if I took it…I was so far off.

You see, what I thought would happen since the WHM gave himself some hate by curing was that he would get the other 2 crawlers when I died and his pt would sleep/handle the links and save him or die trying. I knew taking the raise would kill the WHM, but I thought if he was dumb enough to give it to me while his pt had a crawler +2 links then I was obliged to accept. What should have happened after the raise was: WHM gets massive hate > Crawlers kill WHM > his pt tries to recover > they wipe one by one as they run away.

Now, this is vastly different from what *actually* happened: WHM gets massive hate > Crawlers kill WHM > his pt tries to recover > a 2nd pt jumps in and takes one of the crawlers along with what they already have (4 crawlers total now) > WHM’s pt starts to scatter as they die off trying to run > they call for help and somehow link 2 more crawlers since they didn’t know which way was out (6 crawlers now) > a 3rd pt…that somehow didn’t see the sh*t hitting the fan, answered the call for help > WHM’s pt pretty much dead > 3rd and 2nd pt starting to scatter now > somehow a 4th pt arrives and gets involved, I think one of them threw a cure and it snowballed from there > more crawlers link in (??? crawlers now…lost count) > someone managed to hit a lizard…add lizard train to the ??? crawlers > people running everywhere > mobs running everywhere > me telling my pt not to touch anything > my pt laughing their asses off > 4 dead parties > 24 sorry souls > a crapload of satisfied mobs: Priceless.

I couldn’t stop laughing for over an hour. It was an accident really, I didn’t mean to MPK the zone, but even the JP guys in my pt were laughing and calling me the {Boss} {Cat}. It was really funny though being the only pt standing in the middle of that chaos untouched while all Hell broke loose. I can still picture it in my mind, lol. Best of all we had the zone to ourselves afterwards.
THF50/NIN25 [color=green]([/color]Mithra[color=red])[/color]

[color=red]Clothcraft: 82.0+2[/color] [color=green]([/color]Adept[color=red])[/color]
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Post by Nobodyreal »

This is from before the patch that fixed trains.

I'm in Garliage on my THF and they tell me to go pull. Now due to a strange set of circumstances this is the first time I've been the puller in a party. Ever.

4th or 5th time out I find a bat on the other side of a hole in the floor. I didn't notice at the time, but that particular hole goes all the way across the hall. I make my throw, hit the bat, and it turns around and flies the other way.

I'm slightly confused here and I'm wondering why the bat is running away from me, so I head back to camp and tell my party. Everyone stands around talking, nobody even responds to what I said.

Then comes the black cloud. I'm pretty sure I managed to link every single bat on the top floor of Garliage. You couldn't see the individual bats, it was just a mass of wings. My party just stands there gawking, I run to the zone saying {Run Away!} {Run Away!} in /say. Of course, as usual, nobody pays any attention to me. I made it to the zone line and died while the screen was black.

Total body count was 35. Well, 36 if you count Wanzo-unzozo. The only survivor was the tank from the party closest to the zone.

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Post by Sugami »

Dead zones yay \o/

Hmm... only ones I can think of are friends doing Leeroy runs in the prommies and dying short of the zone but rest of us managed to make it through :D

A while back when my DRG was 40-50ish I partied with a PLD. Bit later I saw this PLD and started talking to him again. Looked at his gear and holy hell had a lot of +1s and HQs for a mere rank 5 (at the time methinks). I tell him "Wow you've got a lot of expensive stuff." he says something like "Please don't tell anyone." then buys me a Walkure Mask (as I had told him I was saving for one, 500K at the time) and says it's a present. More like a bribe to keep my mouth shut, hello Mr. Gilbuyer :lol: told my LS and we all had a laff, he's a nice guy though but I don't condome his blatent gilbuying.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

My story is pretty recent.

I like to skillup/work on my latent weapons/level my npc in the Boyahada tree, especially in the first water fall room where Aquarius likes to play. One night I was tired and not really paying attention when I grabbed another robber crab.

Only it wasn't a Robber Crab.

I didn't notice what I'd pulled until I looked at the screen and saw that I'd just been criticalled for 456 hps.

I'd pulled Aquarius!

My HP was heading from critical to terminal fast and I didn't have any handy Get-me-the-Hell-OUT-OF-HERE spells since I had been subbing smn for some self skill chains.

