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Phe's Tale

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:08 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Finally started writing again. Here's my first piece, its "set" in the Near East and I'm taking lots and lots of artistic/writers liscense. Feel free to comment/suggest on anything^^

“Arelia!” A boy of about fourteen years shouted out over the forested path.

“Arelia!” He called again. He paused, but only the birds replied. “Arelia!!!”

At the third unanswered call he shook his head, muttering dire promises for the luckily missing Arelia.

Arelia was a young elvaan foundling of about six years. No one knew for sure. She had been found one day wandering about the town square. None of the local elvaan families had come looking for her, so Koren’s mother had taken her in.
She’d always wanted a daughter.

Arelia loved to explore, she just wasn’t very good about finding her way back again. Despite his being a squire to the Captain of the Guard, his mother still expected him to find Arelia whenever she went on her expeditions.

“Arelia!” He called again as he reached the end of the path and stepped onto soft grained sand. The town of Imelia had grown over the years from a small fishing village into a bustling trading town that drew traders from all over the Empire. Imelia’s beach was considered by many to be one of the finest in the region, with sugar-like sand and rich fishing beds just outside the small bay.

That morning the famed beach looked as if a war had passed through leaving only destruction in its wake. A sudden storm had blown up the night before out at sea around sunset. It had stormed and raged over Imelia in the early morning hours before heading further down the coast.
Debris littered the shore. Downed branches and piles of driftwood, rope and rotting seaweed lay where the high winds had tossed them. It was just the sort of place his foster sister would love to play.

A bright flash of light caught his eye. Thinking Arelia was playing with a piece of Sea glass and had caught the early morning sun he jogged down to where the light had come from.

“Arelia!” He called, frowning when there was no answer. “Arelia, you’d better answer me, if I get in trouble from Sergeant Dynul for being late I’m taking it out of your skin!”

He squinted against the early glare trying to see. There was something there; he hadn’t imagined the brief flash of light. He jogged closer, squinting only to break into a run as he realized what he was seeing.

Right above the high tide mark lay a small figure. His eyes had caught the sun reflecting off a metal badge in the shape of a wildcat.

“Areli-“His shout strangled in his throat as he drew close enough to see that his sister wasn’t crumpled in a lifeless heap at the base of the bluff. The battered figure lying there wasn’t one of the town’s citizens. Despite being sea soaked and caked in sand, he could tell that the figure was dressed in strange red clothing made of fine material unlike anything he’d ever seen before. The soaked and injured figure was also a Mithra he saw with some surprise.

The only Mithra he knew was an Officer for the famed mercenary company Salaheem's Sentinels. Was this wet and injured Mithra one of them? The badge she was clutching looked like one of their recruitement badges.......

Koren jerked and turned at the sudden thump and the sound of someone sliding down the bluff behind him.

Arelia giggled happily at her success. “I hid good! You couldn’t find me at all.”

“I wasn’t looking,” He replied tightly, bending down over the crumpled Mithra. He could tell she was breathing but he didn’t know if there were any other injuries.

Arelia frowned at his indifferent reply, she often went hiding just to get him angry and frustrated at her. She considered it part of her job as his younger sister and took her duties seriously. If he’d figured that out she’d have to change her tactics.

“Well what are you looking at?” She snapped pettishly.

“A Mithra” He said. “I think she’s been shipwrecked. We need to get her to the healer. “

“A Mithra?” Arelia was startled. “But the only Mithra we know is Doni and she works for the Sentinels!"

“I don’t think she’s from here,” he grunted out as he stumbled to his feet, having trouble with the nearly dead weight. A solid sounding *thunk* had him looking down. “Arie, bring her sword. We don’t want the Sea to get it.”

Arelia looked down at the blade. It was nearly as long as she was with jewels set in the pommel. After a few futile tries at carrying it, she shrugged and started dragging it by the hilt. The sword carved a line in the sand, marking the two’s slow progress to town.

Koren was a tall boy with matching strength from his weapons training, but he barely managed to reach the path before stumbling over a root and falling to his knees. The Mithra was jostled, but other than a low moan she didn’t seem to have felt the sharp movement.

Shame ate at his belly as he tried to stand again only to realize that he couldn’t. He’d have to leave her here with Arelia and go into town for help. He tried to lower her to the ground gently, wincing as he accidentally bumped her head against a root.

Another low groan rumbled out of her throat, but she didn’t open her eyes. Arelia joined the Mithra in an exhausted heap. She was panting and red-faced from her task as well.

“Arie, you stay here with her, I’ll go for help.” Koren told his weary sister.

“’k,” She said, moving over to cushion the Mithra’s head in her lap. “Who are you going to fetch? I heard Mama Kie tell Mistress Ililsa that the healer had been summoned to one of the farms this morning for a birthing.”

Koren felt a wave of helplessness pass over him at her news. The healer would have to be fetched and no one he knew in town knew how to care for a ship-wrecked injury in the meantime. “The Captain,” he decided. “I’ll go get Captain Rezor. He’ll know what to do”

“Ok,” Arelia nodded. “But Koren-“she held up one of her hands. “Hurry, she needs help quick.”

He took off running at the sight of sticky wet blood covering his sister’s palm.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:50 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
As I'm sure you've guessed I ended the first part unconsious and full of sand after a storm. I know, I know, major cliche but it works :P Here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it^^

She could hear him calling. Squinting, she could almost make out his familiar blue-tinted shape. It comforted her as the blackness closed in.

Phe had never been scared of the dark. But here, where it was absolute, well, she'd been trying to decide between panic or terror. The feeling shamed her even as that panic-terror ate at her stomach.

Carbuncle's light grew brighter, coming closer until she blinked, shaking her head at the blinding light against the blackness. When she could see again, his familiar fluffy-tailed self was clear, the ruby on his forhead pulsing slightly.

COME His deep musical bass, as always, striking her as odd coming from his small cute self. It seemed even more strange in the inky dark. A small sound of panicked laughter escaped her control. Phe began to shake and take great big gulps of air that her lungs suddendly rejected. His presence here, in all this nothing, was too much.

Sensing her control shatter, the ancient spirit moved closer, enveloping her in his glowing power. Warmth, light and understanding seeped into her slowly driving away the dark. After a time, how long she couldn't tell, the shudders stopped and she was breathing normally, the terror fading.

Exhaustion washed over her, she just wanted to lie down and sleep. She'd be safe now. She could rest, he was here to protect her.
Carbuncle had other plans.

With a weary sigh she climbed to her feet shakily. She'd returned to consciousness only to find herself laying down in the empty darkness. She knew that if Carbuncle hadn't arrived when he had she'd have gone slowly gone insane. Phe gently placed her hand on his shining forhead, silently thanking him for saving her. Carbunlce hummed happily, nuzzling her hand in welcome.

"Where am I?" She asked, setting off in the direction he pointed.
In between consciousness and the Final Dark that all mortals must one day go to
Phe digested that silently before saying dryly, "Must've hit my head harder than I thought."
Carbuncle barked in laughing agreement. Yes, very hard. Leviathan sent me. He sensed you entering the Crossing Over when he left you on the beach

Pheonic heard the censure in her first spirit companion's voice and smiled. "You know the pact. You may only exist on my plane as long as my magic reserves last."
He made a sound that she chose to take as agreement and continued. "I'm glad you were here to guide me, beloved. You drive away the dark."

He stopped and turned to look at her. Startled, she stumbled into his glowing form. Surprised she looked at him, automatically on guard for any threat. She relaxed when he spoke You are welcome dear Pheonic. I could not let you Cross Over

They walked on in companionable silence. After a time, how long she couldn't begin to guess, Pheonic felt each step getting heavier. It took more and more effort to lift each foot. She forced herself to take one step, then another until she felt herself fall into warmth and light.

As she opened her eyes, she heard Carbuncle say from a distance. And the others listen to you. They're still not speaking to me for waking them up

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:15 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I'm glad to see to many people have at least looked at my stories :) Hope you liked them and here's the next part :D

She was falling. Again. I am so gods-be-damned tired of falling Pheonic muttered to herself as she felt the all too familiar sensation of her insides vacating their proper homes and taking up new residence in her throat.

At least this time there was light all around, she reflected. In its own way it was just as disconcerting as the dark had been. Unlike the unfeeling dark, the light that she kept falling through was warm. Her eyes closed, since the falling sensation wasn't as bad when she wasn't looking, Pheonic began to purr as she felt the warmth seeping into her body as it did on chilly nights when she'd sit on the hearth next to the fire in her Jueno room and read.

As she always did when reading by the fireplace, she felt herself begin to drift. Yawning, she shook her head to try and wake herself up only to sigh and drift back to that cozy fire warmed hearth, knowing her moogle would cover her with a blanket before she got cold when the fire finally died.

And continued to fall into the light.
****************** :) ******************** :) ******************

The first thing she heard, before she even opened her eyes, were birds. The morning calls of whatever morning birds were called in the Near East. Much to her mother's amusement her daughter had never been able to sleep through bird song. Whenever the birds woke up, so did she. If only to go hunt them down and silence them before going back to sleep.

Pheonic opened her eyes and lay on a sinfully comfortable bed staring at a beautifully painted ceiling. The room she was in was full of light, not the blinding, but warm, light she distantly remembered falling through~and wasn't that going to be a fun nightmare to have when I next go to sleep?~ but the sun made golden light of early morning that always accompanied her wake up birds.

The bed she was laying in was at the far end of a room that was obviously a corner room of her host's house. A very rich host, she thought looking at the luxury that surrounded her.

Comfortable and plush looking divans were clustered around the fireplace, which had a hearth large enough for a family of elvaan to sleep on. Tapestries and wall hangings depicting lush and foriegn landscapes decorated the wall around the fireplace. Draperies framed a bank of windows on the wall immediatly across from the fireplace, letting in the morning sun. Across from her position on the bed was a set of glass doors opening onto a large balcony and letting in the bird song that had woken her.

A small breeze drifted into play with the gossamer curtains hanging from her bed. Her atttention caught, she watched curtains dance for a moment before noticing the man standing the the balcony doorway.

Phe watched him with curiousity filling her blue eyes as but remained silent as he stepped into the room. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Why is that always the first thing anyone ever says when after being in jured? She thought half-irritated by the well meaning questioner. How do I feel? How do you think I'm feeling after hitting my head, being washed overboard, half drowned and half-crushed by Levi as he brought me to shore?

Keeping her thoughts hidden behind unblinking eyes she smiled charmingly and said, "I think I hit my head harder than I thought."
Her rueful tone brought a quick smile to her companion's face. He was tall, for a Hume, with longish blond hair that fell stylishly to touch the top of his neck. He was dressed in dark embossed armor that she didn't reconize.

"Loyiont, Imalda's healer said that you would have some painful headaches for several days even after you woke." He told her gently, noticing her wince as she began exploring the knot that had formed in the back of her head. "Wonderful," Pheonic sighed. "Mother always said I have a hard head, but I don't think this was quite what she meant."

This time her host laughed outright, laughter shining in his eyes. He shook his head still laughing, "No, probably not. My mother says the same about me."

"Mothers are like that," She agreed with another self-contained smile. "By the way thank you so much for caring for me. "

He waved away her thanks, "No, thanks needed. I simply provided the room. Loyiont felt this was the only place quiet enough to let you heal in peace. You caused quite a stir when little Amelia and her brother found you on the beach."

She could well imagine. "I'd like to thank them personally, when the good doctor lets me have visitors, of course."

He bowed at her request. "I'm sure they'd love to meet you. The lad Koren, a squire here, carried you off the beach before running to town to get help. He and his sister have asked after you since."

She nodded as firmly as the throbbing would allow, "I'd definetly like to meet them and again, thank you for your kindness. I know it wasn't just a case of simply giving me this room while I heal."

Her host shook his head smiling, "Well, I'll admit I did have an ulterior motive. Your appearance has sparked many questions. Its not everyday a strangley dressed Mithra comes out of the sea."

She looked at him, hearing the unasked questions. He looked back, waiting. They continued to stare at each other as she considered what to say, mentally cursing the pain. It was making thinking difficult, and she needed to be very careful in her answers to what her curious host was so carefully not asking.

With a smile full of charm and eyes dancing with inner laughter she answered him. "I'm sorry, my mother would smack me for not introducing myself before this, my lord. My name is Pheonic Rae and as you've no doubt guessed I'm not from here."

"Ralen, Lord of Imalda." Her host returned the courtesy. "And yes, we already guessed you weren't local."

"No, I'm from the Windurstain Tribe." Pheonic paused to see if her home country was a familliar to him. At his nod she continued, "I'm a Red Mage adventurer for Windurst and when passage opened up to the Near East I decided to go see what all the recruiters had been raphisizing over. So I bought passage on a ship and sailed into the sunset. We were nearly to port when a storm came up. I was trying to save one of the ship's crew when something fell and hit my head."

She paused, sifting through memories. "I fell, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in this gorgeous room."

"Any idea how you made it to shore?" Ralen asked thoughtfully. At her small frown he explained. "The nearest report of any recent shipwreck is at the Lamia Reef, three days sail from here. There weren't any survivors reported, but yet here you are."

