Are Videogames rated wrongly?

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Karou Ariyen
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Are Videogames rated wrongly?

Post by Karou Ariyen »

Congress and the Government do. New story here: ... 81539.html

but what annoys me is this:
But what really riles family-oriented media watchdog groups are additional scenes in which nude "girlfriends" join in explicit sex acts in the PC version. The scenes become "playable" with the help of a freely available download created by a Dutch programmer.

A. that programmer they speak off doesnt work for Rockstar entertainment, its a fan program, bootleg game. b. rockstar is suffering for it heh.

Not going to rant but its a story i think deserves attention, seeing as the government thinks gaming turns us into blood thirsty killers
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Post by sakono »

its crap... they just want to make games les violent and sh*t cause thats what the blam for all the school shootings and kids going "BAD" on.

top blame things are

thats it nothing on ohh what about the parents or how they were treated by adults nope. always games music and movies are making are kids go kill people and do "BAD" things...

its a load of crap cause they don't want to say hey its adults fault or we have no idea why they did this.. no they blam other things they feel like blaming.
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Post by kashell »

The original "sex game" in GTA was included in the game but was locked due to obvious reasons that it would change the rating to AO.

The program they're talking about simply unlocks the game(so it claims anyways), that's the reason why ESRB is retaking a look into the rating.

I never liked any of the GTA games anyways so I could honestly care less. :)
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Post by Kintrra »

Whether or not the mini-game is merely 'locked' or not is beyond the point. Once again, they're sending a firestorm after the video game makers to try and place the blame somewhere else than where it belongs. And that is the parents and other people who allow kids access to these games. GTA was not meant for kids to play. Never was, never will be. It's intended for an older audience. If people can't grasp that concept they need to go find a hole to hide in. Now. :x
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Post by Tivia »

An unfortunate percentage of American parents act like Baby sitters instead of Acting like Parents.
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Post by Kailea »

I saw that on the news...and I found it funny how they kept on talking about 12 year olds playing it....and I was thinking wait it is rated M what the hell are 12 year olds doing playing it -.- there is the problem right there lol
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Post by Tivia »

Dear, Congress, Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, and Parents.

You are all Moron's. Yes that is the unabated unadulterated way of putting it bluntly, to the point and without the sugar coating you all seem to have been given your entire pedantic existance which resulted in the aforementioned behavior which resulted me in calling out your blatent stupidity.

Let us get to the heart of the matter shall we? We are speaking of a game which a "M" Rating on it. The last I checked and took a whole 5 seconds to inquire as to the meaning of that rating it stated in layman's terms, that "M" is for Mature Audiences, not intended for those of an impressionable age usually applicable to those 17 years of age or less. You are all clamoring about those in the 12 year old age catergory playing this game, and you find yourself baffled at the amount of violence, sex, racist stereotyping and other behavior deemed unacceptable by civilized folk in this game. Yet it seems glaringly obvious to me, someone who has at the very minimum some common sense that the "M" Rating was not intended for 12 year old kids to play. Why do you find yourself perplexed by the content of a game that is clearly not Intended for an audience that is not mature?

I hate to break it to you, I honestly hate to shatter your fragile bubble of delusion, in that you have convinced yourselves *wrongly* that the "M" Rating of games must be intended for *Everyone* which is usually designated by an "E" rating. I hate to dispell the fact that what we have here is another blatent case of people refusing to accept personal responsibility for their own actions, Parents refusing to parent a child properly, instead choosing to try and be their childs friend. Parents who have lost all control and respect of their children because they refuse to tell their child "NO". Oh yes god forbid we deprive our children of anything like a videogame not intended for their age group, afterall the concequences would be detremental to their growth and development. We would never want to do anything that would even hint at proper child rearing that would be non politically correct and the child might hate us for instilling a sense of morality and responsibility. Why do we even have a rating system afterall? I mean afterall according to you it apparently it meaningless, why then do we restrict certain programming from public viewing or to late at night to avoid younger audiences? You find yourself appalled by the sex in this game with an "M" rating yet do you also monitor your childs TV watching and Internet surfing activities? Do you realize that your child Has easy access to Porn both online and offline? Does this Offend your shallow notions of morality that your child may be viewing hardcore pornography? It does? Why? Afterall you willingly ignore a Mature Rating on a game and give it to them, why is a Porn site any different? Neither is it intended for a younger audience, no more then the game. Yet I do not see congress or parent watch dog groups protesting the porn industry.