So I died. Deciding I was too tired to play if I couldn't notice what I was pulling, I logged for the night.

My linkshell all had a good laugh over my death by AQ and the next night my good friend provided more laughs.

The next night, my friend (a Paladin) and I were leveling our NPCs in the tree again. Same room. Its late and we're heading towards the too tired to be playing stage. He's pulling and goes to grab a crab..................

A crab by the name of Aquarius...................

I noticed when I saw the battle message "Lod flashes Aquarius"

Me: Did you mean to do that?

Lod: Do what?

Me: You just pulled AQ

Lod: ........
Lod: NO I didn't

AQ has reached him and started beating on him for 200hp a hit, I'm standing futher away and landed Gravity on him.

Me: Run, just run

I once again didn't have blm subbed so no escape for us. Lod takes off and Aq follows. I try to land bind on him but he resisted, turned back towards me so I take off running as quick as my warlock boots will let me (damned heels)

I make it to the zone line, but don't zone because Lod missed the turn to the zone and looped back around to the waterfall room. AQ had lost hate on me and had double backed for Lod, who he met on the way. I ran back to cast Gravity and try to bind AQ again while Lod zoned.

Bind resisted again (I HATE when spells gets resisted, I mean really! I cap my enfeebling skill and I still get resists! Grrrrrrrrrr...... :x) but gravity stuck so I zoned safely.

Well, Lod warped home and logged as our LS chuckled at our expense and I headed to the Outpost to get home to Windy. I'm nearly there when I get a tell from a player.

player: M P K?

I realized at this point that I really should have shouted a warning that AQ was loose and on a rampage. I hadn't thought of it, itd been so long since anyone has had to worry about zoning mobs and having them double back I just forgot.

Me: I'm sorry. Fishing mistake.

player: ; ; Raise? The Boyahada Tree entrance

Me: Understood omw.

We were talking in Auto translate and I headed back to the tree to raise any fallen. I got there and there were a few people standing outside the tree and as I zoned in there was the player who'd asked for a raise, he was up and resting after a raise. I gave him a Cure IV and he sent me;

player: GM you can have this.

player: MPK + Leave= GM you can have this

me(ls): W T F

me(player): I'm sorry, it was a mistake. AQ? No thanks. Fishing mistake.

ls: whats going on?

me(ls): OK, well you know that guy who asked for a raise? Well,~ (I relayed the convo)

player: MPK Leave, GM

me(player): Do what you have too, take care.

I notice at this time that AQ is still at the entrance and I hot foot it out of there and head back to the OP. Now I'm a little ticked and my ls friends who are still on are just as irritated. Dani, one of my ls members tried to talk to him but only got "MPK+Leave, GM you can have this" when Dani hadn't even been in the tree, he'd been in Basty the entired evening crafting.

Now this had been a good 15minutes since Lod and I had zoned out. AQ was being kept there by people zoning in and aggro'ing him on his way home then zoning back to escape his big nasty claws.

Anyway, Dani did a /sea all on the GM happy players name and started laughing when he saw that the player was a 75 THF/NIN.

Me: What?

Dani: You know what his job is?

Me: No I haven't looked yet, why?

Dani: Someone who should've been able to get out of there alive thats who.

Lilb(ls resident 75THF/NIN): No kidding, thats just wrong ><

me: lol what was his job?


lilb: where'd he die?

me: Right at the entrance from the looks of it. When I got there he'd just gotten raised and had about 35 hp before I healed him.

lilb: ><

I'm at the OP by now and warp back to Windy. The guys are still talking about it when I get to my mog house. I'm tired and frusterated by now and log out wondering if I'm going to log in to the cozy confines of Mordion Goal the next day.

Well, good news for me, the GM Happy player either didn't place a call or the GMs decided it wasn't worth their time. >glee< I can log on!

Being a glutton for punishment I head back out there and get to the waterfall room where AQ likes to call home. And lo and behold, AQ is sitting there in the water grinning baefully at me.

Phe backs far far away and decides to go to Kuftal where the crabs are friendlier.

me(ls): Wonder if Guivre is up....

Lilb: ?

me(ls): Oh no reason, its just AQ is back/still up in here. I think he remembers me, he's grinning too much.