"Three day sail?" She whispered in shock. Leviathan had done more than just get her to shore. "No," She shook her head slightly. "I'm have no idea how I got to shore, my lord."

He nodded, "Loyiont said that you may not remember, not surprising considering that knot you have."

She smiled faintly, "Not exactly how I wanted to arrive here, though. Lost, no memory and half-drowned. With a knot on my head the size of an Orc's head."

"There are some things even Altana can't prevent." Ralen smiled at her quizzical look. "If theres no explanation for how you landed on Imalda's shore then that leaves divine internention, doesn't it?"

"I suppose so," Phe said quietly, unsure if she wanted that idea to take root, although it was true in part. After all, an ancient spirit had saved her. Just not Altana. "I've always found there to be a reasonable explanation to most things though."

"Spoken like a true Mithra," Ralen laughed, shaking his head. "I've sent word to the local Sentinel office." He gestured at a neat pile of items sitting on a low table on a far wall. "You were holding one of the Salaheem Sentinel Invitation badges and it seemed a fair guess that you might be associated with them. They may or may not reply."

Feeling weary all of a sudden, she nodded wordlessy. Seeing the fatigue in her eyes Ralen bowed politely, "I can see your in need of sleep, Lady Pheonic. I'll let you heal and hopefully next time we speak you can explain to me what type of magic a Red Mage controls."

"Until next time," She agreed, watching him step out of the room and closing the door after him. She wasn't sure what to make of there not being any guards posted at her door. She wasn't sure what to make of any of this, she thought frowning.

Too much had happened since that gods-cursed storm had decided to spawn. She needed time to consider. And to heal, she thought wincing agian at the pain.

Yawning, Phe rested her head gently on the pillows stacked behind her. She'd start considering and planning after some sleep.

Now if only those birds would stop chirping!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:28 pm
by Kateevia
I dont know if posting here will disturb the flow of the story but I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying it so far. You're a grrreat writer! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:42 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
lol not at all! Post all you want!

I'm going to try and post a new entry at least once a week. I'm glad you've enjoyed it! I've had tons of fun writing it lol.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:59 am
by Holydragoon
I rather liked this :)

Part 4

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:04 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I'm glad everyone seems to like these!~ haven't gotten any negative feedback yet anyway lol~ well here's part four!

Ralen left his unexpected houseguest's room and walked down the hall lost in thought. "So, she's woken up has she?" The question came from empty air. Since he'd reconized the voice, Ralen merely turned towards the voice, eyebrow raised. "Yes, just now. As I'm sure you know, since you were listening at the door." He quirked a smile, "Is there a reason why your casting in my house?"

"No, not really." The disembodied voice answered. "Not unless you count trying to keep you on your gaurd." A heavily armored warrior appeared suddendly in front of Ralen. Since boyhood, Ralen and Rezor had been friends, seldom going more than a day without seeing each other. The small noble and husky goldsmith's son were as close as brothers. They'd since grown and taken on the responsiblities of adulthood; Ralen as Imalda's lord and Rezor as the captain of Imalda's forces.

Ralen eyed his friend knowingly. "You're not here, invisible, listening at the door out of concern for our visitor." It wasn't a question.

Rezor shrugged unabashed by the irritation he could hear in his lord's voice. "Court life has made you suspicious."

"Perhaps," Ralen agreed as they walked down to the main part of the keep and into his private study. "But you still haven't answered my question."

Rezor wandered around the room. He picked up objects here and there, apparently fascinated by the bric-a-brac that had been on display since Ralen's grandsire had been Lord of Imalda. Ralen waited, standing by the door with arms folded in front of him. He knew his friend well.

Rezor finally put down a vase he'd been studying intently and turned to his lord. "She say anything?"

Ralen cock his head and half-mockingly said, "Oh so you didn't hear much lurking at the door? Unless you're asking me if she can't speak due to some freak injury to her voice."

"Damn it Ralen!" Rezor exploded. "You know what I mean!"

"Yes, I do." Ralen answered, shaking his head. "And I still say your being paranoid."

"Oh right!" Rezor threw up his hands, agitated. "A strangley dressed furball washes up on our shores daily!"

Sighing, Ralen leaned against the wall. They'd been over this countless times since her appearance two days before. "She was washed overboard during the storm. She managed to get to shore despite being badly injured."

"And the only ship sighted anywhere close to here was at the Reefs, a three day sail!" He shook his head violently, "There is no way, in any Hell, she could've made it to shore from there!"

"She's a mage!" Ralen argued. "Its possible she used a spell to make it to shore."

Rezor sneered. "She must be an unusaul mage then. Theres no spell that would freely move anyone to safety that I know of."

"Me either," Ralen admitted, but then continued seriously. "That doesn't mean there's not. Neither of us are mages. Besides, there's no use interrogating her about it. The events are hidden from her, she has no memory of how she survived."

"Hmph," Rezor waved that away. "Then what did she tell you?"

"You heard it as well as I did," Ralen pointed out testily. "Her name's Pheonic Rae, she's from the Windurstan Mithra tribe and is a red mage adventurer from Windurst. You know as much as I do."

"Which means we know nothing." Rezor said over his shoulder as he stalked out of the study. Ralen watched him go silently, knowing his old friend was right. There were too many questions left unanswered by Pheonic's sudden appearance. Sighing, Ralen walked over to the large window behind his desk and stood looking out over the same view his guest saw from her room.

The sight of the lush gardens normally brought a smile to his face, but not today. Today, instead of green life he saw a small face surronded by bright red hair normally bound up in a complicated knot looking back at him with bright blue eyes. Eyes that held secrets and laughing innocence at the same time.

He met the unblinking gaze in the window for a moment before turning away abruptly. What secrets are you hiding? And why do I feel those secrets are the reason you're here in Imalda?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:34 pm
by Kateevia
Ok I do have some negative feedback....It's not long enough! I want more, lol.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:50 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
lol I'm sorry for the wait, but I have a lot of rl stuff to do these days.

Family gatherings, recitals, Christmas dinner (and thanks Mom for suggesting that it be at MY house this year), and preparing food for my fav cousin's wedding on the 28th /sigh

I'll be lucky if I don't go insane before the New Year.

I'm almost done with the next "chapter" and will have it up by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:52 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Gods I hate winter. My skin gets rough, cracked and I'm always cold! Shoveling snow does make a decent workout at least :)

The sound of sword play reached her ears before she could make out the members of Imalda's Gaurd training. The town boasted a small gaurd, barely fifteen members, but they appeared to be well equipped. Phe could make out a couple of figues in the heavy armor of the samurai. They were weilding over-sized great katanas longer then she was tall with skill she noted critically. As she drew closer she could tell that the town's gaurd was evenly mixed between damage dealing attackers, heavy armored sheilds and even a few mages. A well balanced force, though she couldn't judge their skill from just observing them at training.
Standing off to the side, by a large overturned barrel was Rezor, Imalda's disapproving Guard captian.

Lord Ralen had invited her to dine with him and the captain the night before. Phe had heard the unvioced command in the politely issued "invitation" and gracefully accepted. She hadn't spent the past several years moving in high politics without learning a thing of two. It would not be in her best intrests to alienate the local lord.

The meal had been exquisite, the finest she'd had in sometime. The cook had strived to impress the foreigh guest and Phe had made a point to visit the kitchen to thank the Master Chef that morning.

The town mayor and Loyiont the healer who had been in charge of her care had also attended. It'd been a pleasant evening; Loyiont had been very intrested in her explanation of "hat exactly a Red Mage was." The Mayor had been charming, regaling them with the town's gossip and history. She'd spent most of the main course in a fit of giggles over his dry mimicry of the local celebrities.

Lord Ralen had been a gracious host, answering her questions about Imalda and the region's history. They had all tactfully avoided any mention of her sudden appearance as well, she reflected as she came up to the Captain's side. Everyone'd had a pleasant meal, except for the Captain who'd drained several flagons of ale during the meal and glowered at her.

As he was still doing this morning, she noted with some amusement. "Red Mage," Rezor nodded curtly as she came to a stop next to him. "Captian," she paused, hopping up to sit on top of the overturned barrel. Like a child's, her feet didn't touch the ground. Dressed in a gaily colored red dress and boots she looked like a child.

"Whatever you want it'll have to wait," Rezor growled, turning his attention back to his force's training. Phe nodded agreeably, content to sit in the sun and watch the men get all sweaty. Rezor scowled down at her, even on the oversized barrell she only came up to his shoulder, and focused on his men again.

Rezor had watched the newcomer flirt and laugh the night before, noting how she could not seem to sit still. Always giggling over some gossip or regaling them all with the, exagerrated he was sure, powers of Red Magecraft. He snorted again at the thought of a "Red Mage" killing a God and went back to guiding his men's training, confident that the Mithra would get bored and find someone else to annoy in short order.

Phe smiled to herself, well aware of the captain's thoughts. Patience was something she had tons of and was well prepared to wait him out. She needed the Captians advice and would wait until the Gods woke if need be to get it.

The summer sun was bright and hot, she could feel its heat on her head and shoulders, relaxing her nearly to the point of napping. Like all Mithra, she considered sun-filled days to be good days for napping. At the very least, for curling up and watching some very brawny men play with their weapons.

Rezor wiped the sweat from his brow before calling for a halt. They'd been at it for several hours, he realized, glancing at the sun's position. He'd spent the past hour working with one of the new gaurds on their axe technique and hadn't realized much time had passed.

The men wearily racked their weapons and headed off to the barracks, grateful their captain was too preoccupied to find them something else to do. Remembering his earlier visitor he smiled. Positive the cat had gotten bored and wandered elsewhere in search of amusement, he turned back only to scowl at the red-clad child-sized mithra perched untop of the barrel. His scowl deepened as he stalked over and heard her deep throated purr.

Her eyes were nearly shut and was obviously enjoying the sun's heavy heat that had reduced his men to sweaty puddles. She looked over at him, eyes still slitted and smiled. "All done?"

"What do you want?" He sighed realizing that, for now at least, she'd won. Her smile widened into a grin as she accepted her victory. Phe's eyes laughed into his glaring ones for moment before speaking. "I'm actually here because I need your advice."

"Anything to get you out of my sight." He folded his arms infront of him, clearly waiting for her to continue. Always one to turn the screw a little tighter, she smiled sweetly. "Careful, wouldn't want anyone to think you actually like me."

"I don't. Now what do you want?" His face was now a dull red. Not being an idiot, Phe decided to stop toying with the Captian. Quickly, and with a seriousness that belied her laughing eyes, she explained her request.

Rezor looked down at his scuffed boot toe, scowling as she described her need. He nodded thoughtfully as the ramifications of her request occured to him. He looked back at her with a grim smile and told her what she wanted to know.

Phe bowed courteously to the Captain, satisfied with his answer, and headed towards the town gates. Rezor watched her leave, satisfied that he'd just gotten rid of a potential threat to the town.

He hadn't warned her about the Lamia that liked to make unwary hunters the new members of their undead army.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:28 pm
by Kateevia
You are master of the cliffhanger, lol.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:23 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I apologize for the long wait! Hope everyone had a great holiday and I hope to be back on my once a week update schedule now

Pausing, Rezor looked up from honing his sword's edge as Ralen entered the armory. He nodded briefly in greeting and went back to his task. Sighing, Imalda's lord threw himself into a handy chair that creeked in warning from the sudden weight.

"By Altana! What a day!" Ralen groaned wearily. "There are times I'd like to bestow this grand title on some deserving soul and take off. Become an adventurer or something and go off in search of fame, riches and women."

It was an old complaint, Ralen wasn't always comfortable with the responsibilities and duties that being Imalda's Lord conferred on him. Rezor smiled briefly in sympathy before one again honing his sword.

"Tough day?" He asked idly, testing the edge with his thumb. he looked over at his friend with an eyebrow cocked in invitation.

"Yes," Ralen moaned, sliding deeper in the chair with his legs spread out in front of him. "The town council is throwing fits about the budget. They want more gil but don't want any new taxes levied."

"Ha! Same old story then, " Ralen snorted then looked at his lord specutivaly. "Speaking of budgets....."

Ralen's glare was strong enough to melt steel. "Don't even play." He growled in warning.

Rez cocked his head, curious. "I suppose that's some ridiculous adventurer cant your guest has taught you." He said disaprovingly.

"As a matter of fact, yes she did." Ralen said mildly. He stretched, rotating his neck to loosen any kinks. "Speaking of the Lady Pheonic, have you seen her recently? She's asked to see the town's charter."

In the act of sheathing his sword, Rez froze for a bare instant before smoothly completing the motion. "Not since mid-day, no I haven't." He said, turning away to put the whet stone on the mantle.

"Oh?" Ralen asked curiously, looking over at his friend. "Do you know where she was going?"

"Hunting." Rez said shortly, looking down at the fire before turning to face his lord. It had just occurred to him the Ralen would not be happy by his actions; he harbored a fascination with the half-grown mithra that Rez considered ill advised in the circumstances. All the delicate beauty and playful charm in the world would not be allowed to distract him from his duty.

