Search found 64 matches
- Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:13 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: MithraPride group on Square Enix
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2241
MithraPride group on Square Enix
Nyah, so on a whim, I decided to create a MithraPride group on the official Square Enix site. :D There weren't any Mithra fan groups and only a few Miqo'te groups, which is a bit surprising considering you now need a Square Enix a...
- Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:01 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Lamia on an Airship (Large image warning!)
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5384
snakes on an airship 

- Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:37 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Lastest Accomplishments or Goals
- Replies: 2852
- Views: 1226516
This is for all you Summoner kitties out there... I just beat Garuda, lvl 20 battle. I think I went 1/4 on her, lol, and two of them shouldn't really count cos I didn't have my two-hour ready (okay, maybe they should count, just cos I was THAT dumb to not check it beforehand! lol). Anyway, whatever,...
- Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:59 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3404
7-A r0xx0rz 4 lyfe That's cool, Leane! :mrgreen: Thanks, Sugami, that means I know a lot of romanji. Lol. :oops: lol, with our ... appreciation (read: obsession) for Japanese culture, that's an appropriate name, Eviticus. :lol: Okuza, if you can tell her all that in Japanese, and ask her for a linkp...
- Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:56 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3404
A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck
Let me preface this by saying that I only know a little romanji, not enough to get me past any stage of conversation, and the Japanese player in question, Yukihime, claims to understand a little English, though I'd dare say from past experience with her (her?) that she can't handle conversational En...
- Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:06 am
- Forum: The RP Board
- Topic: My Solemn Duty
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8937
My Solemn Duty
((this is nothing special, just a short letter I sent out to all my old RP buddies b/e one of our mutual friends quit. His computer got a virus in the last week of his account, so his absense came rather suddenly and rudely, that last week with him before his account ran out STOLEN from us. As such,...
- Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:44 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Specified Job linkshells.
- Replies: 24
- Views: 9116
On Bismarck, there's a popular social LS called TheDarkstalkers. I got no problem with your Darkstalkers idea though. ;) On Bismarck, I'm fairly certain there's a successful SMN LS. I am 100% certain that there is at least one successful BST LS called BSTofBurden. Hope you found that interesting, tt...
- Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:17 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: PlayOnline Mail is the devil!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2203
PlayOnline Mail is the devil!
/rant mode Right, so, ever since NA release, every time I logged on to PlayOnline, it told me it was unable to check the mail and that I should check my User ID and password settings. Now, they gave me a long-ass address, which they told me I could change to something mor...
- Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:30 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Lastest Accomplishments or Goals
- Replies: 2852
- Views: 1226516
Got some help with the BCNM20 needed to get the Mannequin Hands and finally completed my Mithran Mannequin, after more than a year of having "It's Raining Mannequins" flagged. I like it, so if you were thinking of getting it... ;D
- Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:17 pm
- Forum: Guides for Kittens
- Topic: Leveling past 50. How do you do it?
- Replies: 19
- Views: 15388
Thanks a ton :)
Wow, thanks everyone, you answered my question and more! 

- Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:34 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Lastest Accomplishments or Goals
- Replies: 2852
- Views: 1226516
MP event
My latest achievement was hosting MithraPride on Bismarck's first event since I took over as shellholder. We did some "Teamwork" runs in San d'Oria, it was fun. 

- Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:20 am
- Forum: Guides for Kittens
- Topic: Leveling past 50. How do you do it?
- Replies: 19
- Views: 15388
Leveling past 50. How do you do it?
It was the Rise of Zilart expansion that raised the level cap past 50, right? And it was a long time before CoP and ToAU came along. So why is it that, after 58 or so (according to another topic I saw here), mostly everyone will be exping in ToAU areas? I mean, there were level 75 characters running...
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:59 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Merit Point Additions!
- Replies: 13
- Views: 3372
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:51 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Update Information!
- Replies: 30
- Views: 7909
So, wait, these are all new spells and abilities, job traits, etc? 

- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:28 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Eviticus check your PMs
- Replies: 18
- Views: 5813
*sacrifices 5 RMTers in your name, Eviticus!* 

- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:24 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Mithra Action Figure!
- Replies: 17
- Views: 5828
at first glance, I liked them, but I'm not a very critical person and, after reading your posts, I realize that they do look rather shoddy. 
What's more, the subjob choices make me think that this guy doesn't even play FFXI. ^_^;;

What's more, the subjob choices make me think that this guy doesn't even play FFXI. ^_^;;
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:17 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Big Talk
- Replies: 10
- Views: 2648
delays, setbacks...
Yeah, you gotta wonder how much of this wonderful stuff is being touted now and won't be that great later. I mean, this IS the same company that released prettier-than-actual PS3 screens/trailers/whatever at E3 2005, right? 

- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:14 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Release date of the continuation of the Treasures of Aht Urh
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4076
My friend cancelled his account earlier this month and I was hoping he'd get to see at least the beginning of chocobo raising considering, he said, it was originally supposed to be released LAST month, but now it's going to be released at the end of NEXT month?? He was reconsidering cancelling but I...
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:11 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3323
So... they didn't totally mess it up? 

- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:09 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Is there a silver lining on FFXI clouds?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 4474
come ON!
Yeah, Nohytuu, like we were saying in Linkshell chat mode the other day, I wish ALL rare/ex NM drops were 100% drop rate. I mean, it's not like we can sell them, and we'd still have to waste countless hours of our lives camping them, lol -- just not as many. I think it's a good start. :D Also, after...
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:01 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Sequel to FFXI?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 4529
phase out PS2
lol, yeah, PS2 phased out FFXI! :P I heard about this supposed sequel and got worried. All it would do is take most of our most experienced players with it, those who have done enough or advanced enough in the storyline. But, seriously, phase out the PS2... I know it'll suck for those who still play...
- Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:51 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: I'm Member 666, check the Member List
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1826
I'm Member 666, check the Member List
I'm the current shellholder for Bismarck (going to send Golddess a mail about it since it still says Dynax) and I'm Member 666 on the Member List! This doesn't bode well for Bismarck MithraPride. 
EDIT: And... that was my post #88.

EDIT: And... that was my post #88.

- Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:32 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3735
The original version I've only heard on the album, but a less depressing (or merely more hopeful) version is played in the U.S. radio from time to time. I like it. It was also featured in some TV shows over here, the only one I can think of off the top of my head being "Smallville" (a show...
- Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:20 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Happy Birthday, America!!!
- Replies: 39
- Views: 12922
Happy Birthday, lol
I'm not going to get into a historical debate as, since it's not in my Major, I tend to forget most of the details. ;D But I will say that, as I remember it, the French were inspired by the successful American Revolution, though we didn't help them directly in their struggle. Happy B-Day, America. ;)
- Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:11 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Chocobo Digging and Gardening(07/03/2006)
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3644
Black Chocobo.
It's nice to get an in-game look at a new color chocobo! Now... where's my green Jennet? 

- Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:42 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Lastest Accomplishments or Goals
- Replies: 2852
- Views: 1226516
Ifrit Prime!
I have yet to get those boots, but I'm working on it. XD I should remind myself to tell all of you for when I FINALLY get Nadrs, too... I'm something like 0/11 now, lol, after months and months of intermittent tries. But anyway, to the real reason I'm posting here: A certain lvl 75 SMN friend and I ...
- Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:02 pm
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: More Chocobo Raising!(06/19/2006)
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14360
So Exciting!
This is so exciting! I've always wanted either a green or white chocobo and I'm very happy about them implementing Green at least. :) I think I'll wait till people have written up chocobo-raising guides, though... don't want to mess my chocobo up, lol. Not to mention I'd like to wait till I know Gre...
- Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:47 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: "FollowTheKittys" LS
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1932
"FollowTheKittys" LS
In Windurst Woods, by the moogle, on the Bismarck server there is a Bazaarer named Filena, a Mithra in a blue-linkpearl LinkShell named "FollowTheKittys" Now, I might've seen it once or twice before, but not thought much of it. With the, ah, failure of the most recent attempt at MithraPrid...
- Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:37 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: FFXI Expansion
- Replies: 47
- Views: 19048
- Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:08 am
- Forum: General Kitty Chat
- Topic: Google yourself!
- Replies: 23
- Views: 7336
You are Undine, the summon spirit of water! You are loyal to friends and all of those who hold an importance in your heart. You will never betray them when they are in need. Also, you are very intelligent, cool, and collected.