Dani: ......

Havok(LIlb's brother): Yea, Guivre sounds good to me too.

Its been 2 weeks now and counting since my last AQ encounter^^
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Post by Kintrra »

LMAO, that one's great. XD
OMFG! 8 75+!!!! :shock: Who knew slackers could work so hard? D:
And now a Miqo'te as well. >=D

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Post by Pheonixhawk »

Well I was partying in the dunes as a lvl 15 blm when my party got stupid and decided to pull one to many clippers. So I casted bind, which didnt stick at all (Darn it, Why does it never stick?) while everyone else ran. It still had hate on the tank so the snipper easily caught the tank and killed it. After a few minutes of squiriming everyone died except for me. I was at the Selbina gate and I was SAFE!!!!!


Or so I thought. I saw a Elvaan standing there with the word Machuta over his head. Now of course I was a noob and I had no idea what the hell a Machuta was, so I thought It was another payer just standing in the Selbina gate that lead to the zone. When The machuta looked at me (seeing as I was right in front of its face)he pulled out a crossbow and shot me. Of course I was like WTF HE SHOT ME, HE FRIGGIN SHOT ME!! How can other players attack you. Then I realized it was a mob.

I of course called my LS and they were laughing as I told them about all the poor lvl 10 - 20 chars getting slaughted (at least 30 players died) as they headed in and out of Selbina. PPL were shouting DONT ZONE TO SELBINA. THE AREA IS NOT SAFE. A MACHUTA IS STANDING THERE!!!

upon telling my Ls this they decided to come and help out. Kateevia and someone else (cant remeber) Finnaly showed up and kicked the mobs creepy elvaan looking butt. While Keavy or Lah (I think it was Keavy) raised a shaken and very scared kitty back to life. I asked him while I was still weakened what was that horrible thing. He responding that someone trained the mob to come there and it was a MPK attempt.

So I finnaly laughed as all the bodies zoned to thier HP and I swear ive never seen so many delevels in my life. Sad but funny :lol:
DRK 75, RDM 75, 65 PLD

"If I could have a bot program. I'd have an Auto-Tarupunt one. You know. As soon as you go AFK it punts all taru within the area. Priceless" ~ Blackwing of Phoenix Server
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Post by Sugami »

Ah Aqua funga, I remember a WAR/NIN trying to solo it (who already had the damn axe) and on realising he couldn't legged it for the zone. Lots of dead people yay!
I think it's safe to say Aqua is probably immune to Bind ^^;

Also... you still use AF1? :shock: I ditched those at 72, JSE gives accuracy too so pretty good for skillup and the like.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

So there I was, L 56 I think, inocentely wandering through Konshat Highlands and I see a Ram. Now rams in general haven't made me work up a "healthy glow" since level 20something. I saw his name, Steelfleece Baldarich, but paid little attention. Its only a Ram rrright?

To make a short story much shorter, I was too shocked to even Chainwarp. I sat slack jawed watching the damage numbers roll up between occasional anouncments of "Steelfleece Baldarich uses Mighty Strikes" to do more than think about even casting sleep. Sent tells to friends and the LS. Several tried to get there to claim him, but someone else already had. Got ToD. Got R III.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Chikusai, my in game sister & RL best friend RDM 60? 62? at the time, sent me a /tell from Konshat Highlands asking if I could find her a R II.

She never listens to a word I say. :lol:
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

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Post by Undine »

Remind me on my 65whm on unicorn. i was helping some poeple get the O-hat and getting to take all the vile exlier that droped off plus they eahc had paid me 30,000 to come. There are nice Jps out there :lol: well it was me like 15 jps and 2 other NAs. a few of the jps choould speak english also and one of them is my friend. we all where still resting after clearing the last of the repoped millioneyes then the ??? is up again. A stupied NA thf (for gets him name) is like ??? {found it} everyone looks at each other and checks to see if we are ready. we are not. We tell him to wait a minute while we finish resting. appartently he can't wait to die and pops it and everyone one is like ....... baka. Neddles to say there was mass death and me, a jp pld, and a rdm where all that lived out of the 18 people. and the thf had dced during the fight and by the time he came back the hat had already left the pool and was sitting me my lap. I'm like don't tell him since he almost killed us all and plus you can't trade th O-hat anyway and it just randomly came to me cuse no one passed on it. Moral of the Story don't piss off the whm or pop the ??? to soon :lol: Even the jps where laughing as the guy was like aww *beep* and warps out. I got like 17 Vile exlier+1 from this besides the hat :rofl:
Charaters: Undine- Caitsith, Shika- Alexander/Unicorn, Celsius- Cerberus