"Oh good, she'll be back soon." Ralen said in satisfaction. No one hunted the night hours if they wanted to live to see their grands. Sunset was within the hour and there should be time enough to show her the town's charter before the evening meal.


Ralen blinked at the short reply. "Dawn?"

Rez turned to look at Ralen calmly. "She said she'd be back by dawn."

Ralen sat straight up in his chair in sudden concern. "You warned her about the Lamia didn't you?"

"She didn't ask, so no I didn't" Rez shrugged unconcernedly. "She simply asked me where the good hunting or trapping locations were."

"I see." Ralen said with a calm he was far from feeling. "And it never occured to you to warn her that due to our close proximity to Arrapago Reef that it'd be a wise idea to be behind the town's walls when the sun sets?"

"I'd be lying if I said it hadn't," Rezor admitted. He was honest to a fault and wouldn't lie. Oh, he'd omit, only volunteering any information that was asked for. Knowing this did not stop Ralen from feeling a volcanic fury rising. Rezor's paranoia had gone too far.

"You do realize that you sent her to her death?" Ralen said dangerously. Reconizing the tone Rezor turned to face his lord's fury stoically. "Her death is not at my hands. She's a threat to this town and if the Lamia remove that threat so much the better. It not like I sent her to Mamool."

Speechless, Ralen stared at his friend as if he'd never seen him before. He opened his mouth to speak, closing it after a moment. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes in an effort to control his towering fury. After several precious seconds he spoke, eyes closed still, with a tightly controlled voice that was barely above a whisper.

"In your unthinking paranoia you just condemmed someone who has caused no harm, done no harm, to an unspeakable death." He paused, eyeing his lifelong friend with a cold fury that shook Rezor. He opened his mouth, only to shut it at the tiny shake of Ralen's head. After a second Ralen continued. "Whatever your intentions you, not the Lamia, you are the cause of her death. You do realize that she is well known and thought of in her home country? That the local Mithra tribe will not be happy by this, much less the Windurstian Ambassador to the Empire when she hears of this?"

Silence settled on the room like a spell. Even the fire was subdued.

"Tomorrow, at dawn there will be a search party sent out. If by some miracle we find her alive I won't have you executed." Ralen promised his lifelong friend. "You will be under house arrest in your quarters until the search is complete. You will have no visitors. As of now, despite whatever we find tomorrow, you are no longer the Captain of my gaurd."

Rezor, former Captain of the Gaurd, stared at his friend in shock. Never, not in the deepest part of his soul, had he ever thought Ralen would react like that.

Numb, he watched silently as Ralen turned to the door calling for the gaurds that stood at attention at the end of the hall. There was a brief conversation in the hall. The gaurds, men he'd trained, marched in grim-faced. The one on the right, his second in command Rezor reconized belatedly spoke. "You are to come with us. In respect of your position, I won't ask you to had over your daggers or throwing stars. I will have your word that you won't try to escape or I will be forced to cut you down."

He nodded jerkily, "Understood." That one word carried all the shock and horror that was still crashing through him. He walked out the door slowly, carefully as if each step brought great pain. He met Ralen's eyes for a moment before looking away, unable to meet the towering fury simmering there. His second silently motioned in the direction of his quarters with his head. Following the silent command Rezor turned heavily
in that direction and walked to his imprisonment. Head lowered, he was a beaten man with the heavy realization that he'd disappointed his brother, in all but name, so much that no spell, no potion or remedy could mend the ocean of seething emotion between the two of them.

Ralen, Lord of Imalda, watched the man who'd grown up with him. Fought beside him. Against the Mamol-Ja in their youth. In recent years, pushing the Lamia back. The man he'd thought of as more brother then friend and realized that somewhere along the way he'd changed. The man walking as if to his execution was no longer the steady friend he could count on to be there with a sword, a grin or a dry joke.

He turned away, mourning both the loss of the friend he thought he knew and the woman he had both admired and started to hope for more from.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:16 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
This next bits features Phe, since well the story is supposed to be about her.

After passing the town's gate, Phe broke into a ground-eating run that allowed her to travel quickly but still observe any potential threat. It felt good to be outdoors again, away from the distractions and loud noises of town. As a young Red Mage fresh from her prolonged stay at the small beach town of Selbina and the nearby Valkurm's warm sands, Jueno had been a shock. She'd never imagined so many people living so closely together. The constant shouts and raucous behavior of youngadolscents letting off steam had been enough to set any well brought up Mithra's ears flat along their skull in protest at all the noise.

Windurst, her hometown, was if anything larger then Jueno. Sprawling green filled paths wound around, over and through streams and magically cut rock faces to reveal small open areas tucked away from view. Windurst lacked the huge population that being the main hub of airship travel that Jueno boasted. By comparism Windurst was country, where everything happened at its own pace and that pace was generally slow. It was as if Windurst was so seeped in magic that simply disembarking in Port Windurst and breathing in the fresh scent of tree lined paths made visitors relax and be at ease.

Thinking of Windurst always made Phe slightly homesick. In an effort to distract herself ~she absolutely refused to cry, it did bad things to her image as a fearless and just a bit crazy Red Mage~ she focused on a nearby mandrogora that was wandering around nearby.

Having an almost pathelogical hatred of the waddling horrors, she seldom travelled anywhere without trying to decimate the local population. Feeling her anticipation of the kill, Carbuncle pushed to be released. He loved a good hunt. Smiling, Phe called the ancient being to Vann'diel. Summoning always gave her a huge rush that nothing short of the Red Mage "Yes, I want to die" trick equalled.

Bridging two dimensions required skill, determination and concentration to handle the great amounts of raw, pure power that flowed thru a summoner's body. As a Red Mage, she could only taste the potential of that power. Only a full Summoner could coax one of the ancient gods into using all of their power. Usually with devestating results that a Red Mage could only dream of. By nature Red Magic was subtle, its talents lay in weakening a foe and whittling away at its life. The Ancient Magic of a black mage or the ability to call a god to your side to cause mass descruction and mayhem was not exactly in her job description.

Oh, she could still call on the gods. She'd completed that much of her summoner training and even make use of some of the weaker bloodpacts, but until she was prepared to become a Summoner truly they were little more then hunting companions.

A fact that neither she or Carbuncle minded as she pointed out the prey and he immediatley too off after the rapidly retreating plant. She watched for a minute, amused by the way Carby played with his prey as he killed it.

Knowing that Carbuncle was safe and happily occupied she continued to the cliff overlooking the sea that surronded Imalda. She'd been away from town longer then she'd thought. The sun was already setting, spreading its nearly blinding final rays across the water. The sky was already darkening in the east but here, where land married sea the sky was a glorious shade of dusk with red~her favorite color~ gilding the clouds and dying the waves.

Taking a seat she admired the sunset while in the distance Carbuncle finished his kill and made his way back to her. His satisfaction at lowering the local mandy population by one drifted across their bond.

And what did that little mandy ever do to you? She asked silently, smiling. Phe had long suspected that her avatar companion had a grudge against anything that could be considered cuter or more cuddly then him.


Laughing to herself she stood to face him as he came up next to her. She shook her head and replied. Admit it, you just don't like anything that cute to be in the same region as you

Carbuncle made a diresive sound as she knelt to stroke his fur. She'd always loved his fur and delighted in touching it. Closing his eyes in esctasy, Carbuncle was a shameless hedonist at times, he replied. YOU CAN NOT CALL ONE OF THOSE SCREAMING MENACES CUTE AND STILL BE SANE

Oh I don't know Phe teased gently. The way they hop during battle is pretty cute

Reconizing her mood, Carbuncle knew better then to reply. Very few people could match wits with Pheonic when she was feeling playful. And they were all across the sea.

Sitting there, absorbed in the enjoyement of being together both failed to notice the encroaching dark and the creatures that liked to come out when there was no more light.

Phe realized with a start that she'd been so wrapped up in his loving presence that she hadn't noticed either the passing of twilight or how low her magical reserves had become.

Its getting late She sighed, getting to her feet with some regret. I still have some hunting to do before dawn. I need more bat wings for crafting

THERE'S MORE THEN BATS OUT HERE AT NIGHT PHEONIC He said as he leapt into thin air, curling himself up into a ball as he did so. HAVE FUN

"Always with the crypic warnings," Phe muttered darkly, dimly hearing his barking laughter. "One of these days fur ball..."

More out of habit then real need she cast "Stoneskin", an enchantment that absorbed any attacks for a limited time and "Phalanx" another enchantement, one that diffused and lessened an enemies attack, making Stoneskin last longer. Properly armored against any harm, with a quick mental wrenching pull she replenished her magical reserves. Wincing at the tearing pain, she healed herself from "oh gods just kill me know" to "Gods-damn it, that hurt! " before taking a knee to finish recovering.

Much like a Dragoon's Spirit Link, which could heal its wyrven in exchange for its own health, Pheonic could exchange her physical energy for magical. All Red Mages could after reaching a certain level of skill. Phe had mastered it twenty-five training levels before but still hated the sensation.

'Nothing quite like being almost clobbered to death without even taking a blow" Phe muttered to herself, wincing again at a painful stitch in her side. She was still facing the ocean, now bathed in the early moonlight and didn't noticed the approach of two very strange creatures.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:36 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I really should learn to sort out my gobbie bag when I'm not in the middle of an unknown and possibly hostile zone.

"Hmmmm......keep this, might need this. This can go, distilled water is easy to find..Why the hells did my moogle pack this?!" Phe muttered to herself while sorting through her gobbie bag. It was only the third model, she hadn't bothered to shell out te gil yet for the higher upgrades.

Her moogle had packed for her before leaving on the voyage, but his "essential item list"always had items on it that weren't anywhere near her "essential item list". This was the first time she'd really had a spare moment to go thru and weed out her stuff.

Since waking up with a throbbing headache courtesy of a mild concussion and finding herself a guest in Lord Ralen's house, she'd been constantly occupied with visitors when not sleeping off the effects of her injury.

The young boy, Koren, who'd rescued her had been regailing his friends with teh tale, and how she was one of the "Lost Mithra". They'd all come to gawk at and barrage her with questions as soona as Loyiont ahd given his okay ~the traitor~ she'd have to think of some way to return the favor.

There'd been unrestriced travel between her ancesteral homeland in Mindartia, the Aradjiah Continent and the western nations of Windurst, San d'Oria and Bastok for generations. Despite the constant flow of travellers and goods it seemed like the tales of the tribal split had grown and flourished in the outer regions of the Aht Urghan Empire. Much to Phe's chagrin.

When not answering the youngling's questions about Windurst and how she could handle both higher tiered black and white magic spells, she'd been dancing verbally around Lord Ralen and Capt. Rezor's queries.

The captian really doesn't trust me, not that I blame him. A stranger appearing out of no where, with no logical mundane reason for arriving like that is suspicious She reflected as she re-packed the bag, having sorted it to her satisifaction. He was right about the hunting and the view~ its amazing. I'll have to thank him for it in the morning when I--

Pheonic broke off in mid-thought as she heard someone come within her "You're getting waaaay too close for your health, pal" zone. She stood, turning to face the threat. Two of the strangest creatures she had ever seen stood just within casting range. They seemed just as surprised to see her as she was at their appearance. They stood about Galka tall, and were a repulsive blend of hume women and snake.

Curiousity had always been one of Phe's more harm causing faults. It'd led to a broken leg as a small cub when she'd taken her magic kit out to the Horo Ruins to practice fighting the gobbies there, a broken collar bone in Giddeus when she'd decided to investigate the lower basements, and she still limped in cold weather from the broken foot she'd gotten when trying to run from a Tabar Beak on her first trip to Jueno. Without silent oils or prism powder. Unfortunatly for her mother's hopes, curiosity hadn't been a trait she'd out grown. As Phe had gained more training and became more confident in her own abilities she was able to indulge in Curiosity's siren call and would go out hand in hand with it in search of the triplets Fun, Excitement and Adventure.

Giving in, Phe shrugged mentally and started going through her "I'm gonna be pounding you to little pieces" spell ritual. Refresh, Regen, Ice Spikes, Enblizzard, Stoneskin and Phalanx are ok, Haste and now to sleep the spare...

At her first casting the snake-women(?) apparently came to a descision and split away from each other, one trying to flank her while the other kept her occupied. "Uh-uh, where do you think your going?" Phe muttered, quickly casting sleep on the moving snake-thing. It stopped in its tracks, sleeping enchantedly. Turning her attention back to the other she-snake, she sighed, noticing its weapon of chioce. "Why must I always face Rangers?"

It had been plunking away at her, its arrows bouncing off the stoneskin enchantment she never left home without. As a personal choice, Phe preferred to get all close and melee her enemies to death. The long distance mage duel was fine for parties but when off solo adventuring she liked to get close and see the battle raged eyes, smell the heavy sweat and sharp scent of blood as she defeated her enemy in combat. Slowly, granted. Red Mages weren't the fastest or most trained in damage causing as the purer melee classes, but she enjoyed testing her endurance against a foe's.