Lets just get to the nitty gritty shall we? You are all complete irresponsible idiots simply looking to blame you own ineptness at raising a child properly on a scapegoat. In this instance the scapegoat happens to be a video game that was never once intended by the developer to be in the hands of a minor. However due to your blatent stupidity and inability to tell your child no, it now is being lambasted as the atrocity of the century simply because you as a parent are too lazy and worthless to control what your child has access too. The fact is the game is not the problem, Games do not cause violence, they are merely an excuse for the weak-minded buffoon's who were in turn raised by equally weak parents who cannot take any personal responsibility for their own actions, instead they need someone to blame because they have delusioned themselves into believing they can do no wrong.

Want to know what the problem is with today's children? Its very simple really, Go look in the mirror.
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Post by Kintrra »

Damn straight!
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Post by Naru Fugihara »

*gives a standing ovation to Tivia*

Couldn't have said it better myself.

There's nothing wrong with the ESRB system, it's the retailers and parents.

It's the retailer's responsibility to ensure that people don't buy a game that is in a catagory they don't belong to (ex. 14 year old kid buying a M rated game), then it's the parent's responsibility to not buy games for their kids that isn't marked by the raiting meant for their kid.

Though it could be said there are some exceptions (such as some children mature and understand much earlier than normally (I've understood since I was 10 that what I see in majority of TV, Movies, and Video Games isn't real))

Well there's my 2 Gil on the matter.
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Post by Kailea »

There's nothing wrong with the ESRB system, it's the retailers and parents.

It's the retailer's responsibility to ensure that people don't buy a game that is in a catagory they don't belong to (ex. 14 year old kid buying a M rated game), then it's the parent's responsibility to not buy games for their kids that isn't marked by the raiting meant for their kid.
lol the thing is its this about 95% of the time... "then it's the parent's responsibility to not buy games for their kids that isn't marked by the raiting meant for their kid" I worked at GameStop for alittle bit, and perfect example, this lady came in and said she wanted to buy Mortal combat 4, and I could see she had a young one with her(about 10 or so), so I asked if it was for him, she said yes, I warned her about the game, and I saw the kid give me this dirty look, then the mother said, yeah thats fine, he plays what he wants...... I was like ok then, and sold it to her.
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Post by Baketsu »

That is like blaming Internet Explorer for porn sites.....
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Baketsu wrote:That is like blaming Internet Explorer for porn sites.....
I honestly believe that is being done right now.

Not exactly, but they are trying to charge people who have writen file sharring prograns with the coppyright violations commited by those who use those programs.

Compare that with the total immmunity being given Gun and Drug manufacturers under "Tort Reform".
Tiva wrote:The fact is the game is not the problem, Games do not cause violence, they are merely an excuse for the weak-minded buffoon's who were in turn raised by equally weak parents who cannot take any personal responsibility for their own actions, instead they need someone to blame because they have delusioned themselves into believing they can do no wrong.
But our Government is skitsophrenic about this. Did you rrealize that one of the bedrock beliefs of the Republican party is " accepting Personal Responsiblity"? Really, it is right up there with with Small, Responsive, Open Goverment.

Yeah Right. Look at the personal responsibility being taken by Karl Rove not to mention George "I can't remember a single mistake I have ever made" Bush.
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Re: Are Videogames rated wrongly?

Post by xaresity »

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