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Post by Mystiana »

How do you get 17 vile elixir +1's? They're rare.
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Post by Undine »

that nm drops 1 like every battle atleast he did in the fights i did. we had like 4 thfs
Charaters: Undine- Caitsith, Shika- Alexander/Unicorn, Celsius- Cerberus

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Post by Sugami »

Think Firemyst means that since the Vile Elixir +1 is a rare item it only allows you to have one in your possesion at any one time :)

That hat may come in useful for you hehe, not too shabby getting it free :lol:
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Post by Undine »

Sugami wrote: That hat may come in useful for you hehe, not too shabby getting it free :lol:
Ya i like to wear it while farming and people look at me liek WTF where did a whm get that hat :lol:
Charaters: Undine- Caitsith, Shika- Alexander/Unicorn, Celsius- Cerberus

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Post by Sadira »

Okay, this is like ancient history...or at least it feels like it. We were doing a Promyvion-Holla run and I remember it took forever to get everyone together and ready to go. So we're finally able to proceed and we kill the MR on the first floor. I made a rule that no one uses the transporter until everyone is on it. Good thing too, because as it turned out, Malika, who was our PLD, had fallen asleep sometime during the MR fight and we didn't realize it until afterwards. Malika has a bad habit of playing while in bed and turning the sound down so our calls did nothing to wake Mal up. In Mal's defense, I think it must have been 2-3am his time.

We all gathered around Malika and /slap'd and /toss'd stuff at him and wondered what we were going to do next. Eventually the MR respawned and started sending out the Strays so we decided just to use Escape. We must have spent another 15 minutes goofing around outside the Holla crag before deciding on a plan of action.

During that time we had a visit from Babys, a gil seller on Midgardsormr. This was back when Stroper Chyme still dropped the regular Archer's ring. He came up to us on a chocobo and tried to ask us for directions on how to get to Jeuno of all places...:lol: It was probably newbie gil seller #123 at the controls so we harassed him a bit and then sent him on his way.

Anywho, back to the "plan". We sent one of us off to Sandy to change to their higher level WHM while the rest of us harassed Babys. He came back and we all teleported to Altepa, Malika included. We originally wanted to drop Mal off in Xarcabard, but he didn't have the Vahzl crystal at the time so Altepa it was. So we get there and then we're like, "Ok, now what do we do?" Just leaving him there didn't seem as much fun as we thought it would be. So another 10 minutes or so go by until I get a genius idea. "Anyone have a THF with SATA?", I asked. Someone in the group had a 60'something THF so he rushed off to Rabao to change.

We didn't want to create a big train at the crystal so our THF and WHM pulled an ant and set up SATA on the sleeping Malika. We started laughing immediately when the ant started beating on him. The crystal was busy at that time with a lot of traffic too so we ended up with a lot of spectators. A couple of the WHM taxi's would throw a cure at him but our THF and WHM would just reset SATA. Eventually, and I'm sure you know what happened next, Malika fell over face first for a dirt nap, lol. We all had a good laugh and congratulated eachother on a job well done when some of spectators learned Malika was asleep and then /cheer'd and /clap'd at us. We hung around a bit longer and laughed when the random WHM taxi would try to raise him. We all ended up going to bed in a good mood even though Promy-Holla was a bust. Our WHM hung around Mal for a while though. I think he wanted to port him somewhere else when Mal's 1hr home point timer was up. Our WHM later told us that Malika woke up and took a raise then logged with less than 8 minutes to go on his timer, lol.

It was good fun and Malika wasn't really mad about it either. In fact, I remember he said he was glad we decided to leave him in Altepa since he needed to do some leveling there anyway.
THF50/NIN25 [color=green]([/color]Mithra[color=red])[/color]

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Re: Memories of FFXI

Post by xaresity »

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