Rangers shot ~no pun intended~ all her enjoyement in combat to the hells. Snarling in irritation, she bound the she-thing in place, paralyzing it while she did so. Just because it had to go and ruin her fun, Phe blinded it for good measure and then began calling on the elements of Vana'diel. Not for her the powerful magic of the ancients or control of the highest elements, but the sharp report of thunder as Lightening seared the wannabe ranger was satisfying. As was the sight of the ground beneath the snake-ranger rising up to smack it for daring to take on a red mage.

Phe re-slept the other would-be ranger absently while concentrating on the now seriously injured one she'd been systematically spell blasting into the ground. Stoneskin had fallen somewhere between her calling on earth and ice, but she'd been too caught up in the battle to notice the bruises the arrows were leaving. I'm glad I did those quests for Corila, this armor is better then arrow-proof vests at absorbing these hits

Finally, after spending most of her magical reserves, the distant archer fell with a shrill cry, waking up its surviving companion. This one, enraged by the death of the other came running, well....ok, came slithering in shouting.

Phe was busy recasting Stoneskin and Refresh and didn't pay all that much attention to the shrill declarations of unending hatred and the vows to hunt down and kill the upstart who dared to take on the Lamae. She'd heard the litany before, the only thing that ever changed was the name.
It got a bit boring after awhile, but then beastmen weren't known for their creativity. Gobbies not included. Those short beastiemen could be devious, the evil things.

Drawing her dagger, Phe tested the edge with her thumb before looking up at the Lamia and smiling. "That's nice, was there anything else you wanted to say? Vow unending death or torment perhaps?"

The Lamia stopped just out of reach to reply; "You weak minded cat, your insult to the Lamae will not end in death. You shall become one of the qutrub, alive but not. Forced to eat the flesh of others to maintian your horrid existance. That shall be your fate."

Phe heard the seductive lure in the Lamae's voice, it offered enrapturement and ecstasy, freedom from being looked down on, from being mocked. Being a mithra, Phe was possesed of supreme self-confidence. There was little that could shake a Mithra's sense of worth or the blood bred confidence that the other four races were lacking in everything from looks to skill.

Elvaans weren't the only arrogant race under the sun.

So, she heard the entreating call but didn't listen. With a tooth-filled smile she leapt forward, closing the space between them. "You want me, snake-bitch? Then come get me."

The Lamia screamed in rage as her charm failed and she felt the first bite from the dagger. Which came in again, and again, almost to fast to believe as Phe's spell enhanced muscles drove her dagger in thru the scale armored creature's body.

The woods had grown quiet, the normal night sounds hushed as the two combatants dueled. To even the most skepical and pratical minded observer standing in that sudden quiet it might have seemed as even the dependable Night was intrested in the outcome of the battle.

Dawn was late that morning.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:44 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
So many views! Hope you've enjoyed it so far!

"Dawn's late this morning," Ralen murmured, watching the sky. It was a silly observation, how could the sun be late? But after being up all night, alternatively praying to and then cursing Altana, Ralen was finding it hard to care. Yet for all that, Night had held its grip in Vana'diel longer then it normally did this morning.

"Yes m'lord," Loyiont agreed quietly. "This night has been an eternity it seems." Calen, newly promoted Captain of the Gaurd nodded. "That it has. The men are ready Lord Ralen, as soon as the sun rises and ends this unlucky night we'll begin the search."

Ralen nodded wordlessly, eyes never leaving the night darkened view from the parapet. The news of Captain Rezor's imprisonment and the reasons for it had flown through the town before most had finished the evening meal the night before. Most felt that although it was a regrettable mistake on Rezor's part it was done and there was no hope for the newcomer after a night out in Lamia infested fields. Rezor had been well known to the town and popular. Calen would have a hard time stepping into his place. Bookies at the tavern were doing a brisk business, laying odds equally on Lady Pheonic's chances of survival (non-existant) and Calen's chances of keeping his predecesor's job (very low).

No one had ever returned from being outside the town gates after night fall. Every few years a foolhardy youth, too dumb to believe stories and too confident in his ablities would, on a dare or for a bet, go out at night. Scraps of clothing or a weapon was all that was ever left to mark the youth's passing. Ralen knew that was all they could hope to find, the search party would return at sundown with only a few scraps of brightly colored cloth torn from her Red Mage armor, or if they were lucky her beloved sword Joyeuse. He knew that, knew that she was no longer part of vana'diel, but there, in the deepest part of him he could still feel the painful sting of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, she was still alive. She'd survived a terrible storm and the loss of her shipmates to come to him. Altana had smiled on her once, she could do so once again.

Yes, he still felt hope. Hope that she was alive and hope that she would come back to him. He felt it and oh blessed Altana how it hurt. Knowing it was impossible and still harboring hope was like a having a jugle tiger tear at his skin. An unending pain that wouldn't leave and couldn't be healed until he saw undisputable proof that she was forever gone.

"Let her come home to me, blessed Altana and I'll protect your gift to us from all harm," Ralen vowed too softly for the healer standing next to him to hear. As if in answer, the sun began to creep over the horizon.

Imalda was on a peninsula facing north, out to sea. The town had easy access to the Dawn cove beach where the lad Koren had found the shipwrecked Mithra and overlooked the western facing beaches some moums distant. Ralen had spent the night watching for the dawn. He couldn't find the courage to watch the uncaring night-shrouded fields to the west, listening to the horrible sounds of the Imp horns and imagining what horrors Pheonic was enduring at the hands of the Lamia.

So he had watched for the morning light that was finally creeping over into this part of the world, rose colored tendrils of flame shooting out over the water. The sky had lightened to a blush colored peach that promised a beautiful day was ahead for this part of the Aradjiah continent.

Ralen took one look final look at the morning colored sea and turned to face the distant western fields. Catching the eye of the Watch Seargeant, Ralen jerked his head in the direction Phe had taken the night before asking silently if there was any sign of her. It was dawn, the time she had promised to be back. He knew that if she could've made it back she would be there now at the gates.

The Hope that had stayed alive through the night was fading, he felt the pain of it leaving him as the gaurd shook his head in response to the unasked question. There was no sign of the beautiful mage. Ralen discovered bitterly that the pain of her loss was no less bearable then the burden of hope. Regret and loss tore at his mind as he nodded to the gaurd, not letting a trace of his pain show on his face.

She loved the sun, at least Altana has given me that much. It should be a beautiful day to mourn her passing. I only hope we~ Ralen's thoughts were cut short at a sudden shout from the look-out.

"Mithra approaching!"

"Chocobo Messenger from the local tribe?" Loyiont asked in the sudden silence. Chocobo was the only way that anyone dared to travel at night, the flight less birds were fearless and would go anywhere but the deepest lairs of beastmen. Imalda didn't boast a Chocobo herd but the region's Mithra tribe raised some of the finest in the Empire. Ralen nodded jerkily, unable to speak. It had to be a Chocobo Messenger, but the Hope that had nearly flickered out had suddendly flared inside, blazing hotter then it had through the night.

Ralen strode down the stairs, he could at least meet the messenger and fufil his duties as Imalda's lord. He still had those at least. The townfolk were just now stirring, fetching the daily water and preparing breakfast. The familiar sounds of families waking up to spend the day greeted him as he headed across the town square to the western gatehouse. It was almost comforting.

The lookout had been alert he noted, he had managed to arrive before the new arrival. He had returned the Watch Seargeant's salute when he heard Loyiont's stiffled shout behind him. "What is~"
He asked, turning to Loyiont. The healer was staring at the gate, mouth working soundlessly, too surprised by what he saw to make any sound. Ralen turned in the direction of Loyiont's gaze and froze, too shocked to move.

Standing in the gateway, looking just as she had the morning before was a scarlet clad, petite, flame-haired Mithra with ginger colored markings framing her wide blue eyes. She was holding a bow that was only whispered about, no one in living memory had ever survived to claim one as a trophy. Phe looked around curiously at the crowd gathered there, cocked her head at the shocked looks on their faces and smiled, "Why the surprised looks? Didn't Rezor tell y'all I'd be back by morning?"

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:55 pm
by Kateevia
Haha...Phe rules!

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:22 pm
by Jexen

Just read all of the chapters so far in one go, I love it! You definitely need to update this soon!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:09 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I'm so glad you like it so far Jexen! I try to update it about once a week or so.

At her entrance to town everyone had gone silent. It was as if Vtra had broken out of King Ranperre's Tomb, laid waste to San d'Oria and everyone was standing around looking at the wreckage too shocked to do anything but breathe.

"Why the suprised looks? Didn't Rezor tell y'all I'd be back by morning?" Phe asked with a smile, which faded as her question was met with an even heavier silence and stunned looks on Ralen's, Loyiont's and the Gaurds second-in-command's faces. Suddendly nervous, Phe shifted her stance. She wasn't a big fan of surpises inside towns and got nervous when townies got silent. "Oooooh Kaaaayy, starting to get a little freaked here. Someone explain to me what in all the hells is going on. Use small words please, I'm a bit sleepy."

Loyiont visibly shook himself at her words, looking a bit like he'd just gotten zapped by Lightening (Tier class I, II or III take your pick) and stepped forward. "It's...welll....hmmm....." He stopped and turned to look helplessly at Ralen who sighed. "My lady," He began, stepping forward. "Forgive us for looking as if you were a ghost. None of us expected to see you still fit and whole this morning." He came up to her, hand outstreched as if to touch her face.

Instinctively, still unsure of what was going on, she backed up a step. The sudden look of pain on his face at her open dislay of distrust caused a slight twinge of guilt inside her. Just a tiny one, Phe wasn't one to apologize for her behavior to anyone. Well, she did to fellow adventuring party members if they got knocked out. If she felt like it was her mistake. Maybe.

Conscious of everyone looking at them she shook her head slightly, smiling slightly in worry. "Be kind, my lord. I'm not at my best this morning. I'm still not getting why y'all look as if everyone in town and their grandma was breakfast for Serket."

Taking her hands in his, Ralen began to explain. "No one in living memory, tale or song has survived a night outside of town in the Empire and lived to tell about it. All that is ever found are pieces of their clothing or maybe a weapon. They become undead, bid by their masters to kill the living and feed on them." He took a deep breath, letting it out shakily. "Imalda's fields are plagued with these creatures after dark. Rezor let you leave, knowing that you planned on remaining outside after dark, without warning of the dangers. He fully expected you to not survive the night."

Blue eyes stared up into brown as she digested Ralen's words. "Huh," Phe mused. "Necromancers? Hume girl looking thing with a snake tail? Stands about as high as a galka and carries a bow or a staff usually?"

Loyiont nodded, finally finding his voice. "The Lamia, they have a nest about three days sail away, the Arrapago Reef. Locally its just known as the Lamia's Reef." The healer looked sharply at her. "You saw one? Your not injured or bleeding?"

Ignoring the last (obvious) question, she replied calmly to his shocked tone. "Three actually. First two came up behind me while I was sorting out the mess in my gobbie bag."

The second in command What was his name again? and the rest of the search party (she assumed) had grouped up around Loyiont, anxious to hear every word of what was promising to be a tale to tell their future grandchildren about. Being a Mithra, she effortlessly picked up the muttered:

"Oh my sweet goddess Altana...."
"Two? No way she defeated two at once!"
"She's standing there isn't she, clear as day!"
"Inconceivable! No one can survive outside the town after sunset!"
"Ah, quit your bitching. She obviously won, she's carrying a Lamia bow. Pay up."

Biting back what promised to be a fit of giggles, Phe managed to say after a brief pause, "They weren't too much of a problem. I slept one and dealt with the other. Their staves looked intresting so I grabbed one
and started back to town. I took down some bats on the way, skinning them for their wings."

"Excuse me, Lady Pheonic" The second in command I really need to learn his name, this is gonna bug me until I do.... spoke up. "That bow...there have been stories about it since my great- grandfather was a boy. How did you come across it?"

Hefting the bow, now that there was light enough to see, Phe examined it critically. It was made of a rich glossy material she couldn't name. Knowing what type of creature had carried it she wouldn't be surprised if it was hume bone, but she didn't think so. It just didn't feel right. A recurve bow, it had a pull strong enough to have her gritting her teeth when she drew it. It'd been years since she'd last picked up a bow and she could feel the neglect in muscles that were seldom excersised. "Georgeous isn't it? Well anyway, I was heading back to town and another one of those snake freaks-"

"Lamia," Loyiont corrected automatically. "They're called Lamia"

"Right, them." She shrugged. "Anyway, one of the snake-chicks took a shot at me with this. It bounced off my stoneskin enchatement, she and I exchanged not so civil pleasantries. She accused me of murder, defilement, demanded my head and promised to take it from me, you know the usual battle greetings."

She paused, suddendly feeling the lack of sleep crash over her. She hoped she could get to bed soon, or the town would be greeted with her fainting at the western gate as well as the eastern. "So after that the opening ceremonies, we got on to the traditional taking of names. Apparently her name is Ashitia Skulltaker or something like that. Got her bow too."

"So you killed her?" One of the gaurds asked, half disbelieving. Turning (tired) but suddendly dangerous blue eyes on the speaker, Phe simply looked at him. Swallowing at the unblinking stare, the gaurd decided that questioning her might not have been one of his better career moves. She held his gaze for a minute before turning to the crowd at large. With a slight jerk of her shoulders, she answered, "She was certainly making a good effort at dying. She was on the ground, bleeding heavily when I left. Tripped over the bow, so I picked it up and decided to keep it. "

Ralen, having decided that she was on her last reserves of energy (or should be anyway after being up all night with no sleep the previous day) stepped forward before anyone could ask her another question. "A tale that will get all of you free beers for the next few weeks to be sure," He said to the gaurds. "But now I'm afraid I must insist on the Lady Pheonic getting some rest, like us, she's had no rest this night."
Turning to her, he gestured towards the keep. "Come my lady, lets get you too your bed. Before you decide to set fire to one of my gaurds for asking a stupid question."

Smiling slightly, she took his offered arm. "Thank you my lord, I could use some rest."

Loyiont started to go after them, but stopped after no more then a step. The adventurer was obviously uninjured. She hadn't been favoring any particular side or holding any injured limb, so despite being dusty and exhausted she seemed to have survived her night out quite well. Instead of heading towards the keep, he started off towards his house and practice, but not before he heard Pheonic add, "Why'd I want to set fire to him? Do you know how long it takes to get the smell of smoke and brimstone out of this armor?"

Laughing at her remark, Loyiont hurried to his breakfast. Yes, she was definetly unhurt. He only hoped the town could survive the rest of her

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:18 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
So sorry this one is late and short. I'll add another part as soon as I can.

The mid-morning sun was streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze making the sun-lit dust motes visible as Ralen passed by. Only two gaurds stood outside the former Captain's quaters, the rest of the hallway was emtpy. In the time it had taken him to see Pheonic delivered into the hands of his chiding housekeeper; the men, who on any other day would busy with daily tasks and errands, had apparently decided that being busy somewhere other then the barracks would be a good idea.

He returned the gaurd's salute and nodded at the door. "Any trouble?"

"None, m'lord" The senior gaurd on duty responded respectfully. Ralen nodded, "Thank you Gaurdsmen Fedan, I'd like to speak with him."

"Aye, m'lord." Fedan snapped to attention and saluted his lord before rapping his knuckles on the heavy wooden door. There was a muffled query from the other side. "Lord Ralen wishes to speak with you." Fedan answered through the door, before nodding to his fellow gaurd, who took a heavy key out from under his sword belt and unlocked the door.
Both guards stepped back from the door, hands on weapons as Ralen opened the door.

Ralen nodded approvingly, he'd been concerned that loyalty to their former Captain might get in the way of their duty to Imalda and him. "Thank you, I'll call if I need you for anything." He told the gaurds. Gaurdsman Fedan looked as if he wanted to protest, but after a moment bowed in acquiescence to his lord. Ralen gave him a brief smile before stepping past the doorway.

Drapes covered the windows, blocking the sun. Ralen paused, letting his eyes adjust to the gloom. After a moment he could make out the figure sprawled on a chaise by the fireplace. A decanter of wine was perched on the table next to him with another lying empty on the floor.

"So." Rezor said from his sprawl. "The high lord of Imalda has come to announce my fate. Search didn't take long, must have found her remains as soon as you stepped out the gates."

"You're drunk." Ralen said evenly, coming to stand infront of him. Rezor looked up mockingly. "Not much else to do waiting for you to decided my fate. So what will it be old friend? The hangmen or the axe? Don't leave me waiting, its impolite."

Goaded, Ralen snapped. "You think this is easy for me? I've known you from almost before we could walk and now look at you!" He gestured at the bottles, disgust plain on his face. "You're a disgrace to Imalda!"

Rezor growled menacingly, "Don't talk to me about disgrace, my lord. We both know that if that cat hadn't seduced you, there'd have been no tears shed by anyone else at her disappearance. I'm to blaim for your guilt and a disgrace to Imalda, am I? Maybe you should look in the mirror first, Ralen. Hypocrisy doesn't suit you."

Ralen simply stood there, stonefaced and silent at the abuse. He'd been right, he thought distantly, looking at the bloodshot and heavy eyed former captain. He didn't know this man. He didn't know when, but the man he'd known for a lifetime had changed and become a stranger. The thought was painful, but at the same time it bouyed him. He could mourn the lose of his friend without feeling guilt at what he must do.

They looked at each other, silently. Drunken belligerence filling one set of eyes, furious resolve in the other. Standing there, facing off against a lifetime of memories embodied in a wasted body Ralen felt a tiny bubble of hilarity rise. If a seer had told him even two weeks before that he'd be standing here now he'd have called them a liar to their face.

"You're right" Ralen said finally. Rezor blinked. He'd been spoiling for a fight, but Ralen's agreeable tone stripped away the righteous anger he'd worked up over the long night.

"You're right." Ralen said again. "Lady Pheonic is the reason why I'm standing here listening to your sorry drunken ass." He turned to the fireplace, looked down at the still glowing log in it. "The search didn't find anything."

Rezor had sat up at his first words only to now fall back into his previous slump. "So that's it? After all my service to you. You're just going to have me executed to soothe your own guilty conscious."

Ralen kicked the log, making sparks shoot up the chimmy. "The search never took place." He turned to face the now puzzled Rezor. "She came back."

"What?? Rezor sat straight up, shocked. Ralen nodded grimly. "At dawn, carrying the bow of Ashitia Skulltaker and the staff of another. "

Stunned, Rezor just stared at his lord. Ralen looked away for a moment before lookng once more at the former captain. "So, no. I'm not going to order your execution."

"What are you going to do with me then?" Rezor spat out. "Don't do me any favors, Ralen."

"Favors?" Ralen laughed mirthlessly. "No, don't fear. I doubt you'll consider your sentence a favor."

"Calen is my new Captain. By rights, these are his quarters; but he has decided to remain in his current ones for the time being." He continued somberly. "For your actions, your deliberate attempt to cause harm to an innocent and a guest of my house, you are stripped of all rank, priviledges and pension. Imalda no longer had need of your service. At dawn tomorrow you will be escorted to the gates and allowed to make your way as you see fit."

"So that's it?" Rezor stared at Ralen, lips white in shock. "Not execution but banishment? Exile?" He laughed bitterly. "So be it then. Enjoy your pretty little whore. Hope she's worth the price you seem so willing to pay."

Ralen had to clench his fists to keep from lunging forward and choking the life out of him before turning away and going to the door. Still laughing, Rezor watched him go.

"Oh, one more thing." Ralen turned back, hand on the door knob. "She thanks you and says that its been awhile since she'd had so much fun hunting."

Laughter was suddendly the furthest thing from his mind as he stared at the now closed door. He heard the key turn, locking him in once more and wondered bitterly if he could get drunk enough to forget the bitter irony of having the person you sent out to die thank you for it.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:24 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
[I'm sorry this has taken so long to get up, had a bit of writer's block trying to figure out how to make everything connect.

Three days after Rezor had been escorted to Imalda's gates, Loyiont found the reason for his friend's exile in the Library. They'd never been as close as Rezor had been to Ralen perhaps; but they'd been good friends. Always there for each other, and now that he was gone Loyiont was finding it hard to adjust.

Maybe it was his chosen profession or the mage training, he didn't really know, but he'd always been able to see his childhood pals more clearly. He'd been quietly observing the changes in both Ralen and Rezor for a long time. Seen Ralen grow from a honest and faithful young boy into a honest Lord and loyal friend. Rezor, from a determined and driven boy into a determined and ruthless soldier as the years went on. A ruthlessness that partnered with a growing paranoia had damned the good captain when a half-drowned and badly concussed Mithara had washed up on Dawn Beach.

Despite his friend's exile, Loyiont couldn't find it in him to blame the beautiful Mithra. She had done nothing, overt or subtle, to danger the town and considering the way she had easily survived a night outside Loyiont admired her restraint when she had learned that Rezor had never expected her to return the next morning. Rezor was right about on thing thoughLoyiont admitted, thoughtfullyShe never has really given us a good reason why she's here in Imalda or how she survived after being shipwrecked

Two questions Loyiont was determined to have answered.

Sitting in a galka sized high-backed arm chair that had been pulled up to a nearby window where the afternoon sun was streaming through, Pheonic was absorbed in a dusty tome on the regions history. Well, sitting didn't really describe her poistion correctly, Loyiont noted amused. Lounging, or perhaps sprawling might be closer. The chair dwarfed her slim build but she obviously didn't care that her feet met air if she sat upright. Which she wasn't.

Loyiont's mother would have fainted dead away at seeing a proper young lady laying across the chair with her head propped on one arm rest, legs spread with one foot dangling over the other armrest while its twin was hanging in mid-air. Shaking his head in silent laughter, Loyiont crossed the room to her position.

"Well you look comfortable."

Phe looked up and smiled, she'd heard the physician enter the room and pause before heading over to her sun filled corner. "I am," She laughed. "Galka sized chairs are the easiest to get comfortable in."

"And mithra designed one?" He asked humorously while grabbing a nearby chair to sit in. Laughing Phe replied, "Oh Mithra ones are the best, but can't really find any good ones outside of Windurst or Khazam and Galka sized ones do just as well."

"I see." He smiled in return before looking out the window. It was a glorious day, the gardens were in full bloom and the scents of summer were heavy in the air. It was a friendly silence, neither saw any reason to break it with mundane concerns as they sat there, one watching the world while the other studied its history.

With a shake, Loyiont brought himself back to reality. He hadn't sought out Pheonic to sit next to her while she read. "I aplogize for disturbing your studies, but I had a few concerns."

"Hmmm, whats that?" She asked absently, turning a page and frowned as she reaced the end of the passage she was reading. Softly growling she closed the book with more force then any good librarian's heart could stand and looked up at Loyiont.

"Oh nothing serious, m'lady." He assured her. "Just a few questions that I think you can answer."

"Oh?" She asked, suspicious despite his easy smile. He nodded, serious now. "Rezor was a good friend of mine for years and what he did was unquestionably wrong." He began quietly, sorrow for his lost friend thick in his voice. "But, I can't help but wonder if he was right about a few things."

Pheonic was a product of her generation and like her fellow Adventurers she couldn't help feel a deep seated bitterness over the difference between how townsfolk treated her and others like her and how they treated their neighbors. Always good enough to search a decaying temple for some hidden treasure but never good enough to rest somewhere safely behind town walls without question.

She'd known this was coming. Loyiont had been careful not to voice his thoughts, but she'd been able to tell. She'd seen the questions and the slight wondering disdain that nearly all townies had in his eyes whenever she saw him looking at her.

Suddendly tired of all of it, she sat up and focused serious eyes on the healer. "I bet I can guess," She spoke lightly enough but a razor edge in her voice had Loyiont wincing. "How I managed to survive what is apparently a 3 day sail when my ship went down during the storm, why I'm poking around Imalda's old records and why I'm still here despite being healed for over a week." She waited a beat. "Accurate?"

"Lethally," He replied, a sardonic smile twisting his lips. "Now its none of my business-"

"You're right," She snapped, frusteration and heat living beings in her voice. "Its not." Her eyes glinted a moment before she continued more calmly. "It's not your business, Rezor's or even Ralen's."

"But," She went on thoughtfully, looking out the window. "I know how curiousity can eat at you." Looking back at the quietly watching healer she smiled in a lightening change of mood. "Might want to get comfortable, this will take awhile."

She paused, gathering her thoughts. After a minute she began in teh lilting tones of a bard: "There are three, well four I guess with the Blue School, accepted schools of Magic." At his nod she went on. "Well, not very long ago as Time measures it a very learned Minister in Windurst began to experiment in a fifth. Under the aegis of the Star Sybil but because of his drive and vision he continued his studies. We were in the dark days of the Crystal War."

"Windurst was in trouble and to save her, Kahura-Bahura delved deep. Deeper then anyone else had ever gone in the arts. Black Magic calls on the elements to bring destruction as he knew, but what if you could do more? What if you could call on not the elements of Vana'diel but the gods that the elements are but a taste of."

She nodded at the look of understanding on his face. "To save Windurst he called on them, beseeched them and Windurst's legendary protector was summoned. Fenrir the Wolf saved Windurst and the Sixth Ministry was the born."

"The Star Sybil however distrusted the Summoning Magic, she saw how it could so easily be twisted and turned against those it would protect and declared it heresy and against Altana to study or summon the elemental gods."

"I was a cub, barely old enough to start going to school when Fenrir appeared to save Windurst during the last days of the war. I wanted to do that some day. To have that power at your behest was-its hard to explain- the forces a Black Mage can control are awesome but, a summoner-"

She stopped, unable to continue. She shrugged ruefully, "I'd already begun studying the mage arts but summoning was forbidden before I had reached the level where I could begin my quest."

"I'd already graduated from training and had begun the adventure. One day I came across a very old gem. A gem that when it was subjected to different weather conditions and finally brought to a place in La Theine that predates the elvaans. The ancient Carbuncle revealed to me that summoning magic although forbidden was not dead. He'd been with me since the beginning and would continue with me until the end."

"In time I sought out," She laughed softly "And after several painful battles with Carby's help, gained the support of the other gods. Among my fellow adventurer's others like me were rare but accepted. Whatever our parents believed summoning was not dead."

"But your not a summoner," Loyiont cut in. "You're wearing the artifacts of a skilled Red Mage."

"No, I'm not a full summoner." Pheonic said softly. She nodded as understanding crossed Loyiont's face. "The path I first walked still called to me and I left my childhood dream to continue on it. But not in the accepted manner, not quite anyway. I didn't quite give up my dream you see. I came to the Empire not just as a Red Mage but as a Red Mage-Summoner and when the storm hit I was injured and as I fell into the waters I called on the Sea Serpent Leviathan. His power brought me not to just shore and safety."

"I see." Loyiont chewed on the information she had just revealed. Stories of Kahura-Bahura had travelled to the Empire, as had the deenouncing of Summoning Magic as heresy from the Star Sybil and the Papasque in San d'Oria. He could understand why she'd keep her talents quiet, she risked much to study what was considered a crime against Altana. He could at least set her mind at ease, the Empire and Glorious Majesty worshipped another god. At least here she was safe from prosecution.

"I'm honored in your trust, m'lady" He said simply but honestly. "Here in the Empire at least, your studies would not be considered heresy. Although respected, Altana is not worshipped by Her Imperial Majesty."

She nodded silently, a weight she'd carried for so long it was barely felt had been lifted from her shoulders and left her feeling slightly light-headed. Frowning, Loyiont tapped a finger on his knee. "That explains your arrival, but why did the Sea God place you on our shore?"

His companion's gay laughter had him looking over at her curiously. She shook her head, unable to speak as tears shined in her eyes from the strength of her humor. "Oh my Lord Healer," she managed after several gasping breathes. "I hope your chair is comfortable, the reasons why Levy brought me and why I've remained here since recovering will take awhile to explain."

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:12 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Eyes far away on some distant point, she began softly;

In a time before Altana cried her tears or the Twilight God brought out the darkness within all the Five races, there was a legend among the Zilart.

Long before, at the dawn of their race the great wyrm king Bahamut had gifted their race with a great jewel. Why?
She shrugged slightly, For some forgotten favor or bargain most likely, Bahamut is not known for his generosity.

The gem was a thing of beauty, of all the wonders of the Zilart nothing compared to this simple jewel. To look upon it facets was to see the world and all in it; to hold it up to the sun’s rays was to look upon the gods. In the light of the moon, the future was revealed.

Beyond precious, they safeguarded it zealously. In time, the Dawn Maidens became the guardians of Bahamut’s Gift and their leader knowing both the temptation and the lure of the gorgeous gem sought to conceal its location from all. Only her successor would know of its location, bound by sacred oaths to never reveal or make use of it.

Time passed. By the birth of the last Zilart princes, the jewel was forgotten from all but two. In their conceit and pride, Eald’Narche and Kam'lanaut sought to enter Paradise and join the gods as one of them.

She paused to gather her thoughts. Loyiont kept silent with some difficulty; he’d never heard of any ancient treasure like what she was describing, even the Empire’s Astral Candescence paled against the powers she was describing.

The Zilart fell at the hand of the Kuluu, now the shrunken and deformed Tonberries, and at the Dawn Maidens who still appear to those brave and curious enough to explore the ruins of the Zilart’s conceit.

At Yve'noile’s death, the Dawn Maidens most secret treasure was lost, for none now alive knew of its resting place. Bahamut, the only other being alive to still remember its existence, assumed that it had been destroyed along with the other treasures of Zilart.

Altana cried at the destruction and the five races were created. A new world was made. As the races grew and formed nations they began to explore. Some for profit, others for knowledge. Although Bahamut’s Gift had been lost when the Zilart fell, it hadn’t been destroyed.

Blessed, or cursed, with a type of spirit like after-life, Yve’noile knew that in time the gem could be discovered by one of the new races or worse she feared, by the beastmen who competed for the same land as Altana’s children.

To protect it and the new world, she would have to choose a new guardian. Going against all her oaths, her vows to Altana, she began to reach out with what power was left to her in the after-life. Carefully, she choose those who had a powerful sense of duty and honor and in the depths of their sleeping dreams, as a half-heard whisper at dawn she told the gem’s tale.

Slowly, the tale spread. A tale of a lost gem of unspeakable wealth told over a tankard of ale at the inn in Quon. Parents awing their children of a jewel that could show its bearer everyone in the world at bed time in growing kingdom of San d’Oria. She scattered pieces of its history throughout the world. Carefully sowing the seeds so that if someone was curious and driven enough, the entire tale could be gathered together and the gem searched for.

The Cheiftaness of my great-great-great grandmother heard a tale of a great gem from a traveling bard as a cub and like many of my race, was curious. As she grew she sought out any storyteller or bard for more, thirsty for any story they might have. Somehow, perhaps Yve’noile spoke to her in dreams; she realized that the tales she’d heard and learned were all about the same jewel. That the Lost Gem, Zilart’s Folly, Dawn Maiden’s Hope, Bahamut’s Gift were all one and if it existed still, it posed a danger to Vana’diel.

If there was any truth to the tales, then there would never be peace. The beastmen hordes would happily slaughter Altana’s Children to possess it. Altana’s children, cursed never be at peace by the Twilight God would destroy themselves to own it.

So, fearing that its existence would destroy the world, she began to search for the jewel. Years passed and she returned to the tribe where she began to take on duties given to her by the Cheiftaness and in time, replaced her as the leader of the tribe.

Loyiont broke in as Phe paused, “That’s it? She just went home and became Cheftianess?”

The disappointment in his voice had Phe smiling, “Ah-ah!” She admonished gently, laughter shining in her eyes. “I’m not done yet.” With a laughing wave of apology, Loyiont sat back and got comfortable.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:24 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
She slipped back into the story’s rhythm with ease:

She led the tribe well and was considered by the elders to be one of their best Cheiftanesses in many years. Never having lost her love of good tales, whenever a bard or tale-teller would pass the tribe’s lands she would invite them to stay for a time and tell their tales to the Tribe.

In time word passed of the warm welcome that every bard was greeted with and it was often the case to see one, two or even more bards in residence at once. The Chieftianess, already skilled at her chosen profession decided to also take up the bard’s mantel. She felt, rightly, that a bard would be more inclined to pass along their learning to another of their kind.

So it was, and so as time passed the Chieftaness gathered a truly impressive repertoire of songs and tales that when asked, she would tell around a warm hearth at night. Some tales were of legendary heroes or deeds long passed, others were of unexplored areas where tiny beings roamed and called on immense forces of nature to do their bidding.

Phe said at Loyiont’s look of surprise. She lived and led the tribe in a time when Windurst and magic were the ruling forces of the day, before the beastmen learned to use the same power, before the Chocobo Knights of San d’Oria were a force to reckon with. Before Bastok was more then an untouched hill on a mountain.

This was a time when Galka still lived in the great city in Altepa, before the Antican swarmed its walls and drove them out. It’s was a beautiful city, the ruins that still stand are a testament to the Galka’s skill after all these years.

Some of the tales she passed were also of the gem, the one thing, of all the Zilart treasures that the Dawn Maidens protected even after they had long since passed into Death and the after-life. She cleverly hid the gem’s history as another tale, a simple bed time story among all the other stories that parents and the visiting bards would tell.

Years passed. In time, she passed the duties of Cheiftaness to another and finished out her years as a favored elder and the one all the cubs went to for the best tales. She was often seen surrounded by the younglings as she passed along her knowledge and told of the Tribal History to them. It was a happy time for all.

Soon after, a small outpost on the northern tip of the great Eskimo jungles was established by a small group of Mithra. They were a separate tribe and free to select their own Cheiftaness. However, some still had the desire to see what else was out there, the sleepy solitude of Kazham was all well and good, but they needed more. They had a hunger that nothing in Elshimo could fulfill. For a time, exploring their new tribal lands were enough. The Temple of Uggalepih was a marvel. The tiny, misshapen creatures that guarded it fiercely were a challenge for a time, but soon even the Tonberries were no challenge to the adventurous ones.

One of the adventurous proposed that they journey across the ocean to see if the tales that they had heard as cubs from the elders and some of the senior scouts were true. The Cheiftaness was furious at what she saw as a willful disregard from tradition, forgetting perhaps that she had set out to establish Kazham with much the same adventuring spirit as the ones bored with life in the jungle had.

So it was, if any left Kazham they would not be welcome there again. The threat of exile did little to dissuade, in fact it made them more determined then ever to journey across the open waters.

The tale of how the Windurst tribe was established is a favorite of mine, but how my tribe came to be is a story for another time. Its enough to say that when they finally reached the Land of the Tarutaru, they were amazed that such tiny beings could hold such vast knowledge and control such power, but even the tallest of them were smaller then a cub.

The Taru, in return saw the advantages of being close partners with anyone who would set out simply to explore without any idea where the tides would take them. The youthful explorers saw the advantages of having a home that they could come to when exploring paled and happily joined the nation Windurst, where many filled out its military ranks. The town of Mhuara was founded as a symbol of the partnership and is still beloved today by my tribe.

So it was. San d’Oria rose to be a great power under the mostly wise rule of its royal family and in turn Bastok rose to meet the might of San d’Oria. The battles, wars and fall of nations are wonderful tales; many heroes were born and died in this time. But, again there aren’t enough hours today to tell them all.

A peace, after many bitter years of war, was settled upon and the 3 nations, Windurst, San d’Oria and Bastok, co-existed in friendly, but very competitive, peace. It was a good time for all, many advances were made, Selbina was built and the ferry route between the two continents was established. Jueno was also built at the intersection of all the roads to the Three Kingdoms and “all roads lead to Jueno” is a common saying still today.

It was during this time that the Great War broke out. The beastmen hordes, under the leadership of the Shadow Lord sought to destroy the nations. My parents met during this time, my mother was a scout sent out on a reconnaissance mission to Bastok where the fighting was particularly brutal and met my father there. For the rest of the war they fought together, each guarding the other and when, finally the war was ended, my father settled in Windurst with my mother to raise my sister Phea and me.

When my grandmother was one of the outcast from Kazham, she never regretted her decision to leave but missed the family she had left there greatly. When I was old enough to travel to Kazham I carried a letter from her to her sister who was till living there.

Years had passed, but it had not softened my great-aunt’s anger and pain at her younger sister’s leaving and she refused to speak with me. Her daughter, however, was overjoyed at the news that my grandmother had settled in Windurst and that she had cousins living there. I still keep in touch and if I’m in the jungles on some errand I stop by to visit.

Recently, my great aunt sent for me. She had heard of the opening of free travel to the Empire and had heard from her aunt that I would be among the adventurers journeying over. When I arrived she sat me down and told me of a mystical treasure, said to date beyond that of the Zilart ruins that still exist. She told me of the ancient Cheiftaness who had searched and found it. How the Cheiftaness had passed the knowledge of its location to a chosen successor while concealing its existence from the rest with her bardic talents.

How, ever since then there has always been one to know the gem’s true history and been charged with protecting it. Her mother, who had helped settle Kazham, my great grandmother had been the secret keeper of her generation. She, on her death bed, had in turn passed the tale to her only remaining daughter.

My great aunt was breaking the tradition and telling me of its story so that I could protect and guard its location. She ordered me to come here, in hopes that I would seek out and find the gem to protect it since she is elderly and can't move about as easliy as she once could.

Silence filled the room as her tale ended. Loyiont sat back, by turns stunned and amazed at her tale. ”Very interesting, my lady,” Loyiont said after a moment, seizing on a mundane detail. “I’m afraid you still haven’t answered how you came to be here after your ship sank.”

“Oh I’m sorry,” She smiled. “I thought you’d already figured that out. When I fell overboard I called to Leviathan. He brought me to shore here.”

“Although,” She winced slightly, touching her still sore ribs. “My ribs would’ve preferred a gentler rescue I think.”

“I see.” Loyiont wasn’t sure why that shocked him more then the amazing tale he’d just heard, but it did. It was certainly….unconventional to use such a magnificent spirit as a life preserver. “Why Imalda?” He shook his head, realizing the answer as soon as he spoke. “The library right? You were heading here all along.”

“Well, yes and no.” She corrected, gesturing at the stack of books next to her chair. “My main goal is the capital city, but since Imalda is one of the few towns that predate the capital and that still has many of the records and books from the Empire’s early days it was one of the places I was planning on visiting first.”

“I see,” He said again, thoughtfully this time. “So you do believe that the tales are true? This gem exists and you mean to find it?”

“No,” Phe said seriously. “I’m not seeking the gem. If I believed the tale my great aunt told me then I wouldn’t be here reading about what I am." She gestured at the books next to her. "I’d already know its location and would’ve gone there instead. I also wouldn’t have told you the tale but instead kept it secret.”

“What are you researching then?” Loyiont asked, irritated by her noncommittal answers. His irritation grew as she shrugged and picked up the books to carry back to the librarian for shelving. “I could say I’m passing the time, waiting until my companions join me here, which would be true enough.”

“But the real reason?” Loyiont asked, standing as she handed him some books. She shrugged again. “The real reason? Your wonderful library has some of the oldest Alchemist tomes still in existence. I’ve been studying the craft almost as long as I have the Red path and some of these techniques and recipes are simply drool worthy.”

Loyiont realized, belatedly that all the books they were carrying had titles like; “Philosopher’s Stone, a Crafting”, “History of Oldrin, the Noted Alchemist”, “The Great book of Alchemy,” “Alchemy, its Roots in Society” and the thickest, a black bound book that was unlabelled. “If you don’t believe the story your great-aunt told you and it’s not the reason you’ve been spending your days in here, why did you tell me?”

Phe looked over her shoulder at him as she handed the books to the librarian. She raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Well, it’s a good story and even if it’s only a legend it should be passed on.”

“So,” He began, handing his stack of books over. “You just spent two hours talking about a mythical treasure you don’t believe in and aren’t going to search for because you like the story?”

His patented disbelief had her grinning widely, he sounded so exasperated. “Pretty much. Why? Didn’t you like it?” His growl of frustration had her laughing as they left the library.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:15 pm
by Kateevia
Very nice. Still loving every bit.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:42 pm
by Golddess
Ok.. wow. Now you, you have talent. :o

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:28 am
by Kopopo
I sense a strong aura of competition. Trust me, Cerah's tale will be nothing to scoff at either. As for Phe's story... MOAR!!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:06 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Thank you all so much for you compliments! I'm so glad so many of you like this! Goldess, your story is wonderful and I've loved reading it. It was your story that actually prompted me to start sharing mine with you all. I look forward to reading Cerah's tale, Kopopo.^^

The moon was high, glowing the deep yellow of Earthsday. Soon it would change to a calm blue as the day turned to Watersday. Phe stood on her balcony, staring morosely at night filled gardens, thinking over the events of the day.

After leaving the library, she and Loyiont had headed back to the keep. They found Ralen there playing host to Mhina Prulinwa, a ranking officer at the local Sentinel’s branch office. She’d heard of the washed up Sentinel dressed in strange clothes~ the story of her arrival had been badly garbled Phe discovered~ and had come to see what was up.

Phe smiled as she remembered Ralen’s concern at first as they had looked each other over. Mithra were notorious for being territorial and jealous of newcomers. As he, Loyiont and Calen watched, half-expecting to see a fight break out, they had stood face to face staring in each others eyes while their ears twitched and tails lashed from side to side in the tense silence.

Deciding to forego bloodying up the carpet~ much to Calen’s secret dismay, he had a thing for girl fights~ Phe and Mhina had saluted each other respectfully and introduced themselves. After presenting the Sentinel invitations that she had been given by several recruiters in her land, Mhina had gladly launched into business mode.

She was glad to see Pheonic recovered from her experiences, there’d been word sent of accomplished Adventurers coming over as perspective company recruits and she’d be glad to discuss such matters further when Phe arrived at the their offices. Of course, Phe would understand why she didn’t want to discuss company matters in front of civilians.
She smiled in memory of the men’s pique. They hadn’t liked being called civilians.

Mhina had accepted Ralen’s offer of hospitality and after a friendly evening meal had retired, blaming exhaustion after her long journey. Phe had recognized the darting glances and speculative looks Mhina had given the keep as she was shown around for what they were and she suspected that Ralen’s housekeeper would find many easily lifted (and even more easily fenced) items missing after Mhina’s departure the next day.

She’d given Ralen and Calen a quick warning before making her excuses and going to bed. She wondered if it would be enough, they had seemed more amused then believing. Oh well, she shrugged mentally. She’d done her bit. She liked Mhina immensely, she just didn’t trust the Sentinel any.

She took another look at the dark gardens before turning away with a sigh. She’d taken to coming out onto her balcony every night in hopes that the night air would help boost her link shell’s power. The charmed shell she carried let her talk with any of her friends who carried a pearl from the shell. Or it had, before the storm. Something, she didn’t know what, had damaged it.

She knew when someone was currently wearing a pearl, but couldn’t tell who it was, when (or if) they said anything or where they were. And without her moogle, who normally passed messages between her friends and companions, she had no way of knowing if they knew about the storm or her being in Imalda. She hoped so, and didn’t want to move on to capital and risk missing them if they were journeying to Imalda from Al Zahbi, the Imperial Capital.

Not ready for sleep, but too wound up to read, she stretched out on a divan and looked out at the night sky. They’d been together for years, and when she had learned of the gem’s history, she had told her companions everything. Not the edited one Loyiont had heard. Only they knew that the gem had survived the years and where it had once been. Her great aunt had shown her an orb, one that looked like possessed ones she and other Adventurers often threw into Burning Circles to pit their skills against fearsome monsters and beastmen. This orb, however, showed the jewel resting safe, deep underground. Maps and places had changed over the ages, but her Great Aunt had passed along landmarks that, with luck, Time had left untouched.

She was determined to bring the gem into the light once more and to return it to the only one left who had claim to it. The Zilart were gone, she had walked the ruined halls of their conceit. The Dawn Maidens and Kuluu were no more, either dead or changed. The Star Sybll would treasure and protect its power and use it wisely, but the Papasque would seek to claim such a relic for the Church while Cid would want to study it and harness its powers-No! It wouldn’t happen, she wouldn’t let it. Deep in her soul, Phe feared that any war fought over this jewel would be unlike any war yet fought, even the Great War.

She shook her head to clear it of the gloomy thoughts. The jewel would go to Bahamut. He had the right to it and it seemed only right that he should wield it. If she could find it and bring it back to Monarch Linn, she would.

Like many Red Mages, Phe was confident in her abilities and would often go off alone to hunt or go on a one man (well woman) raid of into Beastmen territory, but as she looked over a garden filled with foreign blossoms and listened to the night calls of strange animals she whispered a prayer to the gods that she wouldn’t have to complete this quest alone.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:00 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
A ship, carrying adventurers from the western lands to the Empire entered Al Zahbi’s Southern Port. It’d been a long trip for the passengers who were more used to the quicker Airship travel or the blindingly fast spells White and Black mages used to move about the world. Most were more then ready to disembark and see what sights the Imperial City held.

At the prow of the ship an Adventurer stood looking out to sea. Although he stood alone, he’d boarded in the company of four others; who, after a brief conversation when the ship departed its home port in Mhaura had left him to stand alone at the head of the ship while they amused themselves in various ways. One, a bald Hume boasting some truly amazing tattoos, occupied himself fishing. Another propped himself up against some sturdy boxes and settled into a contented doze while his brother and like minded childhood friend sought out pockets to lighten.

Despite the length of the journey, the Adventurer hadn’t moved from his place at the head of the ship looking out over the water. It was as if he might leap over the rail and swim the rest of the way, so fierce was his concentration. His companions kept a wary eye on their friend during the voyage, in case he did decide to do something stupid~ like jump overboard and swim to shore.

As the ship approached the Al Zahbi harbor, one of the four; a ranger in the buff colors of his artifact armor, came to stand next to the silent Elvaan. The bald headed home glanced at his friend before looking out over the water.

‘Nearly there” He broke the silence in a determinedly cheerful tone.

No answer.

Danlor sighed and tried again. “It’ll be nice to get off this tub. I’d forgotten how boring water travel is. At least on choco-back you have to concentrate on riding the overgrown Harvest Fest main dish!”

It was as if he hadn’t spoken, the Elvaan gave so little notice. Danlor looked at the Elvaan in frustration, before sighing and bringing out the big guns. They’d all been dancing around the subject and Lodvico since they had received the news from the Tenshodo.

“We’ll find her, Lod. If she’s not in the city there’ll at least be moogles that we can use to send messages to her with; and we know where she was headed.”

Lodvico shrugged, the movement shifted his adaman armor, making it creak. “If I’d known you were silenced I would’ve brought along some echo drops.” Danlor continued as his friend remained unmoving. Lod’s lips twitched, as if they wanted to smile before he regained control once more looked out to sea. Danlor looked out as well, surprised to see that the rounded towers of the Imperial City were closer. His sharp eyes could pick out the gilding on the domed roofs. They’d be docking soon. As he watched the sea birds soar around the harbor as they approached the pier he sent a brief prayer to the gods.

Please let Phe be alive.


The five disembarked and passed through customs. Lodvico remained silent throughout the process. Danlor or one of the other three answering for him as needed.

Finally, they were through customs and able to see the city they’d heard so much about recently. Al Zahbi Whitegate was huge, easily the size of two of Jueno’s quarters. The port they were in was the southern harbor of Al Zahbi according to the map a local merchant happily sold them. To the north was another harbor where ferries connected the Imperial City with the town of Nashmau.

For the Windurstian natives, the city seemed almost drab with its earthen tones of tan and gold. The section of town they were in, Al Zahbi Whitegate, was laid out in squares open to the sky with connecting passages between the open areas. An upper walkway effectively split each square into an upper and lower part. Merchants and businesses dotted the area, they’d be walking down an alley, turn a corner and there’d be another merchant standing under a tent ready to sell his wares. Puppetmasters and bards entertained passerby with their talents and filled the air with sprightly music.

There were colorful vendor tents and intricate wall mosaics to delight the eye and also to be walked over, the brick worked walkways was just as pleasing. Everywhere they looked the two headed serpent of Zahak prominently displayed. One of the thieves, Liha remarked lightly that the sight of so much heresy would give the San d’Orian Papasque a good seizure if he were ever to make the journey.

Danlor and the warrior Drefan exchanged looks as they both realized that each square could be cut off from the other by heavy iron enforced wooden doors. Any one caught in the passage way when the doors slammed shut would have no way of escaping, although Danlor also noted that the ceiling had no murder holes. Anyone trapped in the passageway wouldn’t be roasted to death from above, but rather slowly die of thirst if the doors weren’t opened again.
After some perquisite gawking, they located the Residential Area and signed up for Rent-a-Rooms, eager to take a look at the rooms the Empire provided their visitors with. Lodvico shut himself into his room and remained there despite the entreaties of the group. After knocking long enough to bruise her knuckles and make her voice tired, Liha shook her head with a sigh. “He’s been getting worse hasn’t he?”

Danlor sighed in agreement rubbing the back of his neck. “He just sort of closed himself behind that damned Elvaan stoicism of his when he got the word. Everyday without news pushes him deeper and deeper into funk.” Faclan, the other thief swore roundly and kicked at a loose stone. “You’d think she’d have managed to get word to us by now.” Drefan and Liha both answered at once.

“Maybe she can’t.”
“She can’t send word if she’s de-“

Drefan cleared his throat at the glares Danlor, Liha and his brother leveled against him. “Well she wouldn’t.” He insisted sullenly. “Even if she’s in an area without moogles to carry messages she still has the linkshell, she could’ve used that to get word to us.”

“True,” Danlor sighed again. “Its no use beating the subject to death, if she’s still alive there’s a reason why she hasn’t been able to let us know not to worry.”

“It’d better be blessed by Altana, no excuse otherwise for putting us through this worry,” Faclan muttered under his breath. Choosing to ignore the Tarutaru’s comment he went on. “There’s nothing else we can do tonight so lets just get some rest.” Liha and Faclan operated on “Thief Time” and exchanged looks as Drefan nodded enthusiastically at the Ranger’s suggestion. Drefan was tireless in battle he preferred to conserve as much energy as possible outside the battle field. If there wasn’t something to hack into small pieces or anything to eat, the only worthwhile activity was sleeping in his opinion. With a nod to Danlor and a wave good night to Liha he walked to his room, bopping Faclan on the head as he passed. “Don’t get into too much trouble, brat.” He warned with a yawn. “This isn’t the Ducal Guard, here they’d probably throw you into the lion pit and be done with it.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Faclan protested with dignity, rubbing the sore spot on his head. Although his Hume brother had been gentle, his mailed fist was heavy. “Of course not,” Danlor agreed dryly. “And you and Liha will have no idea how your purses got heavier overnight while you were both innocently sleeping in your mog houses.”

“No, of course not.” Liha agreed cheekily. “Come on Fac~ I saw a teahouse on the map, there’s sure to be some easy mar~” Her eyes cut side ways to Dan as she hastily edited her word choice “friendly fellow travelers we can um…..speak too over a nice warm pot of tea.”

Danlor watched the two of them disappear into the teeming crowd and sighed. Tomorrow was going to be a loooooonnnnnggg day with those two boasting about their takes. Ever since Phe had disappeared, Fac and Liha had been getting progressively more wild and blatant about their thieving. He wasn’t sure if they were acting out of frustration and worry or if it was their way of assuring that they were still alive.

Danlor sighed, the memory of that terrible afternoon coming back to him. The messenger had found them all in Jueno, making the final preparations for the journey. Drefan, wide awake for once, had spotted the messenger first. “Hey, isn’t that Taru one of the Tenshodo?” He asked, lazily pointing out a fast moving Tarutaru cutting through the crowded streets of Lower Jueno. They’d all turned around to face the Tenshodo member as he came to a halt in front of their group.

“Good day sirs, ma’am” He nodded to each in turn. “Are you all friends of the Adventurer Pheonic Rae Blassae?”

“Yes, good friends.” Lodvico answered, while the others nodded in agreement. “Is there something wrong?”

The Taru had sighed and looked up at the tall Elvaan sadly. “The Tenshodo if very sorry to inform you of this good knight, but the ship carrying Mistress Pheonic to the Near East has been declared missing and presumed lost.”

“WHAT??” Lod’s shocked shout had been loud enough to startle the doves that liked to roost on the housetops three stories above the street. He’d taken a step forward, his hands opened as if to grab up the diminutive Tenshodo member and shake him. “What do you mean?” Drefan demanded, straightening up from his position against a nearby pillar. The Taru turned to look at the hulking warrior. “The ship lost contact with the mainland when a storm blew up suddenly. The last message was from the ship’s captain over the linkshell. He said they were badly off course, they’d strayed north and were in the vicinity of the Arrapago Reef, he was going to try to head to shore until the storm blew over.” He nodded soberly as understanding crossed their faces. “We fear the ship hit the reefs and sank with no survivors. It’s a terrible place for a ship to be caught out in during a storm I’m told.”

He looked over his shoulder as Lod gave a strangled cry in protest. The shock on Lod’s face was terrible to see. He turned away as Liha reached out to comfort him. Shaking his head in protest, he spoke hoarsely. “No, I don’t believe this. I won’t believe this. She’s still alive. She has to be.”

The messenger had looked over helplessly at the others who were still trying to absorb the news. “I’m very sorry for your loss, but I’m afraid it is very true. Other messengers have been dispatched to the victims’ families. I’m afraid I must leave you with this tragic news. I have others who must still be informed.” With a deep bow he turned and disappeared into the crowds to continue on with his heavy duty.

They’d all stood there in shock unable to move for what seemed like hours. Finally, Liha had given herself a full body shake wiped tears from her face and moved over to where Lod was standing. She’d put her hand on his back consolingly. “I can’t believe it either Lod; maybe her parents will have more news when we get to Windurst.”

“No,” He’d spoken harshly, “Go to pay your respects if you must but I won’t believe that she’s gone. She was going to that town, Imalda, to take a look at their library. She’s over there, waiti~”

“Lod-“ Faclan had interrupted before shaking his head and turning away, tears bright in his eyes. Lodvico continued on that same grating tone. “She is alive and will be there. If you all want to go to Windurst and add to her parent’s grief then do so. I’ll find her if I have to take apart that Empire one brick at a time.”

Danlor wasn’t sure if it was Lodvico’s determined belief that Phe had survived, or the fear that Lod was perfectly capable of carrying out his threat, that had spurred the rest of the group to go ahead and make the journey as well. Personally, Danlor wanted Lod’s unshakeable belief to be true but he feared that they’d find nothing in Imalda.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:10 am
by Kopopo
m-more... yes.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:40 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Lodvico stormed into his assigned rooms fuming. He knew what all the whispering and pitying looks were for; everyone, even her parents, believed that she had gone down when the ferry sank and that the Sea was her grave. They had come along on the journey to make sure he didn’t do something stupid when he realized that Phe was dead and would never again look up at him with the smile she reserved just from him sparkling in her laughing blue eyes.

Only she wasn’t dead. Lod kicked back, making the solid wood door bang in its frame in protest. He didn’t know why she hadn’t sent any messages but she was alive. She had to be.

Ignoring the faint tapping on his door, it’d only be Liha or one of the others and he didn’t want to be around their forced cheerfulness right now. He sat dejectedly on edge of the bed leaning forward until his head rested in his hands, the anger leaving him as quickly as it had surfaced.

She just had to be safe; he had so much to tell her. Things he’d left unsaid for so long that now everyone thought she was dead and he couldn’t tell her. He sat like that for a time, memories of her replaying themselves. Her fuming over a prey that escaped them, the excitement and hunger for adventure that she had whenever an especially hard fight or mission was put in front of them, her incandescent anger when a black mage refused to work with the group and negated her spells out of spite, her glee at defeating Maat, the famed monk who tested every adventurer as they mastered their chosen jobs, her delight to go explore the Empire now that it was open to travel and her fierce determination to recover the lost jewel.
Lost in his thoughts and memories, Lod didn’t realize how long he’d been sitting until a stabbing pain in his side snatched him out of pleasant recollections and back into mundane reality. Adaman armor tended to pinch when he sat too quickly and staying in the position he’d been in had stiffened up his muscles until they had cramped, making the pain worse. Now that he wasn’t lost in memory his body took the time to inform him of every sleepless night, missed meal and every single unnoticed bruise that he’d accumulated since the Tenshodo messenger had found them with the news. Muscles screaming and exhaustion making his head pound, he wearily began to shuck his armor leaving it where it fell for someone, probably his moogle, to pick up later. Exhaustion crashing over him like a wave, he fell face first into the bed’s sweet smelling sheets.

As he drifted into sleep he saw a room, grander then the comfortable rooms Al Zahbi leased to adventurers, and in a far corner by a large window Phe lay on a lounge looking out at the night sky.

Stunned, Lod reached out to her, whether to hug her close or to shake her for worrying him so much he didn’t know. As his hand passed through her shoulder, he realized that he was a in a vision. His mother often told stories of how her mother had always “known” or “seen” things.

Lod vividly remembered one such event from his childhood himself. His parents had been off fighting on the front lines against the Orcish army during the Great War and he’d been left to his grandmother’s care. He’d been almost ten that summer and could still remember how one evening after dinner he’d been washing the dishes while his grandmother had worked on her loom while she told him a story of her father a Temple Knight and gifted sword master. He’d turned to ask her a question only to see her staring off into the distance, shuttle dangling from the hand still lifted to bring it over to the other side. Frightened he’d rushed to her side, unsure what to do but needing to do something. Her breathing had begun to quicken, sharp gasps of pain escaping as she jerked and shuddered as if being attacked. She’d remained like that, lost in some battle only she could see for what seemed like forever to the young boy. Finally she’d given one last shudder and slumped forward, Lod was barely able to catch her limp weight on his shoulders before she hit the loom.

As he’d shakily asked what was wrong she lifted her head and smiled sadly at him. Don’t be scared, little knight She’d said sighing, I sometimes have these spells, and it’s nothing to worry about. Now, come. Put one of the loaves I baked this morning into a basket, and some of that jam we made last week. Oh, put the meat pie and whatever is left of the bacon shoulder in there as well. Caleven and his mother will need this more then us.

Puzzled, Lodvico had done as he’d been told and they’d walked over to his friend’s house in silence. There they’d seen a Temple Knight leaving the house. The knight had nodded at his grandmother, having recognized her and knowing about her ability Lod realized years later. He’d known she had no need of the news that he was carrying to families. She already knew. She’d seen Tavanazia fall to the beastmen army and was coming to offer what comfort she could to his friend and his mother. Caleven’s father had been one of the fallen city’s defenders. That hadn’t been the only stop they’d made that night. She’d insisted on visiting everyone they knew who’d lost a loved one in the final battle.

Lod had realized sometime during that long night that she’d been given more curse then gift, for all that the elders would sometimes mourn that there were few Elvaans born with the gift of foresight. He’d hoped that she hadn’t passed it on to him, but now, seeing Phe alive~ wonderfully, amazingly alive~ he knew that he’d inherited her abilities. This wasn’t a dream, he’d never seen any room like the one they were currently in and she had changed somehow. Just a little, it was more something sensed then seen. Her eyes, so prone to laugh at the world seemed dim, missing the light that made them sparkle.

He edged closer, needed to be as close to her as possible after fearing for her for so long. She was watching the nigh sky and seemed to be lost in thought, every so often she’d look down at the shell she held in her hand for a minute before shaking her head and sighing before looking out over the night sky once more.

Lod recognized the linkshell she was holding, it was the one she’d built for them all the previous year. Something seemed to be wrong with it, from the way she was acting he realized. Sighing, Lod wished there was a way to speak to her through the vision. To let her know that they were coming, to wait for them. Just being able to see her but not speak or touch her was like being in a form of hell. At first wonderful, but then unspeakably frustrating and painful.

He stood watching over her as she watched the night pass. Slowly her breathing deepened and her eyes began to close. Needing to be even closer to her, he knelt down in front of the divan she rested on, reaching up a ghostly hand to her cheek. His breath caught as she turned her head, sleepily rubbing her cheek against his palm. It was as if she could feel his presence, but how could that be? He felt nothing under his hand, but she certainly seemed to if the low purr she was making was any proof. He stayed like that for a long time, reluctant to let go of the vision and return to his lonely room. Finally, as dawn began to creep over the horizon he bent down to her face.

I’m coming, sunshine. He whispered into her ear as he felt the vision slipping away from him. As he drifted once more into sleep he thought he heard her voice from a distance, I’ll be here.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:47 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Colibiris were cheerfully calling to each other in greeting as the morning sun filled the garden and lit up the windows of the keep’s upper floor, including the window Phe had watched the night sky out of just a few hours before.

A face full of sunlight disturbed Phe’s dream filled sleep enough to make her roll over on the narrow divan, somehow managing to not fall over the edge onto the marble floor. The Mithra sense of balance is a thing of wonder and amazement in the other races. Out of the annoying rays of the sun Phe, still lost in sleep, brought her hand to her face~ almost as if to hold someone else’s hand in place as she murmured ”I'll be here”.

Smiling contently, she drifted deeper into dreams only to be blasted out of sleep when a colibiri landed on a tree close to her window and let out a raucous SQUAK that sent Phe bolting out of sleep and onto the floor. Even the Mithran sense of balance loses out to the combined attacks of annoying birds and Gravity and Phe found herself on the floor. The lovely hand woven rug she found herself on was not enough cushioning for anyone falling onto marble floor she decided as she picked herself up off the floor. “Damned bird,” She snarled as she strode out to the balcony. The bird was perched just out of reach and she could swear it was laughing at her. Eyes narrowed, Phe smiled grimly at the happily chirping pink featherbrain as it taunted her. “Oh its so on,” she told it. “You and your friends have woken me one time too often, pinkie.”

Normally, a colibiri would’ve been more wary about disturbing one of the two-legs when they were sleeping but he had never been threatened inside the town’s walls and was confident that this two-leg couldn’t threaten him. So, he merely flapped his wings sassily back at her, and let out another ear shattering call. Phe hissed angrily and- lacking any sort of ranged weapon to throw- she began to cast. She smiled toothily at the bird as it daringly took off from the branch to hover right above her head where he clearly thought she couldn’t reach him.

Phe might not have been able to reach him, but the silencing spell she casted certainly could and the taunting call he’d started to cry was cut off suddenly as the spell landed. “Disturb my sleep will you?” She called up to him. “Next time I won’t bother with the spell . I’ll just shut you up permanently.”

Being unable to reply the bird answered the only way left to him and swooped down to peck her, only to be laughed at as she evaded and walked unhurriedly back into her room and shut the doors, preventing him from following. Feeling smug- let’s see that featherbrain wake me up again- she walked over to the dressing area to prepare for the day. Since she was up she might as well stay up, she thought with a wistful sigh towards her bed.

Fragments of her dream came back to her as she took down her hair and started brushing out the tangles. She’d dreamt that Lodvico had been kneeling beside where she had been lying on the divan. He’d stayed there for a long time, watching her sleep until nearly dawn. He’d touched her cheek, she remembered, putting her free hand to her face as if she still felt his touch. They’d been friends for years, but as they’d completed their final training levels together she’d slowly realized that she felt something more for the tall Elvaan.

They’d been friends for so long that Phe had been unwilling to reveal her feelings to him. She didn’t want to lose his friendship if he knew how she felt but didn’t feel the same, so she’d kept quiet. She suspected Faclan knew, nothing escaped the tiny Thief for long, especially if it was something he could fence. By nature Pheonic wasn’t shy, as many black mages had found out to their dismay. No one, but no one had better dare to cancel effects of any spell she placed on ANY creature if they wanted to gain the magical replenishing charm Red Mages could place on others. The continued silence on her feeling towards the elegant knight had eaten at her until she couldn’t handle it any longer, and she had vowed to herself to let Lodvico know her feelings when they next met.

She sighed happily, her blue eyes sparkling as she looked at herself in the mirror. If her dream was at all accurate, maybe, just maybe he felt the same. Dreams were a chancy thing, what the dreamer saw in sleep might have a different meaning in the waking world. Diablos was a capricious and unsympathetic overlord in that plane and never helped when he could delay she knew. But, somehow, this felt different. She smiled widely at her reflection and went to greet the new day joyfully. He’s coming, he’s coming! Phe exited her room practically dancing at the thought.